
ARC Review: At Last by Jill Shalvis

This was my first book by Jill Shalvis and it definitely won't be my last. Oh my goodness I am addicted. I just love her voice and the characters that she has created in her Lucky Harbor series. Once I started this book I just couldn't put it down. Not only did I enjoy the relationship between the h/h but I ADORED the relationships she created between the girls and the boys. I love books that feature relationships between friends. I feel like it adds so much more to the characters to see how they are when they are not around their love interest. As for the h/h of the book Amy and Matt, I loved them. The chemistry between these two is electric and the scenes between the two are smokin! Seriously.

I'll admit, it took a little bit for me to warm up to Amy. She's just so hard and doesn't really let others in. She's had a rough life and has been on her own since she was a teen. She has been living in Lucky Harbor for six months and is on a journey to find herself through her grandmother's old journals. The journals chronicle a summer Amy's grandmother spent in Lucky Harbor where she found hope, love and peace. Now  Amy is armed with them and is on a mission to find all of the spots her grandmother talks about in the journals. I should mention that Amy is not a outdoors person. She is a definite city girl through and through. While out on her first hike, she takes a wrong turn and becomes lost and who should come to her rescue? Why sexy forest ranger Matt, that's who.

Ever since Amy arrived in town, Matt has been attracted to her. In fact, he eats at the diner she works at several times a week just so he can see her and possibly get to know her better. Matt knows now is the opportunity he's been waiting for to finally ask her out.

The relationship between these two is hot and sexy. Both are attracted to one another but both have so much baggage. Amy is running from her past and doesn't want to let anyone get close. While Matt is trying to mend himself after a broken marriage almost ruined him and his reputation. Both start out just "hooking up" but soon realize that there is more going on between them then just sex.

Seriously, I loved this book. It may have taken me awhile to warm up to Amy, but once I did I found that I really liked her. She's fierce and independent and I love that she doesn't take anyone's crap. She tells it like it is. As for Matt, AKA Ranger hot buns I loved him. He's just so dreamy.

If you haven't read this book you are definitely missing out. Not only is it sexy, it's just so much fun. The chemistry between everyone is spectacular and I definitely can't wait to read more from Miz Shalvis.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

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Connie said...

Jill Shalvis is such a talented author and a very funny lady. I enjoy her novels and am most certainly looking forward to reading AT LAST!

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