
Feature and Giveaway: Alpha Pack series by JD Tyler

Founded by a group of former Navy SEALS, the Alpha Pack is a top-secret team of wolf shifters with Psy powers tasked with eliminating the most dangerous predators in the world. But the gift of their abilities comes at a price…

After a massacre decimates half his team and leaves him crippled, Jaxon Law must relearn how to fight—and battle the anger and guilt threatening to overwhelm him. But when he rescues a beautiful woman who reawakens his primal instincts, Jax is unprepared for the dangers that lie ahead.

On the run from her employer, brilliant lab assistant Kira Locke has evidence that leads the Alpha Pack on a hunt for someone targeting human civilians with Psy abilities. And as Jax and Kira circle both the killer and each other, Jax will have to decide if the deep connection he feels with Kira is worth breaking the ultimate shifter rule—because bonding with Kira means putting his abilities at risk, and they might be the only tools he has to keep his mate alive…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

An original Alpha Pack novella featuring the sexy sorcerer and panther shifter Kalen Black…

Recruited by the Alpha Pack, Kalen Black is still very much a lone wolf. But when a paranormal creature threatens the life of Dr. Mackenzie Grant, Kalen must use all of his abilities to rescue her. This brush with death excites a passion between them, and after a night of intense pleasure, Kalen leaves Mac with a mysterious gift that just might save her life again.…

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

A group of former Navy SEALS, the Alpha Pack is a top-secret team of wolf shifters with Psy powers combating the greatest dangers in the world. But sometime those dangers are more intimate than they bargained for...

After a mission goes wrong, Aric Savage is taken prisoner. Half-dead and despairing, he makes a stunning discovery: his Pack mate Micah Chase, who was reported dead, is a fellow captive. When the Alpha team goes into full-rescue mode, accompanying them is an absolute stunner with sable hair--and a spine of solid steel.

LAPD officer and Psy Dreamwalker Rowan Chase has one priority: her brother Micah's recovery. Still, she can't help but be drawn to Aric, the ruggedly handsome wolf shifter who pleasures her as no man ever has--however fleeting their affair is destined to be. But when Aric's life is endangered, Rowan must ask herself what she's willing to sacrifice in the name of love, for the man fated to be her Bondmate.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Ever since he saved Dr. Mackenzie Grant's life, panther shifter and sorcerer Kalen Black has had trouble keeping the beautiful doctor out of his thoughts, and his heart. The brush with death awakened an intense passion between them--one that for the first time had the notorious loner letting down his guard.

With the Alpha Pack battling an evil Fae who is slowly gaining control over Kalen's mind, Kalen can no longer trust his own actions, and he breaks off his affair with Mackenzie in order to keep her safe. But when Mackenzie learns that she is carrying Kalen's child, no amount of danger will keep her away from the man she loves. To be with his mate and unborn child, Kalen will have to unleash the full fury of his power, and risk destroying them all...

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

J.D. Tyler is an award-winning, multi-published author who writes for New American Library under three pseudonyms. Whether this is due to an overdose of ambition or a multiple personality affliction, she’ll never tell.

J.D. writes dark, sexy paranormal romance and has a huge thing for shifters, vampires, the Fae, and just about everything else that goes bump and grind in the night. She can’t get enough of those dangerous supernatural heroes, and the fun of creating her own was just too much temptation to resist… so she didn’t. J.D. doesn’t do self-denial.

When she isn’t writing, J.D.’s idea of a good time certainly isn’t cleaning house (sniff), bungee jumping (not in this lifetime, or the next), or camping (her idea of “roughing it” is a slow bellboy). She enjoys reading, being pampered like the diva she is, and spending time with her awesome family. She lives in Texas with her two teenagers.

Places to find JD:
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1 lucky winner will win their choice of any of the books in the Alpha Pack series. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for JD. 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.
  • US/Canada shipping ONLY

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


JoAnna said...

I have the first book in this series. After reading all the blurbs I think it is time to get the rest.
How many books have been contracted for this series?

burbanette said...

Haven't read the series yet but, I must know......Why shifters?

miki said...

sad it's only for us and can because i love shifters!!!

Ora said...

I have recently started reading paranormal romances and love shifters.

laurie said...

i adore reading paranormal romaces and i adore shifters of all kinds

Yvette said...

I love the covers of the books. I have not read any of them yet but look forward to it.

Meg G. said...

Looks like a great series, I will have to add it to my TBR pile. Thanks for the giveaway!

Meg G.
megonski216 at yahoo dot com

felinewyvern said...

Sadly I still have all of these on my wish list. If only I had the funds to match my wishes I would be buying them already.

felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

gamistress66 said...

haven't read this series any, but it sounds really interesting. another to add to the wish list :) thanks for the chance to put it on the tbr pile instead.
gamistress66 (at) aol (dot) com

erin said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I already had this series on my wishlist :)

Ann S. said...

Can't believe I have missed this series. What great covers and I just love shifters. They all sound amazing, but I think Black Moon has really caught my attention.


Phoenix Carvelli said...

Looks like a fantastic series! I have added it to my TBR List. The book covers are wonderful!

PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com

Hot Off the Shelves said...

Ohhh...panther shifters. I love em!

jmcgaugh said...

These books sound great! Thanks for the giveaway.

Elizabeth H. said...

