
Guest Post with Author Victoria Vane and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Victoria Vane. Victoria is here today to chat about her Devil Devere series and has stopped by to talk about her inspiration behind it. Before I give the floor over to Victoria, let's get to know her a bit.

A lover of history and deeply romantic stories, Victoria combines these elements to craft romantic historical novels and novellas for a mature reading audience. Her writing influences are Georgette Heyer for fabulous witty dialogue and over the top characters, Robin Schone , Sylvia Day, and Charlotte Featherstone for beautifully crafted prose in stories with deep sensuality, and Lila DiPasqua for creative vision in melding history with eroticism. Ms. Vane also writes award nominated romantic historical fiction as Emery Lee.

Places to find Victoria: 


THE DEVIL DEVERE series is comprised of four inter-connected novellas involving six main characters and three separate romances. This series is also very much character driven with the machinating rakehell, Ludovic, "the devil" Viscount DeVere at the center of it all. DeVere's character was loosely inspired by a true Georgian bad- boy, Frederick 6th Baron Baltimore that I had read about several years ago. Although I found his life fascinating (the real life Baltimore kept a private harem), he was truly wicked and irredeemable; and while they are both filthy rich rakehells DeVere is multi-layered and definitely hero-worthy, with the right woman of course! I actually use Baltimore in the story as DeVere has an almost an obsession with him, and chooses in many ways to model his own life after the ignoble Baron Baltimore.

While not the hero of the first book, or even of the second one, DeVere is still the star that reigns supreme throughout the entire series. I loved slowly peeling his many layers to reveal his different facets throughout the four books. In the end, DeVere became one of those dream characters that come to a writer once in a lifetime, so one book became two; two became three, and then four.

As to the inspiration for A WILD NIGHT'S BRIDE, it came to me after watching the 2009 film THE HANGOVER. I thought how fun it would be to take a similar premise and set it in my naughty, bawdy Georgian world. I am a true-blue history geek with a particular love of the 18th century for its truly riotous living and history clearly shows us that the Georgians lived hard and played even harder! The era was notorious as a golden age for prostitution, gin drinking, and outrageous gaming. The Georgians would wager on absolutely anything, and shockingly, most of the worst offenders were amongst society's uppermost elite!

True to the period, high stakes wagering plays a very prominent role in the story, as does the theatre world, a high end brothel, and the many real life people, to include Prince George, who inhabit the pages of this first comedic romp. For in A WILD NIGHT'S BRIDE, Prince George accepts the gauntlet dropped by DeVere in seeking a wager he can't win.

In real life, George IV was raised by puritanical parents and ruled by various tutors and sub-governors who kept him on leading strings far longer than one would expect of an heir to the throne. Upon achieving a modicum of personal independence at around age 18, he completely rebelled against the King and Queen by taking up with almost anyone who opposed them! Thus, I could easily envision, George proposing anything shocking to retaliate against his parents, and his cronies would certainly have supported him.

As to setting, Ned and Phoebe first meet at King's Place, one of several houses of pleasure owned by Charlotte Hayes a shrewd entrepreneur who was once a famed courtesan in her own right. When Mrs. Hayes began losing valuable business to competitors, she decided to host an exclusive "subscription-only" party (orgy) that she called the Otaheitian Feast of Venus, the details of which are recorded in Nocturnal Revels, an anonymous book written in 1779 largely about Georgian prostitutes and brothels. I used this event in my story - with my own twist, of course.

Added to the mix was a number of salacious historical tidbits I had acquired in my general research to include: the Prince's scandalous affair with the actress Mary Robinson (closely mirrored with my fictional character Phoebe), as well as his profligate lifestyle, fast friends, and what would become his lifetime habit of collecting locks of hair from his lovers.

Although the first two stories in the series, A WILD NIGHT'S BRIDE and THE VIRGIN HUNTRESS are both comedic in nature, each subsequent novella has a distinctly different theme and tone. Obviously fantasy plays a role in the first story as seen in both the plot and in the love scenes that take place in the King's bedchamber at St. James Palace.

THE VIRGIN HUNTRESS however is more of a traditional romance, albeit with a highly unconventional heroine. Contrary to most romances, but in true harmony with its title, THE VIRGIN HUNTRESS portrays a role reversal between the hero and heroine. When the object of said virgin's affection has eyes for another, she is determined to win him no matter what it takes— and that requires some devilishly drastic measures! The tone of the story is very light and tongue- in-cheek, and the culminating love scene (there is only one), although very steamy is also sweetly sexy.

