
Guest Post with Author Jillian Stone and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome back to RFTC author Jillian Stone. Jillian is celebrating the release of her newest book A Dangerous Liaison with Detective Lewis and has stopped by to chat about Alpha and Beta heroes. Before I give the floor over to Jillian, let's get to know a bit about her.

Jillian Stone’s Victorian Romantic Suspense novel AN AFFAIR WITH MR. KENNEDY won the 2010 RWA Golden Heart and is the first novel in The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series for Pocket Books. Her sexy, supernatural Steampunk novel, THE SEDUCTION OF PHAETON BLACK, won the 2010 Romance Through The Ages Erotica category and sold to Kensington Brava. Jillian lives in California and is currently working on the next adventure for both series.

Places to find Jillian:

In Praise of Beta Heroes with Alpha Traits and Alpha Heroes with Beta Traits

I would describe Rafe Lewis, hero in A DANGEROUS LIAISON WITH DETECTIVE LEWIS, as a beta male with strong alpha traits in the risk taker, bravery and courage personality sector. In all other ways Rafe is a pretty solid beta male––the type of man most woman want to settle down with in real life.

I must admit I gravitate toward the alpha hero in romance fiction. According to new research in the journal of Nature Communication, women rate guys with high levels of testosterone and stronger immune responses as more attractive, which must be some sort of genetic hangover to our cave women days. That, along with the way our bodies like to store body fat! Alpha males make for hot romance heroes, but in reality alpha males are almost never the settle down types. Example: George Clooney

To continue on the negative side, P.Kirby, urban fantasy and paranormal romance author, has characterized the alpha male as all muscle/brute force and emotionally constipated. Could it be those muscular naked torsos suck up oxygen that would have otherwise gone to their brain? Alpha’s are born leaders all right, but are they known for their loyalty? Oh, I think we get it––alpha men may marry, but they’re still not the settle-down types. When I write an alpha male like Mr. Kennedy in AN AFFAIR WITH MR. KENNEDY, I always infuse him with a few solid beta qualities, like: brains and emotional maturity to make him an extra delicious hero!

P. Kirby’s take on the beta hero (which I happen to agree with) is that he is “more of a thinking man/woman’s hero. He won’t or can’t rely on muscle and instead uses his brain to save the day. But the beta hero is still a hero. And better yet, freed of all the stupid conventions of macho-hero-dom, he is allowed a healthy range of human emotions.”

As I see the beta man he is just as brave and full of daring-do as the alpha, and just as worthy. In fact, he’s the kind of man who can team up with a female and not feel the need to dominate or control. In that respect, he comes off as self-assured and confident about himself. A beta readily accepts a woman as his equal. Having proven his mettle in AN AFFAIR WITH MR. KENNEDY, Detective Rafe Lewis has earned himself his own love story and crime to solve in the just released, A DANGEROUS LIAISON WITH DETECTIVE LEWIS.

If you think about it, most great alpha heroes incorporate solid beta traits and beta heroes can be just as brave and daring-do as any alpha just comes down to how they’re written. ;)

Here’s a question for commenters: Name your favorite alpha or beta hero trait: Bravery, muscle, compassion, intelligence, muscle, courage, leadership, cleverness, loyalty...?

Thanks to Ramblings from this Chick, for inviting me to blog today!

When Fanny Greyville-Nugent's father suffers a gruesome death in the clutches of his own machine, mourning his loss is not the beautiful heiress's only heartbreak. Scotland Yard is convinced he was targeted in a plot to halt the rise of industry, and Fanny's former fiancé, dashing and dubious detective Raphael "Rafe" Lewis, has been assigned to the case.

For the estranged ex-lovers, bringing the notorious assassins to justice proves as tumultuous as quelling pent-up desires. Fighting peril and passion at every turn of a dangerous journey from Edinburgh to London, they are pursued by an anarchist group hell-bent on destroying her father's mysterious entry into the London Industrial Exposition.