Hi J.D.!! I love, love, LOVE this series!!! After what happened at the end of Savage Awakening, I can't WAIT for Black Moon!! Kalen is super sexy! How many books will be in the series?

ehaney578 at AOL dot com

J.D. Tyler said...

Hello everyone,

Thank you all so much for dropping by today. I was out of state and just made it home, so my apologies for chiming in late! I SO appreciate your support, and thank you for letting me do a giveaway to awesome readers. :)

J.D. Tyler said...


There are five books contracted in the series so far, and I'm currently working on book 4, Hunter's Heart. :)

Thank you for reading!

J.D. Tyler said...

Hi Burbanette,

Why shifters? Why not? :)

J.D. Tyler said...

Mike, Ora, Laurie,

I love shifters too. The previous question of why shifters is easy for me. The men are heroic, possess special abilities, and love their mates to distraction. Now if only men like that really existed!

J.D. Tyler said...

Yvette and Meg,
I hope you enjoy the series! Thanks for stopping by!

J.D. Tyler said...

Ilona and Gamistress,

Should you put them on your TBR pile and read them, I hope you enjoy the Pack! Thanks for stopping by!

J.D. Tyler said...

Erin, Anna, and Phoenix,

I hope you love the series! Phoenix, I have a Pack member coming up with your name. Very cool name, by the way. :)

J.D. Tyler said...

Jasmyn and JMC,

Should you give the Pack a try, I hope you love them. Thanks for stopping by!

lorimeehan said...

These books sound really good. I've never read this author before but I plan on changing that soon.

J.D. Tyler said...

Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks so much! I'm thrilled you're enjoying the series! Kalen's story really brought out all the emotions for me as I wrote it, so I hope you love it too. There are five books planned so far, and I'm working on #4, Hunter's Heart now. I plan for the series to go on indefinitely!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you love Kalen's story!

J.D. Tyler said...

Thank you very much! I hope you love my Pack boys as much as I love writing for them. :) Thanks for stopping by!

Jerry Wittle said...

I have read Primal Law,Savage Awakening,and Black Magic.Reading Black Moon is on my list to read.Thanks for the giveaway.

J.D. Tyler said...


Thank you for following the series! I'm happy you're enjoying them and I hope you love Kalen's story. :) Thank you for stopping by!

Toot's Book Reviews said...

Hi Jo! Can't wait for the new book!!!!

Vanessa N. said...

This series sounds great. I love shifters. What's you're favorite genre to read?

Anonymous said...

waiting for the new book!

J.D. Tyler said...

Thanks so much! I hope you love Kalen's story! Thanks for stopping by!

J.D. Tyler said...


Thank you! I love to read paranormal, and mainstream thrillers by John Sandford, etc. His Prey series is awesome. :)

J.D. Tyler said...

Thank you! I hope you enjoy it. :) Thanks for stopping by!

Alicia said...

I love the idea of a pack of Navy SEALs :). I am going to have to add these to my TBR pile.

Do these stories need to be read in order or can they be read separately? Just so I know how to start ;).

June M. said...

I have had this series on my wishlist for a while now. I think they sound great. I, too, would like to know if the stories need to be read in order or can they be read as stand alones without confusion?

Natasha said...

I can't wait to start this series!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Barb P said...

I am a HUGE fan of this series and can't wait to get my hands on Black Moon!! Thanks much for this awesome giveaway!

Library Lady said...

I love this series! I don't know how I didn't know there was a novella. I will definitely have to check that out. I don't want to miss out on any story about Kalen. I just bought the first two books in this series to give as gifts for my Secret Santa partner. I'm spreading the love for the Alpha Pack! :) Btw, I love your other series as well--yummy firefighters!

wanda f said...

Havent read this series yet but its on my must get list .Thank you for sharing with us today.Have an amazing week.

Carol L. said...

New Author and series for me. Now on my TRL. Sounds wonderful. Thanks for this opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Sophia Rose said...

This series sounds exciting. How did you come up with the idea, J.D.?

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

JanD said...

New paranormal series to me and I like the former SEALS aspect of the shifters.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

Raonaid Luckwell said...

Grrrr Rafflecopter is not loading. * Pouts * But I've been seeing this book posted around and many people so eager to see it!

Raonaid at gmail dot com

Di said...

SEALs & Shifters sounds like a series I'd enjoy!
sallans d at yahoo dot com

bn100 said...

Sounds like an interesting series.

Eli Yanti said...

Pls ignore my entry, i dont see this is US shipping only, sorry

Rhonda D said...

I am so excited about this series! I just heard about it this past week and can't wait to get started! Thanks so much for sharing with me.
To the author, what made you decide to write paranormal? It's my all time favorite genre and if I were to write I would definitely write more paranormals than not. Is it the same reason for you?

Shadow said...

This series sounds awesome! Im such a sucker for paranormal books, especially ones with shifters! There my favorite! And there addicting! lol I cant get enough of them! :) Thanks for sharing!! :)

Maureen said...

I've never read or heard of a SEAL shifter series. I am wondering how many books are in the series.

Tina B said...

I love the idea of this series! And those covers are definitely eye candy! ;)
Thank you for the opportunity to read one of them.

*yadkny* said...

Would love to start reading this series!

Unknown said...

Loving the tour can't wait to read Kalens book!

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