
Spooktacular Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the SPOOKTACULAR Giveaway Hop. This hop was organized by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and The Diary of a Bookworm blogs. The Spooktacular Giveaway Hop will run from October 24th - October 31st.

Up for grabs:

  • 2 Swag Packs 
  • Tiger Eye + Eye of Heaven by Marjorie M. Lui
  • Dark Prince + Dark Dreamers by Christine Feehan
  • Codes and Roses by Julia Talbot + Rules of Darkness by Tia Fanning
  • Wolf at the Door by Christine Warren
  • Surrender the Dark by LA Banks

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering the question: What's your favorite thing about Halloween?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form

There are more than 500 blogs participating, so there are plenty of chances to win something. So make sure to check out the blog hop list and hop over to some of the other blogs.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jyl22075 said...

I love everything about Halloween. It's my favorite holiday so it's difficult to pick my absolute favorite thing, but I really love trick-or-treat. I love handing out candy and seeing all the costumes.


kittenwitch said...

Halloween is my favorite holiday! I love all the horror movies on TV especially AMC's Fearfest.

Unknown said...

I love Haunted Houses!

Jo said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is taking my kids trick-or-treating and seeing all the other kids in costume.

jochib AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

I like to take my kids trick or treating!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Ann S. said...

Sorry, but candy is still my favorite thing, but I do get to wear my spider jewelry without too mant weird

Unknown said...

I love to see my kids' faces when we decorate the house, and when they dress up and go trick or treating.

Brandy C said...

I love spending the holiday with my kids. I love their costume ideas, how they love decorating the house and carving the pumpkin. It's a fun holiday!

Melissa Limoges said...

What I love about Halloween is the scary movies and bite size assorted bags of candy. :)

gamistress66 said...

Love watching the little ones enjoying dressing up & trick or treating

Videoclimber said...

The haunted houses and haunted locations. This year I went to a haunted cave

Unknown said...

Halloween usually means cooler temperatures here in San Antonio, but not this year. It's been super hot! I usually like that Halloween seems to be the beginning of our Fall season!

Unknown said...

i love the costumes and all the scary movies

*yadkny* said...

The candy corn!

Baconbits said...

Getting to dress up!

Dominique said...

The candy! Even better is pigging out on the candy while watching scary movies. I also love baking lots of halloween themed goodies. (Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)

Chelsea said...

The candy and seeing kids in their costumes.

Natasha said...

The candy, pumpkins, and costumes! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

wwe11 said...

I love the candy and horror movies.

Mary Kirkland said...

The candy of course.

Jennifer Mathis said...

i love how creative the costumes can get

LadyVampire2u said...

I like the spooky, ghostly feel of the holiday. It's a day where anything seems to be possible. Thanks for the giveaway!

Joanne said...

Pumpkins, the candy, the costumes, the haunted houses. It's a magical time.


Unknown said...

The crisp air, the foreboding darkness, the flicker of candles in a pumpkin, I love it all!

Tami Valentine said...

I love seeing all of the different costumes on Halloween night

Buffy Kennedy said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is a tie between the candy and the fact that a bunch of scary movies come out about this time!


Michele said...

I love watching all the kids come up to my house for trick or treating all dressed up!!

LRAtRandom said...

I love the years where I have a halloween party to go to and can dress up :)

Thanks for the chance to win!


laurie said...

love watching all the kids come up to my house for trick or treating all dressed up!!

erin said...

thanks for the great giveaway! I love seeing how much fun the kids are having :)

NoraA said...

It's a bit of a downer for me these days. I'm unable to get to Upstate NY to be with my friends (Practicing Witches) and enjoy the night with their coven. My building, which I've lived in for almost 40 years no longer had many young children who trick or treat.

So I pull out Halloween based videos to watch. I can't even get to the parade in the city because I have bad knees. PEOPLE, DON'T GET OLD!!! It really sucks.


Anonymous said...

I love Halloween because of my kids. They love to dress up, carve pumpkins, go trick or treating, and go to parties. It's fun to decorate for the holiday.

Unknown said...

