
ARC Review: Forever and a Day by Jill Shalvis

Wow I love Jill Shalvis! She has converted me into a true fan of contemporary romance and I definitely can't wait to read more from her. I definitely will be picking up her back-list and giving them a read. I just love her voice and the world she has created with her Lucky Harbor series. She has created a world that I am truly invested in and I care about everyone and everything.

Ms. Shalvis just has a way of making you not want to stop reading until you've hit the final page. Once I started this book I just couldn't put it down. I loved the chemistry between Josh and Grace. I was rooting for them and was so happy with the way things turned out. Not only were these two smoking hot together, but the feeling between them felt real. Their relationship didn't feel rushed or fake. I could feel the emotions between the both of them as if I were experiencing it myself.

Josh has his hands full with taking care of his rambunctious five year old son his his angry at the world wheelchair bound sister Anna. On top of his stressful home life he works as a doctor in Lucky Harbor averaging 80+ hours a week. To say his life is hectic is putting it mildly. When yet another nanny quits without giving notice he turns to Grace for her help and assistance.

Grace is new to Lucky Harbor and has no plans of staying permanently. She's just biding her time until she gets a good job in Seattle of Portland. In the meantime to make ends meet she does a little bit of everything around town. From modeling, delivery girl and now a dog walker for the towns hottest doc. When Josh propositions her to become his nanny for a week with the pay of $1000 she knows she would be a fool to turn it down. But what starts out as a week long gig soon turns into so much more.

Grace can't help but grow attached to Josh and his quirky family. The more time she spends with them the more they grow on her and she soon realizes that maybe she doesn't want some big banker job. She is truly happy right now, happier than she's been in a really long time and what's more, she feels as if she's home. It also doesn't hurt that her and Doc Mchottie can't keep their hands off of one another.

I loved this book. I can't say it enough. I finished this book within hours of starting it and I haven't been able to get it out of my head ever since I finished and this was at least a month ago! I just can't wait to get my hands on more from Ms. Shalvis.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

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Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

I loved this one too Dani. I think it's my favorite of the 6 so far. You're so right. Those two felt like a real couple. I love that it took them a while to get there.

Just love the town too, don't you?

Hope you enjoy all of her other books!
~Anna @herding cats & burning soup

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