
Interview with Author Maureen Driscoll and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome to RFTC, author Maureen Driscoll. Maureen is celebrating the recent release of her book Never Run From Love, book 4 in her Kellington series and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Maureen a warm welcome.

Maureen Driscoll is the indie author of a series of Regency romance novels focused on the Kellington family – the Duke of Lynwood and his three brothers and one sister. She grew up in Montana, then studied journalism at the University of Oregon. After working in Congress for a decade, she moved to Los Angeles, where she writes for TV and the Internet. Her latest book, NEVER RUN FROM LOVE recently came out. It is the fourth book in the series.

Places to find Maureen:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I live in LA in an apartment not far from Universal Studios. I’m divorced, but a big believer in happily ever after. I discovered my love of romance novels only a couple years ago and finally got a Kindle earlier this year because the books were taking over my apartment. I do most of my writing too close to the kitchen, where I go to graze when I get stuck. I love old movies and believe Turner Classic Movies is the best invention ever.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Not at all. I wanted to be an actor. I still want to be an actor. But in college, I took a lot of writing classes and realized I really liked it.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Both. I generally do a very rough outline, then start writing. It’s almost always too soon to write because I quickly get to the point where I’m stuck again. With each book the process has been slightly different. But I do like when the characters start to come alive and sometimes even go in completely different directions than I thought they would. That happened in a big way with the second book when a secondary character pretty much demanded I give her a love interest. I’m glad she did.

Where do your ideas come from?
I live in one of the craziest cities in the world, where there’s no shortage of drama. One of the advantages to being single is that when I go places alone I can sit back and observe, but in a totally non-creepy way, of course. You can pick up a lot just by being quiet. With the Kellington series, they’re all named for Kings and one Queen of England, so some of the stories were influenced by that. It really helped with Hal’s story. It was shockingly unhelpful with Arthur’s.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
The Duke of Lynwood, William Kellington, has raised three brothers and a sister: Edward, Arthur, Hal and Elizabeth. As he watches each one find love, he wonders if he’ll ever be able to do the same. SPOILER ALERT: He does! But it’s complicated.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
Romance novels, particularly Regency; spy novels by either Daniel Silva or Vince Flynn; and non-fiction, especially American history. I’m not much for great big serious books you’re “supposed” to read.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Pride and Prejudice. Sigh.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Anything related to a mystery. And since all of my books have had one, it’s been torture. I think I’m getting better at it, but one thing I’ll never write is a straight out mystery.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Jane Austen, Lisa Kleypas and Sabrina Jeffries. Sabrina Jeffries is my absolute favorite contemporary author.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m writing Liam’s book, the 5th Kellington novel. He’s the last family member to get his book, but there will definitely be one more and perhaps one after that. I’ve really grown to like the Kellingtons and will miss them. And I’ve really loved meeting so many readers on Facebook. That’s been the best part of all.

When Hal Kellington sees a respectable reform worker with the stockings of a courtesan, he’s intrigued. When his friend wagers he cannot kiss the chit, he’s challenged. And when he gets to know the spirited American, he realizes the stakes are higher than he could possibly imagine.

Since arriving in England to live with her uncle and aunt, Melanie Sutton has been working to help London prostitutes start new lives in America. When they begin disappearing, she accepts the help of a notorious rake to track them down. But she soon discovers that resisting temptation is much easier preached than practiced.

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Check out the Kellington series
Click for info.

3 lucky winners will win an eBook of choice from the Kellington series.

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Maureen. 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

Good Luck =)


Beebs said...

How weird, I downloaded the first in this series about five minutes ago :) Blurb hooked me and the great reviews made it a no-brainer, looking forward to a good read.

Rafflecopter is not showing up???


Beckey said...

I just downloaded the first book.. Thanks for sharing the post :)

Ditto here on the rafter, being a no show


Candice Royer said...

I don't need to win any of the books - I already have all four of the Kellingtons. :) Mo found me on fb after I posted a comment on another author's page, and asked if I'd read her book and provide feedback. All I can say now is LOVE LOVE LOVE her books. Soooo glad she picked me to ask to read her first book. And cannot wait for Liam's story! (I am almost finished with Hal. (This is birthday/Christmas season in our family, so I have been super busy every day and have been falling asleep when I hit the pillow. Usually I read before sleep, so this is taking longer than it should!) Thanks again, Mo, for the great writing and entertainment!

Melanie said...


It just occurred to me that for the price of one paperback, people can get your WHOLE series!

You know what? I think you should offer a BOX set of all FIVE when Liam's story hit's the Amazon!

Sorry, my 'retail' experience is rearing it's head AGAIN!

Dani, another great interview, Chick! Thanks!

As for the 'copter? Thank God it's not here! I hate them and I'm likely not to leave a comment when there's a long one on...just sayin'

I <3 you both!


Meg G. said...

No rafflecopter, but I just downloaded the first in this series because it looks great! Thanks for the giveaway!

Meg G.
megonski216(at)yahoo dot com

Cathy P said...

Hi Dani and Maureen! Maureen, you are a new author for me, but your books sound really good. Can't wait to read them. You have lived a very busy and interesting life -- first working in Congress for a decade and now writing for TV and the Internet in LA. To top that off, you have become a very good author. Wow! I am wondering, if you got a chance to become an actor, would you stop writing?

No rafflecopter today either. I will check back later.

Cathy P said...

Woops! Forgot to put my email in:

kscathy AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

Beebs, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

Beckey, thank you so much. I was thrilled to be here!


Anonymous said...

Candice! You made my day....AGAIN. And Liam is coming along. But don't get too busy with the holidays.


Anonymous said...

Mel, it was because of you I discovered RFTC! So I'm so glad you're here. And, okay, YES! on the box set. Thank you so, so, so much. That name "Melanie" seems familiar. (She's the heroine of the fourth book and it's no coincidence.)


Anonymous said...

Meg G., thank you so much. I really appreciate that.


Anonymous said...

Cathy P, great question! First of all, while I've enjoyed much of what I've done professionally, I've also spent a lot of time unemployed and pinching pennies. So, there's that rather big downside. I don't think I'll ever stop writing, although I'll probably take a break when the Kellingtons are done. Originally, there were supposed to be six books, but I think there will now be 8, which should wrap up at the end of next year. But thanks for giving me something to thing about it.

And thanks for checking out NEVER A MISTRESS, NO LONGER A MAID. It's free on Kindle today and tomorrow, so make sure you don't have to pay for it! (I assume everyone pinches pennies).


Anonymous said...

Got it! And thanks again.


Jayne Smith said...

Love the books Mo and have downloaded all four. Now waiting impatiently for Liam's story

Julie said...

What's your advice about self-publishing, Maureen. And congrats on your inaugural series!!!!!


laurie said...

those books look so good! have added them to my tbr list

lorimeehan said...

The series sounds o good. I just went and down loaded the first book so I could start it. Thanks.

lorimeehan said...

There was no Rafflecopter. To fill out ;(

Mary Preston said...

I have not begun reading the Kellington Series yet. I need to get moving. These are my kind of books.


Linda said...

I love historical romance & Maureen is a new author to me so I"m quite pleased to have a new author to check out. From the comments here it looks like she's a winner too!

pc said...

This series sounds like a must read...will check it out!

Maureen said...

It looks like an interesting story.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com

bn100 said...

These sounds interesting.


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