
Sharing a First Kiss...with Stefanie Sloane and Giveaway

Sharing a First Kiss on Christmas Eve - Stefanie Sloane

A native Northwesterner with the pale skin to prove it, Stefanie Sloane credits her parents’ eclectic reading habits—not to mention their decision to live in the middle of nowhere—for her love of books. A childhood spent lost in the pages of countless novels led Stefanie to college where she majored in English. No one was more surprised than Stefanie when she actually put her degree to use and landed a job in’s Books editorial department. She spent over five years reading for a living before retiring to concentrate on her own stories. Stefanie currently resides with her family in Seattle.

Places to find Stefanie: 
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It just so happens that One Perfect Christmas, my story in the Naughty & Nice anthology, includes a first kiss on Christmas Eve. It also features a persnickety donkey named Reginald, a death-defying sledding incident, and copious amounts of snow. But let’s be honest: we’re all here for the Christmas Eve kiss! So without further ado, please welcome Jane Merriweather and Lucas Cavanaugh, who find themselves under the mistletoe in One Perfect Christmas.

One Perfect Christmas 
by Stefanie Sloane

Jane could not remember a time when she’d not been present at Cavanaugh House for this most festive tradition. Cox, the butler, directed the younger, burly footmen as they held tight to the ropes that had been wrapped about the large felled log. Someone in the gathering offered up a joyous “huzzah!” and the others joined in for three more shouts as the log was carefully carried through the doorway and across to the expansive fireplace.

Jane stood back as the others followed the yule log, taking up a spot in exactly the middle of the threshold so that she might enjoy the cool, crisp smell of snow and pine that still mingled in the foyer down below.

She closed her eyes and breathed in the seasonal scent, memories of previous Christmases piling one upon the other in her brain until a mantle of sweet sentimentality made her smile.

“You’re reveling in Christmases past, aren’t you?”

Jane opened her eyes to find Lucas standing in front of her, his eyes fixed on hers. “How did you know?”

“Because you’d never ignore the opportunity for sentimentality, that’s why,” he answered, grinning down at her. “Speaking of which, you know which tree that is, don’t you?”

Jane playfully pushed Lucas away, needing space from his rightness, if that was even a word. And largeness.
And handsomeness. And him. “No. Tell me.”

Lucas nodded wistfully. “Old Tom.”

As children, Jane and Lucas had taken it upon themselves to name many of the trees that stood in the forest on Cavanaugh lands. Old Tom had been a particular favorite for his many strong branches and excellent cover from nosy nannies and overbearing parents.

“Oh,” Jane replied, a sadness even the delicious mixture of brisk December air and the scent of pine could not lessen.

“Matthew told me after the tree had been felled. Otherwise, I would have insisted they choose another,” Lucas explained. “I’m sorry, Jane. I truly am.”

“I know you are,” Jane replied, rather more softly than she’d intended. She tore her gaze from Lucas’s understanding eyes and looked for Lord Needles.

Lucas turned to take in the crowd. “Well, tell me then. Is he, as I’ve heard my mother say, ‘marriage material’?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Lord Needles, Jane,” Lucas explained. “That is who we are looking for, is it not?”

There it was, his rightness bothering Jane, yet again. “Well, yes.”

“Yes, we are looking for Lord Needles? Or yes, the man is marriage material?”

“Both,” Jane bit out, realizing as she did that she meant it. “Yes, both. Do you know, I quite like the man.”

From the corner of her eye, Jane saw Lucas turn to look at her as if he was about to say something. Then he turned his attention back to the crowd, finally uttering, “are you surprised?”

“Honestly? Yes,” Jane answered, facing Lucas. “You know as well as I the man was just as likely to be a pompous, pea-brained, rotten-toothed, doddering old fool. But he’s not. Not even close—in fact, he’s almost perfect.”

“Then I am exceedingly happy for you Jane,” Lucas said, though she could have sworn the kindness in his words did not meet in his eyes.

“Still, there is no point in tempting fate.” He pointed up toward the ceiling to where a mistletoe ball hung jauntily from a red satin ribbon. “A kiss is required, or else.”

Jane looked at him skeptically. “Or what?”

“Oh, grievous tidings for those who refuse,” Lucas answered, shaking his finger. “Grievous tidings, indeed.”

Jane considered his reponse. She certainly could not afford grievous tidings. Not now.