I love the spooky costumes everyone comes up with for Halloween!

Hot Off the Shelves said...

Candy corn - it's always fresh this time of year.

Gricelda said...

Actually love everything about it, specially the decorations.

Amber D. said...

Dressing up (:

Kelly said...

I love seeing all the children in thier costumes

Anonymous said...

Seeing the kids all dressed up with huge smiles.
We have a bonfire!!
rierie11booger (@)

Jillyn said...

Buying all of the jewelry and makeup I normally wear but on sale! haha.

Thanks for the giveaway

Terri Bruce said...

I love Halloween...I love decorating especially, but my absolute favorite is probably carving a pumpkin - we do the pumpkin masters and I love the final product!

Sophia Rose said...

The candy!!!!

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Maris said...


biochemguy said...

I love watching scary/gory movies such as the Saw ones. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

My fave thing is dressing up! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Maureen said...

My favorite thing is the chocolate.

Lisa Rogers said...

Thanks for the giveaway I love hearing all of the ghost stories

D.E. Malone said...

Getting the leftovers from the candy bucket.

Anonymous said...

The candy!

Alicia said...

I love getting to be someone else for a night :)
Plus it is kind of a guilt free candy day - if only the scale would agree with me.

Thanks for having the giveaway!

Alivia said...

All of the different costumes!

magic5905 said...

Halloween parties and candy.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Why Not? Because I Said So! said...

I love eating Peanut butter and chocolate candy and I love the movie Hocus Pocus!

books4me said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing what the cute kids are dressed as; I just wish more kids came to my door for treats!

Chasity Tarantino said...

I love all the decorations considering I love bats, best time of year to get bat decor!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is the decorations. Spiders, bats, and mummies galore! I would rather drive around and look at Halloween decorations than Christmas decorations-that is bad I know!
Thanks for being a part of the hop and the great giveaways!

Anonymous said...

I don't enjoy dressing up, but I do like seeing other people's costumes.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is candy ;)

Unknown said...

CANDYYY! Lol. Okay, aside from that. Scary movies :) I <3 scary movies. Also, dressing up :) Who doesn't love being something you're not? I can totally pull off slutty on Halloween xD


Anonymous said...

Boo-tastic giveaway. I love dressing up~* So much fun to be anything you want! :)

Michara said...

My most favorite thing about Halloween is seeing all of the kids dressed up (even the grown up kids)

andieleah said...

My fav thing about Halloween is seeing my neices and nephews dress much fun for an auntie

brandy boone said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is ...the Micheal Myers Marathons!!!

me said...

I like handing out candy

Melissa said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is the candy, of course!

Booklover Sue said...

Taking kids trick or treating, snicker bars, and horror movies!

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

Dana said...

I love the scary movies and candy!

Ellen C. said...

I like seeing my children get so excited about being able to go trick or treating. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Katie Amanda said...

I like dressing the dog up.

Evil Queen said...

I love the scary movies!

celina k said...

All the horror movies, and the theme music from the original Halloween.

Dreammie_angel at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Checking out costumes in NOLA

Daph said...

Dressing up in spooky costumes

Jesse Kimmel-Freeman said...


Megan said...

I love to carve pumpkins for my kids.

AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

Phyllis Lamken said...

Costumes!!!! I love the costumes. flip At

M.C.V. EGAN said...

I LOVE the CANDY :) I am entry number 500+ signed in late so swing by I have AMAZON gift cards a book and a FANTASKOOTABULOUS guest a GHOST WRITER KAren Cole at
M.C.V. Egan
The Bridge Of Deaths

kipha said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Super excited!
Candies and costumes!! And got to love the stories.

Caitlin said...

costumes and candy!

Maritza Robinson said...

I love everything to do with Halloween. Lets see where do I start. I love the costumes, candy, weather, decorations, pumpkin patches. movies, stories, and scary attractions. My sister and I start to decorate our house from September so the decorations can stay up longer. We make about half of our own decorations. I also love when we have our Halloween parties. Thanks so much for this great giveaway!
-Maritza R

mararob80 at gmail dot com

Lindsay Avalon said...