With THE DEVIL YOU KNOW, the series then takes a dramatic turn in tone with a darkly erotic story with elements of mystery and intrigue that explores DeVere and Diana's secret past. This sets the stage for the series culmination with THE DEVIL'S MATCH, a story with both light and dark undertones which brings the entire series full circle and neatly ties all the individual novellas together.

Book 1

What happens when a struggling actress and a grieving widower come together in a night of unbridled debauchery orchestrated by a bored and machinating rake? With the devil in charge — there will surely be hell to pay!

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

DeVere, on the other hand, evinced no such qualms. He had already loosened his cravat and was stripping off his coat.

"As I said earlier, there is no need," Phoebe insisted. "A couple of buttons and a raised petticoat are all the business requires."

"How delightfully unromantic you are, my dear!" He chuckled. "But while most men would be charmed to comply with your simple wishes, I have quite another game in mind. One that most definitely requires you to disrobe."

"But what if I don't want to?"

"Oh but you will," he said with a smug smile.

She glared. "You are very sure of yourself!"

He studied his buffed fingernails. "I am sure of Ned. Thus, we must put on a convincing show."

Her brows came together in a deep scowl. "What do you mean? What has Ned to do with this?"

"Everything. And at any moment, I expect him to burst through that door like a raging bull."

Book 2

Desperate times call for devilish measures…Lady Vesta Chambers is accustomed to getting what she wants, but when the object of her passion has eyes for another, it’s time to take matters in hand!

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

"But it is so large and swollen, is it painful?

"No, just uncomfortable. Now, may we stop discussing my …" the appropriate word for feminine ears failed him.

"Phallus?" she offered. "That is what the grooms call it."

"Why are you eavesdropping on grooms?"

"I used to watch the stallions leaping the mares."

"You what!" Hew almost choked.

"Well, how else is a girl with no mother supposed to get any education? Although I doubt Mama would have told me very much. So there's really no reason to be timid, Hew. I already know all about the mating process. And to the best of my knowledge, the stallions never 'ignored it until it went away.' Please feel free to relieve yourself of it. I would even help you if you would like. I'm not the least afraid for I have seen much larger ones."

Book 3

When dealing with the devil it's easy to be burned…especially when passion ignites the flames…

Beautiful, respectable, and dutiful, Lady Diana Palmerston-Wriothesley has long resigned herself to her loveless marriage …until her husband's gambling pushes them to the brink of ruin. Viscount Ludovic, "The Devil DeVere", is a man accustomed to taking what he wants according to his whim until he encounters a woman who won't be had at any price. But will a single night of heavenly passion damn them both forever?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

She wanted him too. He could see it in the rapid rise of her breasts. He could smell her budding arousal and would relish bringing her to full bloom. God, how he loved this dance! She had taken the first tentative steps, yet she still fought her desire, refused to give in to it, but he would lead her now. He was a master…and a ruthless bastard.

He moved behind her, his fingers riffled gently through her hair. He closed his eyes to inhale her faint rose scent mixed with womanly musk. He dipped his head, letting his breath tickle her ear. She shivered. He whispered low and sultry. "Do you wish me to name the ways I can please you? I am delighted to comply if that excites you...although it would please me far more to demonstrate."

Book 4

Once burned twice shy… but when old flames come together…passion reignites...

Purchase: | Amazon |

DeVere rose and came to her, perching himself on the arm of the settle. "My honorable and straitlaced brother could never satisfy a woman like you, Diana. He could never plumb the depths of your passion...unlock your secret desires."

His voice was low and seductive, and the flickering blue fire in his eyes heated her insides. Diana fiercely tamped down the smoldering sensation that threatened to reignite feelings she'd struggled to suppress. "And what would you know of my wants and desires after four years?"

"A great deal." He gave her a slow, confident smile. "Given that I was the one to unleash them."

Diana averted her face with a bitter laugh. "Thus you presume to have an exclusive claim to me?"

"Has any other exerted one?" he asked softly. He reached out a hand and traced a long, manicured finger along her jaw. "You are still unwed, Diana. Have you taken another lover in my absence?"

"It is none of your business whether I have or not, and you are grossly impertinent to ask."

He laughed long and low. "I think I have my answer."

She glared at him, and thus they remained, silently challenging one another for an interminable beat. Then suddenly his mouth was on hers, taking, possessing, as if it was indeed, his singular privilege.

Diana leaned into him, teasing his lower lip with her tongue and sucking it eagerly into her mouth before sinking her teeth into it. Hard. Savoring the coppery taste of his blood.

"What the hell!" DeVere jerked back with a cry. He touched his lip and examined the crimson stain on his fingertip, his expression a mix of outrage and bemusement.

