
Guest Post with Author Nicole D. Fergusson

Today I would like to welcome author Nicole D. Fergusson to RFTC. Nicole has stopped by today to talk about her book Gothic and share some insight on her characters. Please give Nicole a warm welcome.

Nicole has been writing for almost as long as she can remember. Her writing career started in grade four with Enid Blyton's *Naughtiest Girl in the School* fan-fiction and quickly spread across to problematically titled short stories about a group of school kids with super powers called *Twilight Zone*. (12 year old Nicole was unfortunately unaware that there was another popular series sharing this title...)

Her biggest inspirations were writers like Isobelle Carmody who had first novels published from an early age. At 24 years old Nicole had her e-book published and now, five years later, she has released the new novel *Gothic*, first in the 'Shadows of Melbourne' series.

Currently Nicole has contracted the second novel in this series *Revelry,* with Leap of Faith Publishing, and is working on the third novel. Nicole works part-time in order to keep her head out of the books sometimes and to socialize with people who live outside of her head.

She lives in a townhouse in Melbourne, with two cats and a bottomless cup of tea.

Places to find Nicole: 
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I've been asked to put together a couple of guest blog posts. So I've been thinking, what's something new to say about Gothic that just hasn't been said now and over the last three months since Gothic was released? Synopses litter the internet trail behind me, there are a couple of excerpts round and about, but I'm in the situation where I don't want to give away *too many* of them. So what to do, what to do?

Right now, I'm in the middle of a feverishly hot summer in Melbourne, fresh into the new year of 2013, a new year, a good time for new resolutions and for new authors to put on our shelves!

The biggest thing that stands out as a positive for me for last year is that I got this wonderful little book published over with the lovely people at Leap of Faith publishing.

You may have heard of it. I like to call it 'Gothic (Shadows of Melbourne #1)'.

Something that I really only ever did once, and on this blog, and in October last year, is a quick 'Meet the Characters' segment, with a couple of visual cues to aid.

Since then, I have finally remembered the fresh face that I originally imagined in my head when I first started writing about Dahlia.

Dahlia is a fresh faced girl, living out of home for the first time, studying at university and meeting all sorts of new faces. One of them is her friendly neighbourhood vampire, studying a class on Gothic literature at nights alongside her. Oh, no, I hear you say! However will she deal with the fact that this new friend of hers is a creature of the undead?

Quite well, actually. You see, Dahlia just happens to have a werewolf for a father, a ghost for a mother, and a vampire for a godmother. And Dahlia isn't interested in having more supernatural complications entering her life.

Unfortunately for her, that would be a very boring way to plot out a novel. And so, instead of freedom from the supernatural elements of her life, Dahlia is drawn in when one by one, her werewolf kin begin to go missing and when, despite herself, she is also drawn to one very pretty new vampire in her life.

Please join Dahlia into the journey of being ordinary when the players in her life are anything but. The sequel novel, 'Revelry' is due for release in the first half of 2013.

Dahlia is starting a new life. New university, new home, new friends. This time, she is not going to be surrounded by werewolf packs and vampires. She has fought against a life filled with supernaturals since she was twelve years old. Does it matter that she’s more attracted to the vampire in her class than the normal university boyfriend she picks up? Of course not. This is what she wants. What she’s always wanted. A normal life. This is exactly what she’s been waiting for.

Isn't it?

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