
Guest Post with Author Caridad Pineiro and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome author Caridad Pineiro to RFTC. Caridad is celebrating the release of her book Kissed by a Vampire and has stopped by to chat. Please give Caridad a warm welcome.

New York Times and USA Today bestselling paranormal and romantic suspense author Caridad Pineiro wrote her first novel in the fifth grade when her teacher assigned a project – to write a book for a class lending library. Bitten by the writing bug, Caridad continued with her passion for the written word through high school, college and law school. In 1999, Caridad’s first novel was released and over a decade later, Caridad is the author of over thirty-five published novels and novellas. When not writing, Caridad is an attorney, wife and mother to an aspiring writer and fashionista.

Places to find Caridad:

It’s so exciting to have a release in THE CALLING/REBORN series once again. This is a series of my heart and I’m so happy that there will be at least another four books in the series headed your way over the next year!

I want to thank all of you who have been patiently waiting and asking when the next books would be out and also asking what was up with FBI Agent Diana Reyes and old Southern vampire Ryder Latimer. I know you won’t be disappointed with their upcoming story since their two of my favorites and I really wanted to make things special for them.

Just like I wanted to make things special for Stacia. Since this 2000 year old vampiress walked onto the scene in DEATH CALLS, I knew there was a lot behind her very sexy, aggressive façade. I knew that beneath all that overblown confidence there was someone who was really hurting inside.

It was really fascinating reaching behind the walls Stacia had erected to explore how she had become what she was, both as a vampire and emotionally. It was not a simple story, but rather one that was compelling and touching.

I loved writing it and I hope you’ll enjoy it! In KISSED BY A VAMPIRE you get to explore Stacia’s past and present. You all get to see when she finally meets her match in DEA Agent Alex Garcia, a man who is filled with love and honor. One who she can’t chase away with the reality of her demon status. One who refuses to believe that she is as uncaring as she tries to pretend.

As I mentioned, in KISSED BY A VAMPIRE I explore Stacia’s past and that involved writing some scenes in Ancient Rome. That’s one of the fun things about writing vampire stories – exploring other eras in history.

Do you like seeing those backgrounds in your vampire romances or do you prefer more modern vampires?

A vampire who has given up on love gets a second chance from a most unlikely mortal…

For two thousand years, vampire elder Stacia has roamed on her own, haunted by the betrayal that turned her into a creature of the night. Her nights looming empty and eternal, Stacia longs for love, but settles for quick bites and sinful pleasures in South Beach. Until she comes face-to-face with the unforgettable DEA agent she once brought back from the brink of death.

Alex Garcia knows that demons exist-the real kind, the kind that are kidnapping women and selling them into slavery. Finding those victims is his focus-not a beautiful seductress whose otherworldly abilities can’t possibly be real. But when Stacia summons all her powers to prove what she really is, Alex will summon all his to believe in the vampire’s kiss…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Click for more info.

1 lucky commenter will win a copy of The Claimed 

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering the question: Do you like seeing those backgrounds in your vampire romances or do you prefer more modern vampires?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Carol L. said...

I love History and so I enjoy having these scenes n the book with Vamps, after all they have lived so many years it's exciting to have the history of their beginnings and the present as well.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Caridad Pineiro said...

Thank you for coming by! It's always a pleasure to hear what you guys like in a story. Stacia has an interesting past and I loved sharing it with you.

Eli Yanti said...

I don't mind whether the story will set in background or modern as long as i can enjoy the book

thanks for the giveaway :)

Annwitch said...

I love historical as well as contemporary romances, especially with a hot vampire in them. I think the covers are great.

Diane said...

I do so long as it's not a constant as one chapter then one chapter now, thing.

diane dot sadler at gmail dot com

sheryl said...

I don't mind either one really. I guess it depends on the story. The covers of the books are really nice.

laurie said...

I don't mind whether the story will set in background or modern as long as i can enjoy the book

Carin said...

I am a huge history geek so you know I love the history OO) Carin mawmom at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I like different backgrounds in vampire romances.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Caridad Pineiro said...

Thank you all for coming by! Mixing in the history is sometimes tough because you don't want to pull people out of the current story. I was able to mix it in a couple of areas and I hope you guys will find that it worked.

donnas said...

Both as long as it makes sense and is well written

JanD said...

Since I mostly read historical and paranormal romance, the background history in a vampire's life is very welcome.

Barb P said...

Hi Caridad!! I do like a little background/history in the books that I read. Although I am not a big fan of strictly historical novels. I like my books to be current day. Thanks for the awesome interview and congrats on the new book my friend!

Abigail Sharpe said...

Caridad! Waving hi - I sat across from you at the Winery in Anaheim. :)

I like to know what made the heroine into what she is. I suspect if she's 2000 years old, there's a lot going on there!

bn100 said...

I like any kind of background in vampire books.

jmcgaugh said...

I like seeing the backstories of the vampires, so any time period/locale is great!

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i love both of them..coz i love reading bampire romances :)

Mary Preston said...

Vampires are ancient, so it seems fitting to me that they come from a place in history. Modern settings are fine too.

Unknown said...

I like seeing backgrounds in the covers, it helps add to the mystery of vampires.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Filia Oktarina said...

I don't mind where backgrounds in cover book, as long it's beautiful. But for story, i prefer modern vampire.
Thanks for giveaway :)

Alex said...

I like for there to be a back story or some information on the characters and how they became the way they are. I don't like 2D characters.

Alicia said...

Honestly, it completely depends on what mood I'm in. When I have a little bit more on my mind it is harder to focus on details and I tend to go for lighter reads, when I am free I can read things that are a bit more complex.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Maureen said...

I like all types of backgrounds and settings.

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