My favorite thing is getting to be someone completely different for a day. You can be as wild and crazy as you want and nobody cares because it's more or less expected :)

Lindsay Avalon said...

forgot my email... lindsayavalon (at) gmail (dot) com

Merry said...

I love all of the paranormal shows that come on tv this time of year!!
Lisa Hackney
yankssssrule08 at yahoo dot com

Denise Z said...

I love little kids in costumes and candy! Not to mention all the fun hops featuring spooky good books :) Thank you for your generous participation in this fun hop.

Unknown said...

I love the costumes and parties. And all the candy! Thanks for the giveaway!
kbarban at live dot com

Lisagi said...

I love that we can dress up as crazy as we want and no one will question us...he he! I love the candy, too :)

Melanie said...

My favorite thing is carving pumpkins!

SueFitz said...

A Trip to the pumpkin patch with my nephews

Kim D said...

picking pumpkins with the kids. Thanks so much for the contest! Happy Halloween!

Rosie Raven said...

I love little kids in costumes and handing out candy!

Texas Book Lover said...

Watching my girls dress up (well only one now the others to old) and carving pumpkins as a family.

Ellie Wright said...

I like decorating the house and seeing all the other houses decorated.

Kristi said...

The Candy of course - and seeing my kids excited :)

Unknown said...

I love the decorations :)

Anonymous said...

I love carving pumpkins, trick or treating with the kids, and baking Halloween treats.

Desiree Dunbar

tetewa said...

Love handing out candy to the kids every year!

Sebrina said...

Watching my kids get excited about dressing up. They're both going kinda freaky this year.....I'm so exited to see it!
Thanks for the chance

Cryscringle said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is the marathons that run on TV and the Halloween Specials. I also really love the candy, haha. :)

Crystal Craig
craigcrystal at ymail dot com

Daniel M said...

watching scary movies! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

hope said...

I love the decorations.

Mia J. said...

I like taking my daughter trick or treating.

Amber Terry said...

I love anything horror related so my favorite thing about Halloween is that horror is everywhere :)

bn100 said...

the candy

Mari said...

Candy and decorating!

Ramblings of a Part time Druid said...

I love halloween and everything about it. especially dressing up.. this year I was Playboy Robin and my bf was a giant bat (Bat'Man).. Hehe

Stacey V said...

Too hard to pick one--there's costumes and candys and hayrides and frights oh my!


Konstanz Silverbow said...

Favorite thing about Halloween: Costumes for sure!
I think it is fun because you can get so creative!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Konstanz Silverbow

nrlymrtl said...

I love all the homemade decorations - folks get so creative with this holiday.

nrlymrtl at gmail dot com

wanda f said...

The creatures of the night that are out roaming around

JanD said...

the sweets
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

night1836 said...

I love seeing everyone be someone (or something) else for the night. It is nice to see people let go and be free.

jessica said...

My favorite think about Halloween is seeing all the kids in costume. There are some very cool and cute costumes out there.
jessangil at gmail dot com

Kasee said...

I love strolling the streets, chatting with my neighbors and friends while the kids go door-to-door.

Adriane said...

My kids dressing up

Jolene and Family said...

I love taking my kids trick-or-treating

Jolene A

Beckey said...

Gettysburg haunted tours, corn mazes, haunted house and dressing up are all my favorite things :)


DeeDee Griffin said...

It's all about the candy for me!

Kylie Carlson said...

making and eating caramel apples!

Sam Stamp said...

Carving pumpkins & Candy!

Paol Trenny said...

costume parties ----- Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran ..... emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

Sherry said...

The candy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love all of the scary movies and folk lore. This is the best time of year with the weather etc...

Brandy U-B
brandyzbooks at yahoo dot com

Ms Penny Pincher said...

My favorite thing is watching scary movies!

PDWinner523 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is that the holiday is a socially-acceptable excuse to wear costumes :)

Unknown said...

i like taking my kids trick or treating so i can eat most of their candy!

Juana said...

My favorite is the scary movies marathons.


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