
Interview with Author Joan Swan and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome back to RFTC, author Joan Swan. Joan is celebrating her newest release Blaze and has stopped by to answer a few questions. But first let's get to know a little about Joan.

I was never a star English student or a Literature buff, but I’ve always had a creative soul and an active imagination. Writing was a natural culmination of those two talents.

Sexy romantic suspense is my genre of choice, and, occasionally, I like to dabble in the lighter side of paranormal as well. I write the Phoenix Rising Series, FEVER, BLAZE, and two more books coming in 2013, for Kensington and the Covert Affairs Series, INTIMATE ENEMIES, independently.

A triple RWA Golden Heart finalist, I am a lover of craft and closet-hoarder of writing craft how-to books. I’m a recovering OCD perfectionist…bet you can just imagine how well that’s going.

In my day job, I work as a sonographer at UCSF Medical Center, rated one of the top ten best medical centers in the nation – a location with an intensity that makes me slightly—okay majorly—insane. This seems to work well with my inner writer. Access to abundant character material—and I’m not only talking about my patients—is a fringe benefit.

I’m married to my own personal hero, a veteran firefighter, we have two beautiful daughters and are blessed to live in the heart of wine country on the gorgeous Central Coast of California.

Places to find Joan:
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First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Hi Danielle! Thanks for having me on the blog!

I’m just you average California girl. Born, raised, educated, living and working in the sunshine state. Married over 22 years to a veteran firefighter. Two beautiful daughters, one in college, one in high school. Work as a sonographer at UCSF Medical Center and write the rest of the time. A few of my rare hobbies are swimming, walking, photography, horses, knitting, scrapbooking…but I hardly ever participate…I’m usually writing.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Nope. Didn’t even think about it until I ran out of things I enjoyed reading and became impatient waiting for the next new release. I started penning the little stories floating around my head just to kill time and was instantly hooked.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Interestingly enough, I started out as a hard core plotter—down to the scene and sequel of every scene. Now, I “write into the mist” to the point that I have no idea what will happen until it comes out on the screen.

I seriously need to find a happy medium or resort to upping my anxiety meds.

Where do your ideas come from?
My psychotic little brain. Bwahahahaha! Actually, um, they do.

Idea used to come from outside sources—news, movies, books, etc. But the longer I write, the more I notice that stories actually come out of stories. What I mean is that not everything I want to put into one book will fit. Often, those little subplots or tendrils of subplots that I keep out spiral into an entire book or series of its own. In short, I’ve found my best ideas from writing.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
This is for BLAZE:
Endowed with paranormal powers from chemical exposure, ex-lovers are reunited to defeat the powerful enemy that originally tore them apart.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
Suspense with action and a romance thread that ends on a positive note. I typically read thrillers, mainstream suspense and romantic suspense, but a good story is a good story, no matter what genre.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
No favorite book. I’m a rather eclectic reader, across genres, authors, series. I have many memorable books, but too many to list.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Transition scenes. Weird, right? They should be easy. But they’re not! Nothing interesting is happening. No action, no drama, nothing noteworthy. **snooze** My challenge is getting those transition scenes to sing…or cut them out altogether.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Elisabeth Naughton, Kristina McMorris and Katharine Ashe – because anytime I get together with any of those girls, I laugh my ass off.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Aaaaaaaalways!! Right now I’m finishing up book 3 in the Phoenix Rising series, RUSH, and will immediately start on book 4. I’m also going to squeeze in work on the second book in the Covert Affairs series. And I’ll probably brainstorm another book or two in between J.

Thanks so much for having me on the blog Danielle!

The hotter they come, the harder they fall…

With a man like him, every mission becomes personal…

Ever since FBI agent Keira O’Shay started tracking a young boy named Mateo, she’s felt a connection even her empathic abilities can’t explain. Sheneeds to save Mateo from the cult leader holding him hostage. Nothing can interfere with that—not even the reappearance of Luke Ransom, the hot-as-hell fire captain she’s regretted walking out on for three long years.

Losing Keira left Luke vulnerable—in every way. When they were together, the powers each possesses were mysteriously enhanced. But it’s the sexy, surprising woman beneath the tough exterior that Luke’s really missed. Even if she betrayed him utterly. And even if agreeing to help her uncover a government conspiracy means watching his life and his heart go up in flames again…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out the other books in Phoenix Rising series:
Click on cover for more info. 

1 lucky commenter (US/Canada ONLY) will win a copy of Blaze

To Enter:
  • Please leave a meaningful comment or question for Joan.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kaylyn D said...