"You took without invitation," Diana said. "It was a warning not to do so again."
Want to win some goodies from Victoria? Check out what's for grabs if you comment.

Up for grabs:

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Victoria. 
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. No email address, no entry.
  • Giveaway ends December 10th. 

Good Luck =)


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting Victoria today

erin said...

Thanks for a fun post and congrats to Victoria on the newest release!

Cassandra said...

Who or what inspires you the most?
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

wanda f said...

Hi Victoria your books sound great and I love the covers .Were you the one who chose the covers ?Thanks for sharing with us today.Have a great week

Victoria Vane said...

Thank you so very much for having me today!

@Erin- I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

@Cassandra- I find inspiration in any number of places but generally from history and most often from people I read about in history whose personalities and deeds tend to shape my characters.

Warmest regards,

Victoria Vane said...

Hi Wanda!
I LOVE my book covers too! They were all designed by Breathless Press'Cover artist extraordinaire, Victoria Miller. It was very much a collaboraive effort as I was able to tell her the look that I wanted and we worked together to find the right models/poses.

Carin said...

Congratulations on the latest release in this series! Thanks so much for sharing with us, this series is on my TBR list that just keeps getting longer :O)
I gotta say the covers for these books are way sexy! Carin
mawmom at gmail dot com

Victoria Vane said...

Thanks Carin! I'm so happy to be able to offer readers something truly different and word is getting out. A WILD NIGHT'S BRIDE has been on Amazon's Regency romance bestseller list for several weeks now and I have had so many emails for "more DeVere" that I have already begun writing a 5th book! Is is Salime's story (The Turkish Courtesan from THE DEVIL'S MATCH). The Book is called JEWEL OF THE EAST and is scheduled for a February release.

Yvette said...

Congrats on the release!Thanks for the chance to win.

Linda said...

I've seen so many posts with rave reviews of this series - i'd love to read it, as well as your books as Emery Lee. I'm curious why you prefer novellas to full length stories?

Unknown said...

I Love Victoria's books and this newest one sounds like a sizzler, can't wait to read it! Congrats Victoria!

Unknown said...

oops forgot email

*yadkny* said...

I haven't read any of Victoria's books yet, but I think I might have to after those fab excerpts!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I like that you used a real person for inspiration. I feel like it gives more depth to the character. I'll have to add these books to my TBR list!

Victoria Vane said...

Hi Linda!
I remember your unusual moniker from your comment on my author blog a couple weeks ago and wanted to tell you that you were one of my giveaway winners on September 4th.I already sent you a free copy of A WILD NIGHT'S BRIDE. If you did not receive it, perhaps you need to check your spam folder?
Warmest regards,

Victoria Vane said...

Thank you Joy!
I'm having so much fun with the devil DeVere!

Victoria Vane said...

Hi Yadkny!
Try like it. LOL!

Victoria Vane said...

Hi Patti!
I love taking the dull facts that history leaves us and breathing life into them.

Linda said...

Hi Victoria
Yes I did receive it (with much joy & excitement too!) but I'm greedy & would like to win a copy of A Breach of Promise as well
...or any other book of yours that you are offering :P

Natasha said...

Sounds like a really good series!! Thanks for the excerpts and the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

lavendersbluegreen said...

Wowsers. The excerpt from book two made me choke... I was trying to eat and started to gasp with laughter... Oh my!!
- lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

bn100 said...

All these books sound good. Nice covers.


Hot Off the Shelves said...

The characters and exerpts sound great.


Jeanne M said...

Hi Victoria!

I love your books and love reading your novellas because I know once I start one of your books I won't be able to put it down until I read the final sentance! I love your characters and feel like I understand all their needs and wants by the end of your books!

I'd love to win a copy of A Breach of Promise because it's the one book of yours I haven't had the chance to pick up!


Filia Oktarina said...

I haven't read any of Victoria's books yet, and i see these books very interesting. I love the cover book to, very sexy and yummy. :)

filiafantasy at gmail dot com

pc said...

Hi, Victoria! Thanks for the great excerpts! I bought and loved A Breach of Promise! How many total are/will be in this series?

Lona said...

I have read A Wild Night's Bride and loved it, so I am looking forward to reading A Breach of Promise. Love the cover's very sexy. Thx for giveaway.

blinkysthebest at aol dot com

Unknown said...

thanks for the great excerpt, i would love to read a breach of promice sinve i already have a wild night bride. thanks ^^

Annwitch said...

I agree that the covers are beautiful. I haven't read any of these books , but would love to start with A Wild Nights Bride.


laurie said...

Sounds like a really good series!! Thanks for the excerpts and the chance to win!

Unknown said...

i love that their Novellas

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