
Guest Post with Author Barbara Elsborg and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Barbara Elsborg to RFTC. Barbara is celebrating the recent release of her book Jumping in Puddles and has stopped by to chat. Please give Barbara a warm welcome.

Barbara Elsborg lives in West Yorkshire in the north of England. She always wanted to be a spy, but having confessed that to everyone without them even resorting to torture, she decided it was not for her. Vulcanology scorched her feet. A morbid fear of sharks put paid to marine biology. So instead, she spent several years successfully selling cyanide. After dragging up two rotten, ungrateful children and frustrating her sexy, devoted, wonderful husband (who can now stop twisting her arm) she finally has time to conduct an affair with an electrifying plugged-in male, her laptop. Her books feature quirky heroines and bad boys, and she hopes they are much fun to read as they were to write.

She’s published with Ellora’s Cave, Samhain, Loose-Id, Decadent and Total ebound.

Places to find Barbara: 

I think one of the questions I’m most often asked is – where do you get your ideas? Like most writers, my ideas come from a variety of places but my latest release – Jumping in Puddles- was inspired by a television program called Country House Rescue. The series involved an expert staying for a few days in a country pile that’s in need of care and suggesting ways of raising revenue to the owners. The reaction of the various owners to the advice they’re given varied from – fantastic, thank you – to - over my dead body will I have riffraff looking round my house. Very amusing!

In Jumping in Puddles, I have a woman called Ellie who’s come to help with the dilapidated country house, but she has an ulterior motive. And Jago, the man who owns the house, isn’t exactly receptive. I don’t plot my stories, so I hadn’t envisaged it being a paranormal, but it just slid in that direction and I went with it. Ellie is a selfless rain-dancing fairy, while Jago is a dark, brooding lord of the manor. What they have in common is that they’re torn between duty to family, and their hearts.

If you had enough money to make a change to your house, what would you do? I offer one lucky commentator an ecopy of this book or any from my backlist.

Jago doesn’t just inherit a title after the death of his parents, he’s saddled with the crumbling money pit of a mansion that’s been in his family for centuries. With his medical career on hold, he struggles to secure the future of Sharwood Hall, trudging uphill with no finish line in sight.

The sins of a past generation fall on faerie Ellie and her family, and each year they must trek to the exact center of the UK to recharge their energy. Until they find the Kewen, treasure guarded and lost by their ancestors hundreds of years ago, they’re banished from Faeryland. Ellie’s father has spent fifty years searching, now it’s his eldest child’s burden.

As a stunning woman sweeps into Jago’s world in a thunderstorm, he can’t stop thinking she’s too good to be true. For little reason other than her sweet and generous heart, Ellie is helping to put Sharwood to rights and leaving him more and more suspicious she wants something other than him. When family and duty clashes with trust and love, it’s debatable whether a perilous leap of faith, directly off a bridge into treacherous waters, will keep lovers from being swept apart.

Purchase: | Loose ID |

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win an eBook of choice from Barbara's backlist. 

To Enter:
  • Leave answer Barbara's question: If you had enough money to make a change to your house, what would you do?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks for having me, Danielle!!

Connie said...

If I had the money to update my home, I would replace some of the furniture. The pieces we have are lovely but way too heavy to maneuver easily. For instance, the dining chairs and bar stools are difficult to lift and I'm concerned I will drop them on my toe. Ouch! Otherwise, I'm quite happy with what I have.

Since you live in England, I guess you get a good amount of rain. Do you ever play "fairy" and go dancing through the rain puddles? :-)

Arlene said...

I love the premise behind this story. The plots you come up with, Barbara, are amazing. If I had money to fix up my home, I'd hire a handy man to do so many things. I mean that seriously. Ok, fine, he's gotta be easy on the eyes. Congrats on your release!!!!

Barbara Elsborg said...

We do get a lot of rain. I think I'd only dance if I was sure no one could see me! Thanks for commenting, Connie!

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks, Arlene. Knowing my luck, my handyman would be old and fat!

erin said...

Thanks for the fun post and giveaway! Congrats to Barbara on the newest release! Sounds fantastic :)

I moved in w/ my BF who bought from his dad his childhood home. It's very old and needs updating desperately. So If I had the money I'd pretty much gut it and redo everything!

JenM said...

We've done a ton of work to our house already, but the main thing left that I want to do is to open up the kitchen to the living room. There are some structural issues, which is the main reason we haven't already done it. I also want to add solar panels, but we don't get enough direct sun on our roof to make it worthwhile.

Unknown said...

build an addition, we need one badly :( and redecorate!

Natasha said...

Fix our bathroom up and get new carpets. Thanks for the chance to win!

Joanne said...

I'd redo the kitchen. It's old and outdated.
This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it.

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks, Erin. Oh wow, moving into a childhood home! I definitely wouldn't want to do that. My childhood home was pretty bad even when I lived there!

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks for commenting, Jen. I think solar panels are a great idea if you're staying for a reasonable period of time - and get a lot of sun of course. Not exactly lots in the UK, though!

Barbara Elsborg said...

Ah is addition the American term for extension? I hadn't heard of that! Thanks, Lily. We've extended our house three times, I think we need to move next time!

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks for commenting, Natasha. One of our carpets is TERRIBLE. But husband thinks its fine. Sigh!

Barbara Elsborg said...

Thanks, Joanne. Kitchens are the things that sell houses!! That and bathrooms. But it's such an upheaval - my friend was without her kitchen for three months when builders moved in!

chey said...

I'd add a breakfast nook and a mudroom.

bn100 said...

buy a bigger house

pc said...

Definitely re-do the bathrooms and plumbing would be at the top of my list!

Barbara Elsborg said...

Ooh a mud room, my imagination just ran riot! Thanks for commenting!

Barbara Elsborg said...

If only I had the money! Thanks for commenting!

Barbara Elsborg said...

I've had new bathrooms put in twice we've lived her so long but I really like a comfortable bathroom. I think this would be at the top of most people's lists! Thanks, pc!

Annwitch said...

I would have my dream kitchen. It would be big and beautiful with matching appliances. Thank you for the interview, the book sounds great.


Mary Preston said...

Tear my old house down & build an eco-house.

Old is just old sometimes.


Barbara Elsborg said...

I'd love a big kitchen, one I could eat in! Thanks, Ann!

Barbara Elsborg said...

That's true, Mary. I think we all have to go closer and closer to eco houses. I know if we had more sun here in the UK, I'd invest in solar panels. I understand there's a new gas boiler coming onto the market soon that will generate more heat that you need and you can sell the rest!

Unknown said...

I will destroy the first house and start over.

Barbara Elsborg said...

Ha ha, Laura!!!

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