
ARC Review: Naughty and Nice by Ruthie Knox, Molly O'Keefe and Stefanie Sloane

Naughty and Nice is book comprised of three different novellas.

Room at the Inn - Ruthie Knox

Carson Vance has been running from his life in Potter Falls for the last sixteen years. Carson has always wanted more from life than the small town could provide. He works for the State Department and is constantly on the move, never settling down for more than a few months at a time. When Carson is called home to take care of his ailing father he must face all the people he left behind, including the person that once meant the most to him, Julie Long.

No matter how much time passes Julie somehow always finds herself caught in Carson Vance's web. She just can't deny the chemistry between them or how sexy he is. But every time she gets caught up he breaks her heart when he chooses to leave. This time Julie is bound to guard her heart and her emotions. If she ignores him maybe her feelings will subside and she will finally be able to move on. Ignoring him is harder than she expected when every time she turns around he's there being helpful and nice and lets not forget unbelievably sexy.

The more time these two spend together the harder they are both finding it to keep their hands to themselves.  Julie doesn't want to have to deal with another broken heart when Carson leaves, because let's face it he is going to leave. Carson is finding that it harder to resist his feelings for Julie. He knows he shouldn't act upon his feelings because he's leaving but there is just something about her that has always drawn him in. But is it enough to keep Carson from leaving Potter Falls again?

I loved this this story. It was just so good. The chemistry and heat between Carson and Julie is explosive. Even though these two haven't seen each other for several years the heat between them is intense and you are sitting there waiting to see who is going to be the first one to give into the temptation. I found myself on the edge of my seat in anticipation. After reading this story by Ruthie Knox I am definitely eager for more.

All I Want For Christmas is You - Molly O'Keefe

In two days not only will Maddy be turning eighteen, but she will also be walking down the aisle. Billy and Maddy love each other unconditionally and want nothing more than to be together, but before they can walk down the aisle Billy and Maddy need to break the news to her parents. Things go awry when her parents reaction is completely different from what was expected.

Yes, this novella falls on the shorter side, but for me it was great seeing the beginning of Billy and Maddy's relationship. I loved seeing just how much in love they are with one another and all of the struggles they overcome just to be together.

One Perfect Christmas - Stefanie Sloane

I enjoyed this novella but admit that I felt like something was missing.

Seven months ago Lucas and Jane shared a kiss. Afterwards, Lucas realized his true feelings towards Jane and fled to Scotland. Now he has returned with hopes of telling Jane his true feelings.

I would have liked to have seen more interaction between Lucas and Jane. I never felt the connection between the two of them. Both claimed to love one another but it just felt like something was missing between them, mainly chemistry. Perhaps if the story was longer I would have been able to get a better read on them as a couple but as it is now, it just felt like something was missing.


Overall, I enjoyed the first two stories of this anthology immensely. Both had great characters and plots that were interesting and left me wanting more. I thought they these two stories meshed well together. As for the third story, I just didn't feel like it belonged in this anthology. It just felt out of place with the other two.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Kat ~ Forever Book Lover ♥ said...

I just started this book today, reading Carson & Julie's story. I normally don't read a review of the book while I am reading it, but I love this so far and had to stop by to comment. GREAT review!

RFTC Blog said...

Thanks for stopping by and checking it out. I loved Carson & Julie's story.

JenM said...

If this is your first Ruthie Knox, story, you definitely need to go back and read her others. About Last Night was one of my top reads for the year and Ride With Me is also great (and the premise is pretty unique for a romance - it's a cross-country bike trip). She's now an auto-buy for me.

lorimeehan said...

I bought this book. I can't wait to read it.

Tina B said...

I purchased this one and it is waiting to be read on my Kindle. :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Dani!

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