
Three Dukes and a Baby...with Maya Rodale and Giveaway

Three Dukes and a Baby on Christmas Eve - Maya Rodale

Maya Rodale began reading romance novels in college at her mother’s insistence. She is now the author of numerous “dazzlingly sexy and witty” historical romance novels. A champion of the romance genre and it’s readers, she is also the author of the non-fiction book Dangerous Books For Girls: The Bad Reputation Of Romance Novels, Explained and a co-founder of Lady Jane’s Salon, a national reading series devoted to romantic fiction. Maya lives in New York City with her darling dog and a rogue of her own.

Places to find Maya:

Three Dukes (and an earl, and a baron) and a Baby
by Maya Rodale

This story features the heroes of the Writing Girl romance series, which centers around a Regency London newspaper and the four scandalous women who wrote for it. Oh, and a baby…

One Baron, one Earl, one regular duke and one double Duke stood staring down at the squalling infant on the settee in the library. It seemed the child had been forgotten as all the ladies, children, and maids had been pressed into service to prepare for that evening’s ball celebrating the anniversary of The London Weekly.

It would be hosted by the Duchess of Hamilton and Brandon (who wrote of weddings for the paper), Countess Roxbury (the gossip columnist), the Duchess of Wycliff (author of exposés) and Lady Northborne, advice columnist and wife of Lord Northborne, formerly known as Mr. Knightly, the owner of the paper.

The men had sought refuge in the library to enjoy the quiet, and brandy, and to avoid being pressed to answer questions about the placement of potted palms or the drapery of decorations. But the women had been bustling in and out anyway and lo and behold, the baby, set down and forgotten momentarily.

“I would know my own son,” the double duke of Hamilton and Brandon said confidently. Nevertheless he peered closer at the infant’s features, scrutinizing them for an indication of an innate ducal bearing.

“Shall we check it for tattoos?” Lord Roxbury suggested, with a nod to Wycliff, who was scandalously known as The Tattooed Duke after the body decoration he’d picked up during his adventurous in the South Seas.

“Eliza was oddly opposed to tattooing our child,” Wycliff replied.

“Funny, that,” said Northborne said. “Are we even certain it is a boy? It could be a girl.”

“We’d have to check it’s nappy in order to find out,” Roxbury said. All the men grimaced at the suggestion.

“I say we ring for a maid,” Brandon said.

“And let it be known one of our children was lost?” Roxbury asked, lifting one brow. It was a very bad idea.

Upsetting to the wives, etc, etc.

“And that we weren’t quite sure who—“ Wycliff started to say.

“Let’s not say that aloud,” Northborne said.

“And to think our wives thought it a wonderful thing that they all had babies within a month of each other,” Roxbury remarked.

“Wah.” The baby emitted a cry.

“It speaks,” Wycliff stated.

In truth, each gentleman defied convention and was an engaged and wonderful father. However, this situation was peculiar. And there were pretenses of masculinity to maintain.

“I think it might be my Amelia. She has Annabelle’s eyes,” Knightly said.

“She has Eliza’s inquisitive gaze,” Wycliff said.

“I thought it was a he?” Roxbury mused. “His hair is the same auburn color as Julianna’s.”

“Yes, but it curls just like Sophie’s,” Brandon pointed out.

The conversation devolved into an argument in which each reformed rake tried to claim the child as his own.

The nappy was inspected. As was the clothing, which was embroidered with birds and thus gave no clue to whom the child belonged to. The baby, meanwhile, gurgled happily with all the attention.

Thus when a Writing Girl burst in she saw Roxbury holding the baby while the other gents were gathered round and pointing out it’s wonderful qualities.

“There you are, darling,” she cooed before whisking the baby away, presumably for it to begin consulting on the placement for potted palms, the orchestral selections or the drapery of decorations for the ball that evening.

“Let us never speak of this again,” Knightly said.

To that, all the gentlemen agreed.

He’s the only man she’s ever loved…

For ages it seems advice columnist Annabelle Swift has loved Derek Knightly, editor-owner of The London Weekly from a distance. Determined to finally attract her employer’s attention, she seeks advice from her loyal readers—who offer Annabelle myriad suggestions…from lower-cut bodices (success!) and sultry gazes (disaster!) to a surprise midnight rendezvous (wicked!).

She’s the only woman he’s never noticed…

Derek never really took note of his shy, wallflower lady writer. But suddenly she’s exquisite…and he can’t get Annabelle out of his mind! She must be pursuing someone, but who? For some inexplicable reason, the thought of her with another man makes Knightly insanely jealous.

Will Dear Annabelle find her happy ending?

But Knightly’s scandalous periodical has been targeted for destruction by a vengeful Lord Marsden, and the beleaguered editor now faces a devastating choice: either marry Marsden’s sister to save his beloved newspaper…or follow his heart and wed his Writing Girl.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out the Writing Girls series:
Click on cover for more info.