I loved Fever! It was awesome! I'm excited to see Luke again! Which book was easier to write Fever or Blaze?

laurie said...

blaze sounds like a very interesting read. i haven't read any of joans work as yet but once i save up enough money i will get a copy

Natasha said...

Sounds like an awesome series!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Sheba said...

Enjoying the series. Can't wait to find out what really happen to these guys.

crystaley73 said...

I loved Fever Thanks for the chance to win
crystaley73 at yahoo dot com

SdyLion said...

I really have been hoping to get my hands on this series. It looks like an excellent read. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

Yvette said...

I love the cover..your design?

Shawny said...

I haven't read your books. Will Blaze work as a stand alone book, or should I read Fever first?

Cris said...

The word 'paranormal' generally sends me running the other way (maybe it's the scientist in me?), but I'd heard so many great things about FEVER that I picked it anyway, absolutely loved it, and discovered a new favourite author. Stoked for BLAZE, and RUSH, and book #4, and the rest of the Phoenix Rising series :)

Andrea said...

I really enjoyed Fever and I can't wait to get Blaze.

Holly said...

Can't wait to get my hands on this one =)

donnas said...

Congrats on the new release! Looking forward to reading it.

Joan Swan said...

Hi Kaylyn! Thrilled you enjoyed FEVER!

In some ways, yes, BLAZE was easier, and in some ways no -- how is that for wiggling out of a question?

BLAZE was easier in that I rewrote FEVER from a finished straight romantic suspense to a romantic suspense with the "Heroes" paranormal elements. Then I rewrote the entire second half again when my editor felt it lagged. In that way, FEVER was a real b^tch to write :). A labor of love.

BLAZE was very different. I had the benefit of 1) knowing what paranormal element I was incorporating and 2) my editor had given me fabulous help in keeping the pacing up, and BLAZE had a built in fast second half, so pacing wasn't an issue. While I revised BLAZE many times -- as is my OCD habit -- I never had to rewrite and the edits on the final manuscript were minor.

The way BLAZE was difficult, and the way I'm finding book 3, RUSH, difficult is tying in the previous books, setting up for the next book and still making the book itself strong enough to stand alone. That is not an easy job!!


Joan Swan said...

Hi Laurie!

You're in luck! My self published romantic suspense goes FREE on Amazon for three days starting tonight at midnight. Hope you can grab it and get a taste of my writing.

Joan Swan said...

Sorry, the title is INTIMATE ENEMIES :)

Joan Swan said...

Thanks for coming by Natasha!

Joan Swan said...

Heh, me either Sheba! Me either!!

Thanks for stopping darlin'!

Joan Swan said...

Hi there Crystal! Thanks for hanging with me on the blog tour! Good luck in the giveaway!

Joan Swan said...

Hi SdyLion!

Good luck in the giveaway. You can also try out my romantic suspense INTIMATE ENEMIES for FREE for the next three days.

Joan Swan said...

Hi Yvette,

Thanks! Nope, can't take credit, those are all Kensington!

Joan Swan said...

Hi Shawny,

BLAZE can be read as a stand alone without losing any of it's character. I think starting with FEVER, if you have a choice and access to both, is fun for the reader because you can follow the characters from the onset.

Joan Swan said...

Thanks so much Cris!! xoxo

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Adrea, hope you LOVE it!

Joan Swan said...

Can't wait for you to get your hands on it Holly :-D. Hope you enjoy!!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks so much Donna!! xo

Unknown said...

Congrats of the release of Blaze! Have you ever been involved in something at work and then later thought, that would make a good book?
luvfuzzzeeefaces at

*yadkny* said...

Congrats on the latest Joan! Can't believe you're almost 3 books into the series!

June M. said...

Congrats on the release of BLAZE, I can't wait to read it. I did love FEVER :)

Joan Swan said...

Yes! That is exactly how FEVER came to being. I used to work with prisoners on a daily basis and spent a hell of a lot of time wondering...what if...

Joan Swan said...

I KNOW!! Crazy or what??? Thanks for coming by!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks so much June!

Unknown said...

I'd love to help Luke move on!!! :) Just kidding, the book sounds really good. Congrats on the new release! I'll be adding it to my TBR list!

Bama said...

can't wait to read this :)

Victoria said...

Congratulations on BLAZE! After FEVER I can't wait to see what happens.

Kaylyn D said...

You didn't wiggle out of the question. lol Thanks for replying back to me!

Texas Book Lover said...

You mentioned that you are finishing up book 3 and will start on book 4. How many books do you foresee there being in the Phoenix Rising series?

Loved Fever by the way...looking forward to Blaze!

Thanks so much!

Em said...

I have not read one from this author before, this sounds like a fantastic read.

