
ARC Review: The Care and Feeding of an Alpha Male by Jessica Clare

This was the second book that I've read from Jessica Clare and I loved it. It was just so good and I couldn't put it down. I loved the relationship between Cold and Beth Ann. Not only did these love each other but they brought out the best in one another. I love that we were able to watch their relationship progress from two people that couldn't stand each other to a couple that doesn't feel complete without the other. Both Colt and Beth Ann grew leaps and bounds by the last page and I just loved how things progressed.

Beth Ann has finally had it with her cheating fiance' and has finally cut him loose after nine years of dating. While everyone in town is convinced that Beth Ann is just going through a phase and will eventually take him back, she knows the real truth. That her ex-fiance' was a lying, cheating jerk and she's glad to be rid of him. Now she is bound and determined to become independent and be able to take care of herself without anyone else's help. Everything is great and dandy until she gets lost in the woods during a downpour while out looking for her sister.

The day after Colt graduated high school he fled Bluebonnet and joined the Marines. He was determined to get as far away from Bluebonnet as he could. He never expected to get hurt in the line of duty and now he's back in Bluebonnet working alongside his buddies Dane and Grant running a survival school. Not only does he work at the survival school, he also works as a volunteer for the local fire department. When a bad storm hits, he's responsible for helping to evacuate the area, this includes finding Beth Ann.

Colt and Beth Ann have a tempestuous relationship to say the least. Both have never gotten along and neither are happy to see the other. When Beth Ann is less than grateful for Colt's assistance he decides to teach her a lesson. He tells Beth Ann that they are rained out and stranded in the woods and will have to wait out the rain before they can return home. But instead of complaining and being a spoiled brat, Colt is surprised that he is actually getting along with Beth Ann. Not only are they both getting along, both are quickly beginning to realize just how attracted they are to one another. When Beth Ann propositions Colt asking him to be her first one night stand he knows the right thing would be to say no, but there is just no way he can turn her away. She's just too sexy. The next day both realize that they aren't satisfied with just one night. But can two people that have always hated each other turn that around into a real relationship? Or is it just sex?

I love the relationship between these two and oh my goodness were these two hot together! I loved watching them both realize just how much they cared for the other. I love how protective Colt is when it comes to Beth Ann but not only is he protective, he's so caring. He became the rock she needed and I love that we were able to see his walls come down and let her in.

This book is definitely worth picking up.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |


Adria's Musings said...

Gah I've been waiting for so long for this book. I loved the first book in the series so much. Glad to see this one doesn't disappoint.

Breath of Life Reviews

RFTC Blog said...

It's so good. I loved the first book in the series but I definitely liked this one more.

Adria's Musings said...

I really need to get this book then, because I really loved the first book but I do love the gruff, kinda grumpy hero types.

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