“And who, specifically, does the tradition originate from?” she pressed, desperate to avoid Lucas’s lips on hers.

Lucas thought for a moment. “The Picts, I feel sure. Or the Vikings. One or the other. You could tempt fate, I suppose…”

Flashes of painted men bursting through the wood and longboats filled with marauding savages filled Jane’s mind.

Could Lord Needles withstand a Viking attack?

“Perhaps a small peck.” She then closed her eyes and waited.

She felt his breath first, warm puffs of sweet air tantalizing her upper lip.

Impatience swept through her and she focused on marauding Vikings.

She squeezed her eyelids tight as his body brushed hers, the wool of his superfine coat rubbing against the bodice of her silk gown.

The friction heated her lungs and she bit back a rising squall of panic, her breathing becoming staccato beats of harried energy.

His finger slowly slid from the tip of her chin to just beneath and he tipped her head up, trailing along the edge of her jaw and landing on the hollow just beneath her earlobe. He hesitated, tortuously drawing a semi-circle on the heated skin, before removing his hand.

Jane swallowed hard.

The Picts were of Scottish descent, found mainly in eastern and northern Scotland. Or was it southern Scotland?

Her skin prickled with indescribable heat, fiery wisps of hedonistic flame licking at her limbs.

No, it was most definitely northern.

Jane reached out with one hand, a sudden dizziness beginning to spin in her belly. Her fingers landed upon Lucas’s chest and she pulled them back, a gasp escaping her lips.

The flames licked hungrily, devouring the skin between her breasts and legs.

Lucas touched his lips to hers. Firm, but exquisitely soft, his mouth molded against hers as if made for this very moment.

Was it the Norse who built funeral pyres for their dead?

Jane felt flushed. Warm. So, so warm.

He set a sultry pace, the many strong and skilled muscles in his face seemingly intent upon her destruction.

Jane wanted more. Her tongue teased the seam of her mouth to open. The apex between her thighs thrummed with need.

Lucas broke the kiss.

Jane’s eyes flew open and she frantically searched for something—anything—that would make sense.

“Happy Christmas, Jane,” Lucas murmured, offering Jane his arm when she lost her balance.

She clung to him as her mind sorted out where she was, her body responding to the sudden sense of desertion with small, imperceptible spasms in her heated muscles.

“And to you, Lucas,” Jane mumbled, amazed she was able to say anything at all.

After being jilted by her fiancĂ©, Jane Merriweather turns to her dear childhood friend, the Honorable Lucas Cavanaugh, for support—and unlocks the smoldering desire simmering in the man’s troubled heart. Frightened by his newfound feelings, Lucas flees to Scotland. But when the Christmas season brings them together again, one glance is all that’s needed to reignite his yearning. If Lucas can convince Jane that his intentions are as pure as the falling snow, they’ll turn a dreary December into a joyous Yuletide affair.

Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Who doesn’t love a scoundrel? The Scoundrel Takes a Bride, the fifth installment in the Regency Rogues series, coming to a bookstore near you on January 1, 2013!

Pre Order: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble

Want to win some goodies from Stefanie? Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a set of all of ALL of Stefanie's books.

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Stefanie
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter
  • International Shipping Available

**Don't forget to head over to Not Another Romance Blog to check out author, Cheryl Holt's story.

Good Luck and Happy Holidays =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kipha said...

That was...breath taking~! Thank you for sharing and giving us a tease of your story in the anthology. I'm so going to read their story now. You're very good at descriptions, which I love! Thanks so much.


jmcgaugh said...

Loved the tantalizing scene; can't wait to read the rest.

Beebs said...

MORE!!! That was a tantalising scene, loved it.

miki said...

Thank you so much for such a generosity and for including international readers too!!

thank you a lot for sharing with us!
Happy holidays!


Linda said...

Everyone loves the scoundrel hero! Can't wait for the release of The Scoundrel Takes a Bride

Natasha said...

Sounds really good!! Thanks for the chance to win and happy holidays!

Evie said...

Great scene!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Lory Lee said...

Oh yeah, who doesn't love a scoundrel? They make romantic books much more exciting and enticing! We got plenty of them, but we just can't get enough of them, very addictive. :D

laurie said...

Loved the tantalizing scene; can't wait to read the rest.

sheryl said...

I loved the exerpt and can't wait to read the rest. Thanks for the chance, would love to win

Mary Jo Burke said...