When an astonishing discovery about the couple's failed engagement surfaces, the sleuthing duo realize they can trust no one. Rafe confesses new details about his infidelity and Fanny risks all to avenge her father's murder. But will Rafe and Fanny triumph over the pain of their past?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out my review here.

Check out the other books in The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series:
 Click on cover for more info.

1 lucky commenter (International Shipping Available) will win a copy of A Dangerous Liaison with Detective Lewis

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering Jillian's question: Name your favorite alpha or beta hero trait: Bravery, muscle, compassion, intelligence, muscle, courage, leadership, cleverness, loyalty...?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

i love bravery in my hero more than anything. Bravery is very important. I doesn't really matter if he's handsome or not as long as he is brave, loyal , and kind that would make do with me:)

JessS said...

I love protectiveness in an alpha, but sweetness in both.

Beebs said...

Compassion, intelligence and loyalty. Loved Zak and I'm really looking forward to reading Rafe's story.

Unknown said...

For me loyalty is the most desirable trait a hero can have. I want to know my man is going to stick with me through thick and thin. I also want to know that he's going to defend his men with everything he has. I guess I got that from being in the military!

miki said...

For me it's persistence and loyalty, because if you are the alpha you have to protect and the others won't necessary believe in you emmediately so you have to be patient and not give up

Ren said...

Loyalty, intelligence and leadership. Also compassionate and funny. Without some humor, I will more likely dislike my alpha hero :)

Connie said...

To me, compassion and cleverness are a must. If you have someone who understands your fears and what's important to you, in addition to interjecting humor into situations to help relieve tension, you've got a winner!

laurie said...

Loyalty, intelligence and leadership along with a sense of humor!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi aretha,

Brave and brains...and a sense of humor. I love a man who can make me laugh!

Chrisbails said...

I would have to say my favorite alpha traits are being very protective and loyalty. I like this in all people, especially alphas. Their are the protectors.
This book sounds great and would love to win and read. Jillian is a new author for me and always looking for new authors to check out. Thanks for the giveaway.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Oh yes...I love it when a tough, brooding alpha hero does something unexpectedly sweet!

Anonymous said...

Compassion and intelligence would be my thought. An Alpha is strong already by the title.


G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Beebs,

I'm so glad you enjoyed Zak Kennedy, he was definitely alpha with compassion, intelligence and loyalty!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Well, Detective Lewis has some making up to do with the heroine in A DANGEROUS LIAISON WITH DETECTIVE LEWIS but most readers so far, believe he does so with honor and bravery and honesty.

I believe you will really like Agent Gunn coming up, who suffers from the Victorian equivalent of PTSD. In those days they called it Soldier's Heart.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi miki,

Yeah, a really mature alpha male is a leader and he has to be able to command respect.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Ren,

When hero makes me laugh, it is huge plus for him!

pamerd said...


I love honesty, loyalty and protectiveness in my hero and I enjoy reading about both the Alpha and (semi)Beta hero.

Thanks for the chance

G. Jillian Stone said...


And cleverness is very important if you are a detective! I also like it when a hero can diffuse s very tense situation with humor.

G. Jillian Stone said...


Leadership is a good one, because to be a leader you also need to be brave and patient and strong. The whole package!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Chris,

Excellent traits! I do hope you get a chance to read the Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series.

May said...

For me, it's intelligence and kindness.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi noraadrienne,

I guess if you infuse enough beta traits in an alpha or alpha traits in a come out with the.....drum roll, please: Alpha-Beta

Which, used to be a supermarket chain in California. LOL!

G. Jillian Stone said...


Excellent traits. See my remarks above about Alpha-Beta males!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi May!

The kindness trait gets me every time, especially with big hunky strapping-male alphas!

Di said...

I love a character with compassion - the bigger & stronger they are the more it makes my heart melt when they are kind & caring to those not as strong as themselves.

cheryl c said...

