
Guest Post with Author Gabrielle Bisset and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Gabrielle Bisset. Gabrielle is currently on tour promoting the release of her book Blood Spirit and has stopped by today to chat. Before I give the floor over to Gabrielle, let's get to know her a bit.

Gabrielle Bisset spends her days teaching college students American and European history, but by night she's an erotic romance author. Her first book, Stolen Destiny, was released by Siren Publishing in June 2011, and since then she's released the novellas of The Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy--Vampire Dreams, Love's Master, and Masquerade--in addition to Destiny Redeemed. In December 2011, she released Blood Avenged, the first book in the Sons of Navarus series about eight vampires who must protect their world against an enemy that travels among their kind. She lives in Pennsylvania with her teenage son and a herd of pets.

Places to find Gabrielle:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

Thank you, Danielle, for having me here to celebrate the release of the third book in the Sons of Navarus series, Blood Spirit! And the celebration doesn't stop until the last day of October. All month the Blood Spirit/Sons of Navarus Paranormal Fall Fling giveaway has weekly prizes along with grand prizes of gift cards, eBooks, and cool Sons of Navarus swag at the end of the fling. Be sure to keep reading after the post for details on how to enter!

Now that the third book in the Sons of Navarus series is out, I think readers are beginning to get a fuller picture of where the series is going. Unlike many other series, the Sons is one that builds upon itself, so as my editor reminds me when I ask if I should repeat something again (after asking her too many times already!), "In for a penny, in for a pound." If readers jump in at this point, they won't know what's going on. Starting with the prequel novella, Vampire Dreams Revamped is probably the best idea, but Book 1 in the series, Blood Avenged, is pretty much the latest time they should start.

When I made the choice to do the series this way, I knew there were risks. Some people prefer series that are more loosely connected. Others may not like one of the books and stop before the end. But those were overruled by the story I had to tell. When you have a vampire civil war, eight vampire heroes, and even Greek gods themselves in a story, it's going to be a big story.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. You see, I already know how the series goes and how it ends. One of the biggest challenges is not giving away too much before I should. I want to. I have to be very careful when I talk about the books because if I slip, I may give a huge plotline away that I want to keep secret. Just know that I promise with each book the story will advance, the heroes will find their loves, and the showdown between the Sons of Navarus and their enemies, the Archons, is coming.

Here's a taste of the latest book, Blood Spirit (Sons of Navarus #3):

Tracing the outline of her jaw, he watched the face of this angel and hated having to wake her. But if she didn't take his blood, he'd lose her for certain and for the first time since he'd turned her, he knew he couldn't bear to think of his world without her.

"Ilona," he whispered near her cheek. "Wake. I'm here."

Slowly her eyelids fluttered open and eyes vacant and lost stared back at him. "Terek?"

Her gaze cut like a knife to his heart. She was nearly gone already, her soul slipping into that void between the vampire and human worlds.

"Look into my eyes, Ilona. Look! I need you to stay with me."

Her eyelids drooped as she began to lose consciousness. Terror raced through his body. There was no more time to wait. Fear of losing her controlled his every move, and his fangs exploded into his mouth. In seconds, he'd pierced his wrist and the blood began to seep from his vein.

Pressing it to her pale lips, he waited in desperation for her to take his blood into her mouth. The blood pooled on her lips, but she made no effort to take it.

"Ilona! Listen to your sire. Drink. Now!" he commanded.

Her eyes opened and turning her head, she whispered, "No. Let me go."

More roughly than he should have, he grabbed her face in his hand and forced her to look at him. "No, I will not lose you! Drink!"

Her voice began to fade and faintly she answered, "Please. I can't live like this."

Terek bent over her and placed a kiss on her lips. The fear that he'd lost her already pressed on his heart and even though he didn't understand why, he was sure when she left him she'd take a piece of his soul with her.

He whispered against her lips one last plea. "Do not take her from me. God, leave her with one who can care for her. I beg of you. Do not take her."

