
Interview with Author Nona Raines

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC author, Nona RainesNona is on tour promoting her book Take This Man and has stopped by to answer some questions. Please give Nona a warm welcome.

Nona Raines became hooked on romances when she first picked up "The Flame and the Flower" by Kathleen Woodiwiss (and she's not telling how long ago that was). Romances may have changed since then, but her love for a good love story has not. She's been writing off and on for years, but it was only when she joined the Central New York Romance Writers Association that she finally gained the support and confidence she needed to complete a manuscript.

Nona lives in upstate New York with her many pets and is currently working on her next novel. A former librarian, she enjoys reading books of all genres and discussing them with others. She is thrilled to finally be able to call herself an author and looks forward to hearing from readers.

Places to find Nona:
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First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Well, first of all thanks so much for having me here today! I'm a former librarian who's worked in school and public libraries. I've been a reader of all kinds of books all my life and got turned onto romances when I was in college. I've been reading them ever since. I share my home with my dog Iris and four cats.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Yes. Since I was in first grade and the teacher put a story I wrote on the bulletin board. I've been writing for a long time but had the worst time learning how to plot. Therefore, I have about a million books begun and only a few finished.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Now that I've finally learned how to plot, I'd say I'm a semi-plotter. I like to have a "skeleton plot" in mind when I begin a book so I can hit the high points. Of course, I may have a brilliant idea and meander off course, but I like to have some idea where I'm going.

Where do your ideas come from?
From all over the place. Getting ideas isn't really the problem, it's figuring out how to spin the idea into a book. Some ideas are only sparks that flicker out. Others can become short stories, or novellas or full length books. My "Man" series evolved from one book into three as I became interested in a supporting character from a previous book. Adam Vostek appeared in my first book, One Good Man, as the hero's brother. In Take This Man, he got his own story.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
For my erotic romance Take This Man:
Elyse's mistake was falling in love with Adam. His mistake was letting her go. Will he get a second chance to win back her love and trust?

Out of any of your books, which one would you like to be a character in? And why?
I think I'd like to be Kim, heroine of Her Perfect Man, the third book in my series. She gets to be with Charlie, whom I love!

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I enjoy all kinds of books—nonfiction, mystery, YA and even children's books, but my favorite genre is romance. I like stories that surprise me, take an old formula and change it up.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
There are so many books I've enjoyed and so many authors who are "auto-buy" for me that I couldn't possibly name just one favorite. But I'd have to say that the Roselynde series by Roberta Gellis really has a special place in my heart. Her characters are so realistic and compelling. They're people a reader can totally identify with, even though the stories are set in the Middle Ages.

Have you ever fallen for another author's hero? If so, who and why?
Who haven't I fallen for? There were Ian and Geoffrey, from Roberta Gellis' Roselynde series. And I fell for Hartley Carew of Mary Balogh's Lord Carew's Bride, Hardy from Lisa Kleypas's Blue-Eyed Devil and Peter from Joey W. Hill's Honor Bound…I could keep on going. I tend to fall for a hero who's got more than bulging muscles and an attitude. I like a man who thinks.

Describe the characteristics that make up your perfect hero.
See above. To me a hero lets the heroine be herself and doesn't try to change her to fit his fantasy of the "perfect" woman. He likes and respects her as much as he loves her. And of course he's hot for her!

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
The sex scenes, which may sound surprising coming from an author of erotic romance. You want to balance the heat with the emotion. It's a challenge, sometimes.

If you could have dinner with any three book characters, who would you choose and why?
I guess I'd pick three supporting characters from my own books. I'd choose Tania from One Good Man, because she's a hoot and always speaks her mind. And Tania wouldn't come unless her partner Latisha was invited. Latisha would have to be there anyway, to keep Tania from being too outrageous. Then I'd invite Jason from Take This Man because he has s sly, cynical sense of humor. If I could invite four characters, I'd include Tommy from Her Perfect Man because he's such a good guy and a true friend. Plus, I'd like to match make a little and get him and Jason together!

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
I've got to take a pass on this one, because there are so many authors I'd like to meet and chat with. I must say, the authors I've met in the romance community have been so friendly and helpful. It is an amazingly supportive community.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to watch movies, read (my TBR pile is truly scary!), hang out with my pets and imagine interesting ideas for stories.

Favorite movie?
You probably won't know this one unless you're a fan of Japanese films from the fifties. It's Street of Shame, about a group of prostitutes in post-war Japan. I love it because it features some amazing actresses and it's so character driven. Each woman has her own story and becomes someone you care about.

Favorite song?
"End of the Line" by The Traveling Wilburys.

Favorite color?
I can never make up mind. It changes from day to day.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I'm very excited about a new book that will be release shortly titled His and His and Hers. It's an FFM ménage romance to be published by Loose Id. I'm also working on several things in various stages of completion. One is either a long short story or very short novella about a divorcee connecting with a man who's always wanted her but never had the chance. Another is a romance featuring two supporting characters from my book Uncollared. And I'm trying to come up with a wedding-themed story, but so far it's just in the planning stages.

Thanks again for having me here today. I really enjoyed it!

The biggest mistake of Elyse Zemanski's life was falling in love with Adam. When a night of sexual fantasy went too far, she was crushed and couldn't leave town fast enough.

The biggest mistake of Adam Vostek's life was letting Elyse go. He'd been afraid of the love she promised and pushed her away—into another man's arms...and bed.

When Elyse returns to Summit to help a friend, Adam wants a second chance to prove he’s worthy—in and out of the bedroom. She claims she's over him, but one look from those smoldering dark eyes, and she throws caution to the wind. Elyse offers him seven days of wild sex, hoping to get him out of her system. Adam's good to go on the sex. But will a week be enough to win back Elyse's love and trust?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance | Wild Rose Press |

Check out The Man series:
Click for more info.


Joanne said...

This book, this series, sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. I put the series on my wishlist. Thanks for the great interview.


Nona Raines said...

Hi Joanne, thanks for stopping by and commenting. If you get a chance to read the books, I hope you enjoy them! I really got attached to the characters.

Booklover Sue said...

It must be really hard being a reader and a Librarian! I could never "work" in a library because I would find so many books to read that I would be fired for reading on the job!

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