Inner strength with a vulnerability where the heroine is concerned!

Phoenix Carvelli said...

A quiet confidence as a leader with compassion and protectiveness without possessiveness.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Di,

Yes! I'm with you, and they often take on other's problems, and make them their own. Love that!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Cheryl,

Yeah, the quiet, understated heroes are really hot!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Phoenix,

A perfect hero.

I think an ounce of possessiveness is allowed. Just enough to be sort of cute about wanting the heroine to himself!

Mary D said...

I love all of the above in a hero, but my favorite trait in a hero is for him to be emotionally wounded. I want my heart to break for him and I want to cry because I am so sad for him. LOL! Silly, I know.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Mary,

I think you will really enjoy the next Scotland Yard man coming up: Agent Gunn. He is a strong, alpha male and brilliant detective who is ex-military and suffers from PTSD, which in Victorian times was called Soldier's Heart.

Unknown said...

First I want to say that I have been intriqued with this series since I first saw the cover for An Affair with Mr. Kennedy, and when I read the description I was hooked....and now to answer Jillian's question cleverness, muscle, Intelligence, muscle alpha hero trait!

Lexi said...

You sure can write a beta! Wow!! When do we get the next one???!!!!

Linda said...

I love the honorable hero types. There are so many other characteristics which make a great hero tho; intelligence, humor (love a guy with a sense of humor!), compassion... & of course the physical attributes help too!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Haha Joy!

You're right. TO be truly hot, they've got have some muscle. Some of my favorites are the muscles that run from the hip down each side of the groin...nice!

Mina said...

My fav kind of male character is an honorable, brave, ruthless alpha male who hides a compassionate and protective side when it comes to women and children.
minadecaro at hotmail dot com

G. Jillian Stone said...

Thanks so much Lexi H,

I have an e-novella coming out mid November. For those of you reading the series, this love story is about a lost then rediscovered attraction. Inspector Bruce, the young scientist who runs the crime lab for Scotland Yard. He's a brilliant beta hero and he's also darling...for anyone who has ever had a crush on a professor in college...Archie Bruce will win your heart.

Then, at the end of November, A Private Duel with Agent Gunn releases. Now, Agent Gunn is definitely all alpha hero with plenty of muscle and brains...he is also after a ballerina, who may be a jewel thief or is she a foreign operative? These two are hot together!

I hope you get to enjoy both!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Linda,

Yep. You pretty much wrapped up all the traits that make a hero great.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Oooh, ruthless...ruthless is new to the attribute list. And I definitely like to see a hero who can be ruthless is his pursuit of a villain!

*yadkny* said...

I can't pick just one so my favorite alpha or beta hero trait is courage and muscle:)

Unknown said...

Loyalty, intelligence and leadership also compassionate and funny. Without some humor side, i will kick him out from my list. lol :p

thanks ^^


Izz said...

protectiveness, compassionate, loyalty, bravery, intelligence, leadership and strong, so I guess muscles is a must.LOL. Hunky troubled past but soft goey inside. ;)

Unknown said...

for me : i like a alpha man..intelegent, loyalty, and ruthless..
nice to know you jillian..

Unknown said...

Loyalty, bravery, protectiveness, and compassionate.

bn100 said...


Mary Preston said...

A quick wit & intelligent. A great sense of humor does not hurt.

Filia Oktarina said...

I love Loyalty in my alpha man, with intelligence and protectiveness :)

Eli Yanti said...

i love smart, strong (can protect me) and the important is loyal hero :)

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi yadkny,

Those are two good ones! And maybe the beta could lend a bit of loyalty to the alpha.

G. Jillian Stone said...


That's a really nice mix of alpha and beta! Rafe and Fanny are pretty funny together. I think you'll enjoy both of them!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Izzy: Love the hunky troubled past but soft and gooey on the inside!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Dian,

When it comes to romance, the alpha male rules, no question!