Want to win some goodies from Maya? Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

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  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Maya.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter

    **Don't forget to head over to Not Another Romance Blog to check out author, Miranda Neville's story.

    Good Luck and Happy Holidays =)
    a Rafflecopter giveaway


    Anonymous said...

    Thank you for the giveaway! Can't wait to read this book :)

    Lori P

    laurie said...

    Thank you for the giveaway! Can't wait to read this book :)

    Ann S. said...

    I really enjoyed the Tattooed Duke and can't wait to read Three Schemes and a Scandal. I have put the rest of Maya's books on my TBR list.

    Ora said...

    I enjoyed all of the writing girls series book. I have enjoyed Lady Charlotte's schemes and her imagination.

    Rhonda Jones said...

    I really enjoyed this. I laughed and smiled. My question is whose baby was it?

    Joanne said...

    What a fun short. I liked that no matter how involved the four fathers are with their children, they could not figure out whose baby it was.

    AuburnGirl said...

    Loved getting to catch up with these characters

    kipha said...

    That was funny and Adorable!!!! It was so nice meeting these handsome fellas once again.

    Unknown said...

    Great writer and love your books!

    Unknown said...

    The covers of all your books are so beautiful....


    Mary Jo Burke said...

    What a great story. Reminds a little of the movie, Three Godfathers.

    miki said...

    I love the covers and the short story is good

    thank you for sharing

    Unknown said...

    Oh what a sexy cover <3 love it, and thank you for the short story your writing is fantastic !

    May said...

    Ohh... I love the Writing Girls Series. :)

    Armenia said...

    I do love historical romances. Sounds like a lovely story.

    Unknown said...

    Another new to me author! I've found so many great authors doing hops and following tours, it's so much fun. Such a HAWT cover for Seducing Mr. Knightly!! I'd buy it just from the cover. I'm a big fan of historicals and I can't wait to find out more about you and your books.
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

    Landra said...

    The nodcock's best advice yet! Loved it and you post reminds me that I have to get busy reading the other Writing Girls stories. I loved Seducing Mr. Knightly. For everyone entered I'm sure the winner will love the book. :)

    JanD said...

    Cute and funny short!
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

    sheryl said...

    Great exerpt. Can't wait to read more

    Unknown said...

    What a cute read, Maya....Loved the fact they could not tell thier own child....hehehe Can't wait to read about the Writing Girls and their men!

    TxDee said...

    How hilarious that they each claimed the baby! Do you have plans for more books in this series or where will your imagination take you next?

    Leah Weller (leahluvsmedieval) said...

    Maya, you always leave me laughing. This was hilarious! Thank you for the chance in the giveaway. I have absolutely loved this series!

    jmcgaugh said...

    That was cute (and, I'm sure, very typical among the British aristocracy of the time).

    Linda said...

    LOLs! Men & babies!

    Filia Oktarina said...

    LOL!! Very fun to read this short story, i was laugh at the end stories!! The fact four men could not figure out whose baby it was, very a typical the British aristocracy...:)

    Mary Preston said...

    Thank you for such a wonderful read. Loved it.

    hope said...

    Cute short story. Can't wait to read your books.

    Natasha said...

    Thanks for the story and the chance to win!

    bn100 said...

    Nice covers.

    Cathy P said...

    Thanks for the funny story, Maya. Loved it! Was it even one of their own children? Lol! Thanks for the giveaway!

    Texas Book Lover said...

    Very funny! I am really glad no one else was around me while I was reading that because I was laughing pretty hard.

    Thanks for the laugh. I really needed that today!

    Jeanne M said...

    Hi Maya!

    I love your Writing Girl romance series and for anyone who hasn't read them yet I wanted to let them know to start with the first one and reading them in order! Believe me anyone who reads one is going to love reading them all! I must admit that when I read the Tatooed Duke my only problem was that every time Lord Roxbury was in a scene I pictured my son (who has a full tattoo on his back) instead of the handsome (not that my son isn't) as the character instead of the one you described so eloquently! PS: My son didn't get a tattoo for his son but he did give his younger brother a tattoo as his graduation gift from college!

    I loved your short story above, Three Dukes and a Baby on Christmas Eve, and wondered if you every thought of writing a book with short stories - something like a trilogy of short stories all in one book!

    PS: At the end I laughed but wasn't surprised that it was Roxbury! Maybe men with tattoos really are all the same!

    LilMissMolly said...

    Your book sounds wonderful. I am really looking forward to reading this one. Merry Christmas!

    pc said...

    Loved this short! I just finished reading The Tattooed Duke and it was great! Can't wait to move on to the next one! happy holidays!

    Barbara E. said...

    I loved the story and I'm looking forward to reading more books in the Writing Girls series.

    Tonda said...

    What a cute little short, I just loved it! Seducing Mr. Knightly sounds marvelous! I definitely need to check out your writing girls and their men!
    smoofrog at gmail dot com

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