What a generous prize!

Joanne said...

Tease! That was a great scene. Can't wait to read the story. Thanks for the giveaway.

Ann S. said...

I really enjoy Stephanie's books. The Regency Rogues is my favorite series. I want to read them all.

May said...

Love your books! :) Looking forward to reading the next one!

cheryl c said...

What a perfect tease of a scene. Now I must know more! :)

Tonda said...

Very intriguing, and I'm sure to Jane too! Thanks so much, and Merry Christmas!
smoofrog at gmail dot com

Connie said...

Hi, Stefanie!

I really enjoyed the excerpt from "One Perfect Christmas." Now, I have to see what happens with Lucas and Jane's story. Regency romance novels are my absolutely favorite and the thought of becoming the proud owner of ALL of your books, is, quite frankly, breathtaking! Wow! I am crossing my fingers and my toes.

How exciting to have been able to work at Amazon amongst all those delicious books. I would be like a kid in a candy store. Good for you for your determination to become an author yourself. Congratulations!

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

Connie Fischer

the1cyn said...

I have not read any of your books but I have put you on my Christmas list. So if Santa is willing I am able.

LMcLendon said...

I am loving The Regency Rogue Series, Thanks!!!!! :)

Ora said...

I love your books. I already have Naughty or Nice and working on reading it now. I was lucky enough to win The Scoundrel Takes a Bride. I absolutely love Nicholas, and I think is a must read next month when it comes out. I just hope you don't make us wait too long for Langdon's book.

Unknown said...

Thanks for this great giveaway.

Gigi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ileana A. said...

I want to know more about Jane and Lucas! Pleaseee! :) I love regency novels so much! Romance, wicked male characters, strong heroines. I would love to win your books! Keeping fingers crossed!

Unknown said...

I loved the scene, thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Unknown said...

Love the excerpt. Thanks for the chance to win!


Cathy P said...

Hi, Stefanie! I enjoyed Jane's and Lucas's story very, very much, and want more. Thanks for such a very generous giveaway! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

kscathy AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

hi Stefanie Sloane.
love the expert thankr for giveaway

Unknown said...

What a steamy excerpt, I think my toes curled as well, Thank you for the tease and I can't wait to read the rest of their story.........


bn100 said...

Very nice excerpt.

JanD said...

Great excerpt. I found Jane's thoughts amusing while waiting for the kiss.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

Barbara E. said...

Loved the story, there's nothing like a first kiss, that's always my favorite kind of kiss. :D

gamistress66 said...

interesting self distraction method, though apparently it could use a little more refinement ;)

AuburnGirl said...

Love, love, loved it..can't wait to read more

Winnie P said...

What a sweet kiss! Merry Christmas!

Winnie P said...

forgot my email: winnie968 at yahoo dot com
I have almost all of your books already - you're very generous to offer all of them as a prize.

Carol L. said...

Thanks for sharing that scene with us. I agree it's quite a tease. Thanks for the chance. Happy Holidays.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the scene and love the steamy cover!

Unknown said...

I like being Naughty better than being Nice! :)
Great book cover, super sexy. I've been wanting to read this book. You are a new to me author and I'm looking forward to learning more about your books. What keeps you motivated?

luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i love stefanie sloane's books..
i want to collect them all..
thx u for the giveaway ;)

*yadkny* said...

A very Happy Christmas short story;)

Di said...

I've enjoyed Stephanie's historical stories that I've read - this contemporary anthology story looks like fun too.

Texas Book Lover said...

What a steamy story! If all Stephanie's books are that good I will devour them!

LilMissMolly said...

Hi Stephanie! I have several of your books and I love them! I can't wait to read your next one. Merry Christmas!

Beautiful Disaster said...

Awesome excerpt! Can't wait to get started reading these books. Happy New Years,

lorimeehan said...

That was a great excerpt.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
What a fabulous giveaway. Thank you so much.
Lorimeehan 1 @

Unknown said...

Your books look amazing! I have not read any of them yet but I am slowly catching up on everything good that I have been missing <3
thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

pc said...

Loved One Perfect Christmas...thanks for sharing! You're a new author to me and I'll check out your books! Thanks for the giveaway chance and have a great 2013!

Mary Preston said...

I do love Christmas reads.

A fabulous giveaway thank you.

Leah Weller (leahluvsmedieval) said...

What a generous giveaway! Thank you for the chance. :)

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