"Why do you want me to live when I don't?" she whispered hoarsely.

"Because there is something special in you as there is in all creatures."

A tiny sigh escaped from between her lips. "You made me this and left me."

Cradling her face in his hands, he said, "I'm sorry. Don't do this. Don't leave me."

"I can't be one of these women. I don't understand this."

Terek kissed her tenderly. "Then don't be. Stay anyway."

Anguish filled her voice. "I woke and I was so hungry. But I don't want food. I hungered for you, but you were gone."

"Take from me everything you hunger for. Take from the one who knows what you need."

Pressing his wrist to her mouth, he fed her soul with his blood. Timid, she stared up at him in fear, but soon her hands held his arm to her lips and she eagerly took what he offered.

Her need for him—for his blood—touched his heart, and a closeness unlike anything he'd experienced in ages came over him. Something about Ilona made him feel like he hadn't felt in almost seven hundred years.

He wanted to save her, to show her the wonders the world offered. If she would allow him, he'd give her that world.

Ilona opened her eyes, and Terek saw that his blood had begun to bring her back from the empty abyss he'd feared and she'd begged for. A tiny smile formed on her lips, making him happy.

Thanks again to Danielle for having me here today, and I hope readers will stop over at my blog to enter the Paranormal Fall Fling giveaway. There are weekly prizes and grand prizes at the end of the fling with gift cards, ebooks, and cool Sons of Navarus swag.

I am everything you seek. I am vampire.

Blessed with the gift of telepathy, Terek always knows what a woman wants. His gift has afforded him nightly sensual pleasures and exotic treats for centuries, but beneath the surface he yearns for much more.

Ilona can give him what his soul craves, but only if he trusts his heart. One fateful choice made out of desire puts all he cares for in danger. With a civil war and the threat of Archon hunters at every turn, this Son may lose everything if he can't find the balance between heart and mind.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Check out the other books in The Sons of Navarus series
Click on cover for more info.

As Gabrielle stated in her post she's having a massive giveaway over on her blog. Head over and enter the Paranormal Fall Fling giveaway for your chance to win something awesome!


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for having me here today on the Paranormal Fall Fling!

Unknown said...

nice interview ladies. i love the Sons series. ive really enjoyed them all. but, i absolutely love Terek he is such a magnificent hero, im conpletely in love with him. Blood Spirit is a beautiful sensual romantic emotion book i loved every page. I wish Gabrielle all the best with it and cant wait for the rest of the series

seelk said...

I have not read Blood Spirit yet, but the more I read about it convinces me that I will and soon... :D
Great interview!

Sandra Dailey said...

I'll have to check out all your books. You have me intrigued. The Sons of Navarus series is on my TBR list now.

laurie said...

I'll have to check out all your books. great blurb today!

Unknown said...

Lovely interview ladies. Anyone who hasn't read series yet doesn't know what they are missing it is a must read

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful series!! Anyone who hasn't read it yet are missing out on some fantastic writing, and an amazing story. Not to mention the HOTTEST VAMPIRES that have ever been written. My favorite is Book #1 Blood Avenged. But each book you read in the series ges better and better. I don't know how Gabrielle manages to come up with such intriguing ideas for each book. Blood Spirit was also one of my favorites. It takes you on an emotional rollercoaster that you do not want to get off of. Truly a magnificent series.

Unknown said...

Sandy & Eni.... I highly recommend the 'Sons of Navarus' series by Gabrielle. They are awesome!!! Make sure to read the prequel first..."Vampire Dreams Revamped" AWESOME!!


Phyllis M said...

Sorry so late all!!! Had to work....***SIGH*** I am such a BIG fan of this series and with each book, I love the characters and Gabrielle's writing more and more!! My favorite is still Vasilije, but I can do love the others as well! I'm anxiously awaiting Blood Prophecy!! Thank you both for this snippet!

pc said...

This series sounds terrific...I'll check it out!

katsrus said...

That was very touching and emotional.
Sue B

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