
Guest Post with Author Eden Summers and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC, author Eden Summers. Eden is celebrating the release of her book, Sneaking a Peak and has stopped by to chat. Please give Eden a warm welcome.

I live in regional New South Wales, Australia with my two highly energetic sons and a husband I don't deserve (in a good way).

I've been an avid romance reader for years, falling in love with fictional hero's left, right and center. It wasn't until early 2011 that I decided to add to my pastime of reading and reviewing and take my own writing seriously.

I joined the Australian Romance Writers Association.

The hunky men and sassy women who dominate my daydreams are now being put to paper, eagerly awaiting their moment in the limelight.

Hopefully one day in the near future I will have something hot and sweet published and available to share with the world.

Places to find Eden:

Why are firemen so appealing?

Uniform ­– Men in uniform are delicious. And no I’m not talking about a McDonalds uniform or your local bus driver. I’m talking about a heavy duty, life-preserving uniform.

Turnout pants to protect his strong muscular legs. Turnout jacket to cover a broad chest and defined arms. Thick, heavy and oh so sexy fire fighting boots and a flash hood and helmet to keep those deep and intense eyes, safe.

Fearlessness/selflessness – The heart and mind of a warrior. Firemen sign up to put their lives on the line every day. They are fearless, selfless and may also be adrenaline junkies which only adds to the appeal – who doesn’t love a bad boy with an addiction to danger?

Muscles – Firemen need to stay fit, they need to be in peak physical condition because their body is what will save them in the worst of times. It is also what they have to rely on to save others, to save civilians or even their brothers if something disastrous happens.

Their legs need to carry the weight of heavy protective clothing and air cylinders as they trek through burning buildings.

I find it hard to see any negative aspects to being with a fireman – which is probably good seeing as though I married one of my own.

If you like the thought of a sexy fireman who knows how to handle a blaze you should check out Ethan in Sneaking a Peek.

She's either headed for jail...or for the best sex of her life.

Tarney Jensen has been crushing on sexy firefighter Ethan Reid, her best friend’s brother, since her sixteenth birthday. She knows acting on her attraction will ruin their friendship, but she can’t fight the temptation of his sweat-slicked skin as he works out. Every hot-blooded woman loves to drool over a sexy piece of man flesh, but watching one from the shadows of your porch when he has no idea you’re spying on him? Totally illegal.

For years Ethan has watched men go in and out of Tarney’s life, but how’s a guy supposed to put the moves on his kid sister’s best friend without looking like a perv? But when Tarney lets out an ear-piercing scream from her front yard, Ethan drops everything to rush to her aid. And finds out that the woman of his dreams has been sneaking a peek at his workouts…

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance |
Want to win some goodies from Eden? Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 lucky winners from the ENTIRE tour will win a swag pack
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a $15 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Eden.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter

Good Luck =)
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