
Feature and Giveaway: Playing To Win by Jaci Burton

Someone’s going to have to let down their guard…

Football star Cole Riley is notorious for doing as he pleases—on the field and off. He parties hard and fights harder, but if he doesn’t clean up his act, his career is over—so Cole reluctantly agrees to work with image makeover consultant Savannah Brooks. He’s not used to being told what to do, especially by some (admittedly hot) Southern belle. As for Savannah, she’s not convinced she can transform this cocky (and aggressively sexy) force of nature. But she’s determined to give it her best shot.

When the sparks start to fly, Savannah lays down the ground rules: no personal complications. If she can turn off the tingle she feels every time Cole gives her a hot stare with his gorgeous baby blues, he can turn off his desire as well. But for two people determined to have it all, a hands-off policy can only last so long before one of them yields.

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Check out my review here.

After spending too many years to count in the high stress business world, New York Times and USA Today Bestelling Author Jaci Burton is happy to be living her dream of writing passionate romance. She has written over forty-five novels and is contracted to write ten more. Jaci has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business that she is thrilled not to be using in the corporate environment anymore. She grew up in Missouri but migrated to California, where she lived for thirteen years, but now makes her home in Oklahoma with her husband and five dogs. She enjoys being outdoors in the summer and she and her husband are avid Harley riders.

Jaci writes in multiple genres, from erotic romance to romantic suspense to contemporary romance. She has won the RT Book Reviews Reviewers Choice Award, and has been nominated for the award four times. She has been a finalist in the Bookseller’s Best and National Reader’s Choice Awards, and has won The Romance Studio’s CAPA Award four times.

Places to find Jaci:
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1 lucky commenter (US ONLY) will win a copy. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: Which professional athlete would you like to see as a hero in a book? Why? 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jen @ RtB said...

I honestly can't think of a specific athlete I'd like to see featured. Most of the names I can think of are either great athletes, but I don't find them attractive or they're well, crappy people so I couldn't picture them as the star of a romance. *sigh*

Unknown said...

Yummy cover like usual... These are in my wish list...

As far as athlete... Maybe a football player...

Names escape me right now especially when I'm watching Hoarders... You evil evil woman! LMAO

Meg G. said...

I love books that feature wrestlers/boxers. A book about a WWE star would be interesting.


redzsm said...

I'm terrible for this and I know it...but I'd love to see Tim Tebow get seduced, lol. I think he is adorable & should meet some saucy chick who captures his heart & leads him to the alter. Plus, I love a good virgin hero story. I know...he's America's good boy & I'm terrible. Lol ;)

Kim D said...

The Rock
Thanks for the contest!!

*yadkny* said...

How about Tim Tebow? :)

laurie said...

i do enjoy equestrian events so it'd be fun if it was one of them

Jessie said...

I can totally think of a specific athlete! Dennis Seidenberg from the Boston Bruins hockey team

Swoon...he looks just like Jason Statham but even more badass.

Thanks for the giveaway!
j.l.obrien912 (at)

Texas Book Lover said...

Oh. How about Aaron Rogers. For no other reason than he is adorable and I love seeing him get flustered so I think he would be great in a book!

Krista said...

I don't watch sports, so really can't name a specific athlete, but I really love football and hockey themed romances. I would really love to read one of Jaci's books. They have such eye-catching covers :D

pamerd said...


I enjoy reading about baseball players - something about them seem very sexy. However, all athletes have that sexiness about them so I can't think of anyone specific.

Thanks for the chance

Mina said...

Football player Tom Brady is my favorite because he has that clean look, all American boy, dazzling eyes etc.etc. But I would also enjoy seeing David Beckham in a novel...the perfect rogue.

Vanessa N. said...

I usually watch wrestling so one of the wrestlers from WWE would be cool.

erin said...

Thanks for a fun post and giveaway! I don't really watch/follow sports either, so the only name that comes to mind is David Beckham. And he's yummmy :)

Unknown said...

No particular individual, but I would say a baseball player, simply because baseball is my favorite sport.


Johanna R Jochum said...

I don't watch a sports but I do catch a hock once in awhile. So how about a hockey hunk story!

Carin said...

Wow I have a hard enough time keeping track of my childrens names let alone the names of athlete's lol! I really can't think of any one that fits the bill. Carin
mawmom at gmail dot com

Sophia Rose said...

I would love to see Justin Verlander, Derek Jeter, or Tim Tebow be a star in a book.

This story sounds like a good read. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

lucy0326 said...

I think it would have to choose Michael Phelps since he's the only one I know by name :) and I think he's sexy lol

I've been waiting for this boo for like ever I can't wait to read it!

TxDee said...

I don't follow sports regularly although I do like to read about athletes as heroes in general. I wonder if any swimmers or track athletes have been considered hero material? They certainly train as hard as other sportsmen do.

June M. said...

I am not really a sports fan in real life, but I do like reading them in books. I have read many books with football and hockey heroes. These tend to be my faves, I guess because these guys have to be confident and are generally very alpha!

Jane said...

I love hockey and would love to see Henrik Lundqvist as a hero.

lucy0326 said...

Forgot to add my email l_guerrero0326(at)Yahoo(dot) com

Melissa said...

I can't name a specific athlete that I would like to see as a hero but I think that in general a football player or an ultimate fighter would be a good hero. I like a hero that is alpha and will be there for their female and I in my mind that is the best type of hero.


bn100 said...

Rugby because it sounds interesting

donnas said...

David Beckham. Or at least as the cover model. :)

Unknown said...

I love hockey especially the Blues! I would love TJ Oshie or Halak.

Di said...

How about Mark Sanchez (QB of the Jets) - he's very attractive & confident.

lavendersbluegreen said...

John Cena, because he grants pretty much every wish he is asked for thru Make A Wish. Wowsers! 300plus... so far.

Lexi said...

David Beckham, because I picture him as the hero many why not give the hero his name? =)

Unknown said...

I'd like to see Anton Apollo Ono be a hero in a book. I love to watch him skate, he just glides on the ice. He has a great personality, he looks a little bit like a bad boy, and he's cute. :)
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Shan said...

i would have to go with LeBron James or Tom Brady. my 2 favs.

Shan said...

Natasha said...

I don't watch many sports so David Beckham would be my choice. Thanks for the chance to win!

Adria's Musings said...

I'm not one for sports at all, I'd rather read about athletes in romance novels than pay attention to the real life ones. To me, the ones in novels are way more attractive.


Victoria said...

Josh Cribbs from the Cleveland Browns. Not only is he a great player but he's a really good guy.

Laura said...

I don't really think I want any professional athlete to be in a book I'm reading. I don't like it when I actually know the person is real. But, as far as hot athletes go, who doesn't love David Beckham?

Jamie Lynn said...

Tim Tebow. I'm all about him mainly bc he said he is a virgin and so it makes me want to corrupt him. I do love those virgin heros!

Unknown said...

I really like the quaterback as a hero, but I could see a defensive player as a hero (thinking Clay Matthews).

javalotta said...

I'm not a big sports fan, so the only one I can think that I would like would be David Beckham or a type like that.

Maureen said...

I would like to see Derek Jeter since he is a favorite in our house.

Yvette said...

Can't think of a specific athlete but a hockey player would be cool.

Annalisa Kae said...

I'd love to see Chris Kluwe, Vikings Punter, as a character in a book. He's hot, well spoken, a great athlete and a musician. Downfall - plays Warcraft but hey I could live with online gaming since he has the rest of the package.

Anonymous said...

dont follow sports too much but Angel Pagan from the SF Giants is kinda hot :)

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