G. Jillian Stone said...


When we get done with this comment section, I'm going to add up all the traits and see which were the top five! The four you listed might well make the list!

G. Jillian Stone said...

I am such a sucker for brains––like a Sherlock type.

G. Jillian Stone said...


Brains and wit and humor seem to go together nicely!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi FIla,

Add bravery and a sense of humor to those three and I think we've got the perfect hero!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Eli,

I'm getting pretty close to making up the list now. And I have a good idea what the top five traits are, but I I'll call it at the end of the week! Gotta let the stragglers get their thoughts in!

Linda Henderson said...

I have several traits that I really like in my heroes but I think the top one is intelligence. I usually do prefer Alpha heroes too.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Linda,

I think that great alphas have to have some beta traits and beta's to be truly wonderful need some alpha in them!

Melody May said...

I'm a big fan of loyalty. If a guy can stick with ya through thick and thin then he's pretty amazing.

Jeanne M said...

My favorite hero trait can be summed up in one word "NOBLE"!

To me being noble encompasses the traits of compassion and caring. It is accompanied by the strength to realize personal failures but to continue to strive to put the good of others before personnel desires.

It takes not only the strength of muscles but also the strength to fight for what is right and having the courage to defy convention and instead set a new path of compassion and understanding.

What more could one want in a hero whether they are the leader of a country or the owner of your heart?

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Melody May!

Now Rafe is an interesting character in that he has to atone for an indiscretion, but oh man...does he atone! And man does he ever stick with Fanny through thick and thin!

G. Jillian Stone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
G. Jillian Stone said...

I agree! I have sort of stuck my neck out on a limb for this current Scotland Yard man. But what I really hope I pull off is the very strength you talk about...that he realizes his personal failure but continues to strive to put the good of others...particularly Fanny, ahead of all his personnel desires...well, until she gives him the go ahead ;)

Jeanne M said...

The complexity of your characters, their strengths as well as their faults, are why I love your books so much!

pc said...

I love both alpha and beta heros who have honor which is a mixture of bravery (and encompasses courage to do what needs to be done), intelligence and compassion. Honor to me means a hero knows the right thing to do when it counts!

Spav said...

I love heroes that have courage and trustworthy. Also helps if they have a sense of adventure.

Beckey said...

There is many that I truly like but I will answer with one that I read over the summer
St Vincent from the Devil in Winter by Kyplas

Great question and thank you for sharing

Hot Off the Shelves said...

Loyalty and cleverness would be my favorites.

Ileana A. said...

I like my heroes to be loyal, brave and with a wicked sense of humor. For me the sense of humor is the best trait a hero can have.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Thanks Jeanne M,

I do push the genre a bit. I don't think I am help myself. Lol!

G. Jillian Stone said...

I think heroes are particularly courageous, when they aren't the traditional super alpha males. What Rafe lacks in just sheer alpha forcefulness, he makes up for in his daring and determination to win Fanny's love again.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Yeah! They really should make adventuring fun!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Devil in Winter is possibly my favorite Kleypas romance, though I like the first half of the book better than the second half. And it's a road trip of sorts, as well!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Heroes that tease the heroine and are playful can be a wonderful read!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Yep! Like I said above, a hero who can make me laugh, wins my heart!

Unknown said...

I think loyalty is a winner for me. I love a man who stands by his woman! I read An Affair with Mr. Kennedy and loved it. I'm reading Phaeton Black right now and loving it. Can't wait to read Rafe's story!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Georgie Lee!

So glad you are enjoyed Mr. Kennedy and are enjoying Phaeton Black. Detective Lewis has a lot to overcome in this story, I will be so interested to see if you think he is able to redeem himself!

Shadow said...

I love an alpha personality! The fierceness, loyalty and ruggedness.

latanya t said...

I love muscles and compassion.

Unknown said...

omg!!! im the winner. thanks a lot ^^

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