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. How many books in the series?


justpeachy36 said...

I'm really looking forward to reading this book. The first one was awesome.

Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Tina B said...

You are certainly a busy little bee Joan. :)
I love those covers! So sexy. ;)
I find it so interesting to hear where authors get their ideas from. Do you ever run them by your family and friends before you start a story?
Congrats on your new release! I can't wait to read it!

Joan Swan said...

LOL, you and me both Patricia! He's just yummy!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Bama! Hope you LOVE!

Joan Swan said...

Hi Victoria! Thanks! I think it's a real upswing in the series! LOTS of fun!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Texas! I could easily envision 7 at this point, but new characters keep popping up and acting so sexy and heroic...what's a girl to do???

Joan Swan said...

Hi Em! I LOVE finding new readers! AND my Romantic suspense INTIMATE ENEMIES is FREE at Amazon today. Run over, pick it up and see if you like my writing style! Hopefully you do and you'll be excited to start the Phoenix Rising series!

Joan Swan said...

Hi Joanne,

Right now, I'm contracted for 4, though I could easily envision 7+. Too many hot, heroic guys for my own good!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Just Peachy!! BLAZE is even better! :)

Joan Swan said...

TINA B!!! How are you? How's that handsome hubby and darling little B?

My ideas used to come more from outside sources than they do now. Now, I actually get most of my writing from writing -- a thread that doesn't fit into a current book or an idea that sparks from something I'm writing.

I NEVER run stories by family or friends. Or hubby. Initially because I was embarrassed, but now because they're freaking hard to structure and unless someone is well versed in novel structure, I end up going around in circles and getting really sidetracked!

Di said...

I've always enjoyed stories about law enforcement and this paranormal twist is sure to add a lot of interesting situations to the stories - I know I'll enjoy this series.

sallans d at yahoo dot com

susan said...

this author sounds good and her book covers are hot.sue leech

Shadow said...

This sounds great!! Id love to read it! Thanks for sharing and for the great giveaway!

bn100 said...

Congrats on the book! It sounds good.

Modokker said...

Congrats Joan! I loved Blaze. I would like to know which character is going to be main character in Rush the one your finishing up.

Lisa B

lavendersbluegreen said...

Sounds great. So... as a child or young adult, or both; what was your favorite book, series or author? Thanks for the giveaway.
- lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

Cassandra said...

Congrats on the release. I can't wait to read this book. If someone had never read anything by you what would you suggest they start with?
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Hot Off the Shelves said...

The Phoenix Rising series is a favorite of mine - I was talking about it to a coworker just the other day!


Phyllis M said...

Hi Ladies....I love to read Paranormal romance mixed with suspense. It is one of the reasons why I love the idea for the Phoenix Rising series. It has it all!

brandypm at optonline dot net

Joan Swan said...

Very cool!! :)

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Susan, Kensington did a nice job with the covers.

Joan Swan said...

Thanks for coming by Shadow

Joan Swan said...

Thanks BN!

Joan Swan said...

Rush is Jessica and Quaid's book. It's a real challenge to write and it's definitely pushing my skill.

Joan Swan said...

Hi! Great question! It was the Nancy Drew mystery series. I LOVED those books! Devoured them!

Joan Swan said...

Oh, gosh, that's a great question -- but also hard to answer. The three books out were written close to the same time ... or rather, rewritten and/or revised around the same time, so the quality of writing is roughly the same.

Out of them all, I think BLAZE is my best book, but that doesn't mean you have to start there. That's a toss up Cassandra. I think you could start anywhere, but you may as well start at the beginning of a series, and since I won't be able to write the second book in the Covert Affairs series for a while, FEVER might be the best place to start.

Joan Swan said...

Oh, how I LOVE hearing that!! Thank you!

Joan Swan said...

I love the two mixed as well -- lots to keep up the tension and the pace.

Joan Swan said...

LOL, the only similarities he sees is his image on the cover of FEVER...though, he does understand why they had to add the tattoo (*snort*) In my dreams, right? :) Thought DH is a cutie too.

Melissa said...

Hello Joan! I really loved Fever and I can't wait to read Blaze! Fever had me hooked from the 1st chapter and I know Blaze will do the same!!


Unknown said...

I loved fever as well and I am looking forward to reading Blaze & loving the hot cover on this one as much as the other. :)

Chrisbails said...

What a great giveaway. Have heard great things about your books. Will have to pick up and read Fever first. Both are great covers, yummy. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

This looks like a great read. Thanks for the giveaway.

Tina B said...

They are wonderful, thank you! I hope your daughters and hubby doing? How is that puppy? ;)
Thank you for sharing.

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