
Interview with Author Molly O'Keefe and Giveaway

Today I am super excited to welcome to RFTC author Molly O'Keefe. I was lucky enough to read an ARC of Molly's Crazy Thing Called Love a few months ago and instantly fell in love. It's definitely one of my favorite contemporary reads and I'm so happy that she was able to stop by today in celebration of the release of Crazy Thing Called Love. Please give Molly a warm welcome.

Molly O'Keefe is a RITA-Award winning author with 25 novels in publication. She lives in Toronto, Canada with her family and the largest heap of dirty laundry in North America.

Places to find Molly:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you? 
I'm a mom of two young kids, so I haven't slept a full night in roughly six years. I am an expert finder of lego and stuffed animals but a terrible loser of socks. I'm originally from a small town outside of Chicago, but moved to Toronto Canada with my husband. I met him when I was nineteen, which feels younger the older I get. I very much enjoy beer, coffee, pumpkin scones and the music of Bruce Springsteen. I hate reality tv shows about pawn shops and storage lockers. I have no clue how to create the smoky eye look.

Did you always want to be a writer? 
Yes. I really did. It started with the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and by the time I got to Emily Of New Moon, I was convinced of my career path. My parents were incredibly supportive and I was able to start working towards publication in college. It's amazing, actually that it all worked out because there was no Plan B.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter? 
I am a mixed bag of both. I believe in plotting, especially since I sell on proposal and I also like that kind of road map, so when I'm actually writing the book and feel totally lost, I can pull up that synopsis and sort myself out. That said, no matter how much plotting I do - there's still quite a bit of pantsing. It's magic and fun and scary.

Where do your ideas come from?
I steal them ruthlessly from news, television shows, dreams, other books. I am a thief and not ashamed of it.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less. 
In CTCL bad-boy hockey player Billy wants 2 win back Maddy who has recreated herself to erase the pain their young marriage caused

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read? 
I love love stories. I am a romance reader first and always. I also like historical fiction. Susanna Kearsley is a favorite of mine.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it? 
Ah, the old favorite book question. Look, favorite book is too hard. So, I'll give you four. Dream a Little Dream by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, The Shadow and The Star by Laura Kinsale and Lover Awakened by JR Ward.

And Room by Emma Donaghue - killed me that book, wrecked me and then fixed me all over again. Breathtaking and terrifying.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write? 
I wish there was a hard and fast answer to that. The difficult scenes seem to change every book. Sometimes it's the scenes with tons of actions, sometimes it's the scenes when characters have a huge change of heart and sometimes it's the little scenes that connect the big scenes. There's no rhyme or reason.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why? 
Well, Laura Kinsale, JR Ward and Susan Elizabeth Phillips would be a whole lot of fun!!

Last question, are you working on anything right now? 
I'm starting a new series at the end of October with a book called WILD CHILD. I'm working on the second book - WILD HEARTS about Brody, a body guard and the one woman he could never keep safe. It's really very romantic. I'm loving it.

Okay readers - what's your favorite book? Can you actually narrow it down to one? One lucky commenter will get the first two books in the Crooked Creek series - Can't Buy Me Love and Can't Hurry Love. You have to be 18 years or older to enter and live in North America.

Dallas TV morning show host Madelyn Cornish is poised, perfect, and unflappable, from her glossy smile to her sleek professionalism. No one knows that her iron will guards a shattered heart and memories of a man she’s determined to lock out. Until that man shows up at a morning meeting like a bad dream: Billy Wilkins, sexy hockey superstar in a tailspin—still skating, still fighting, and still her ex-husband.

Now the producers want this poster child for bad behavior to undergo an on-air makeover, and Billy, who has nothing to lose, agrees to the project. It’s his only chance to get near Maddy again, and to fight for the right things this time around. He believes in the fire in Maddy’s whiskey eyes and the passion that ignites the air between them. This bad-boy heartbreaker wants a last shot to be redeemed by the only thing that matters: Maddy’s love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out my review here.

Click for more info. 

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Up For Grabs:

To Enter:
  • Please answer Molly's question: What's your favorite book? Can you actually narrow it down to one?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form. 
  • North American Shipping ONLY

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


laurie said...

i have too many to count!

Amy said...

I haven't read any books by Molly O'Keefe yet, but it looks like I need to. Love the covers and your review was great. My favorite book? Wow, that is a tough one. I think I go in phases. If I had to recommend one book today to anyone to read, I would have to pick Operation Sheba by Misty Evans. It is the first book I sought out for a signed copy! But, there are a ton of books and authors I would recommend!

May said...

I think it depends on what my mood is. I change my favorite book all the time depending on my mood! So no, I can't narrow it down to one book...

shellbelle said...

Narrow it down to one....almost impossible! There are so many different genres. But I do have to say there is one book that I have worn out 3 copies of. I read it once a year if not twice a year since the book was published. The characters stole my heart!
Truly, Madly Yours by Rachel Gibson

For those of you who have not read the Crooked Creek series by Molly O'Keefe I highly recommend them....Fantastic!

Pamela said...

"The Purpose Driven Life, What on Earth Am I Here For?" By Rick Warren. It keeps life in perspective. But on occasion, it is nice to read fantasy!

cheryl c said...

I have so many favorites! A couple contemporaries that I can think of are Julie James' THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE and Kristan Higgins' TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. In historicals, I loved Loretta Chase's LORD OF SCOUNDRELS and Julie Garwood's RANSOM.

Carrie E. said...

I don't think I can!!!! Right now I have 2 boxes full that I can't get rid of and about 100 more in my TBR pile. I read mostly love stories. I love the books of Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Rachel Gibson, Kristan Higgins, Jill Shalvis, Karen Hawkins, Eloisa James, Sabrina Jeffries, Julia Quinn, and many others, but especially those that combine humor and love. I'm really excited to read yours as well!

Beautiful Disaster said...

Hmmm...I really don't think I could narrow it down to just one. There are just so many books out there that have made me happy over the years. Different genres at different times. I have a vast collection of paperbacks/ hardback books from my fave authors.
Historical romance is my first love especially those with settings prior to the 1800's.
I haven't read anything by Molly yet. Will add her first book in series to my TBR pile.
lorih824 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Fiery Na said...

One of my favorite books is Dream a Little Dream by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I have a handful of favoritesand love them for different reasons :)

Preet said...

I love discovering new authors!

There is no way I could choose a single favorite book. I am an equal opportunity book lover. My favorites transcend many genres so it would be unfair to choose one over another.

Unknown said...

It would be impossible to narrow it down, like people had said there are just too many genres, it would seem unfair to pick one favorite :)
Romance genre has so many wonderful books that I cannot wrap my head around one. I really enjoyed Seven Nights in A Rogues Bed
And in Paranormal I loved the Charley Davidson series, cause Charley and Reyes are just soo wonderful

Amber said...

My favorite book right now is Reaper's Property!

Molly O'Keefe said...

See! It's impossible to narrow it down. I don't feel so bad being unable to come up with one. Thanks for the comments guys!

krg said...

I have a hard time narrowing it down but one that always pops in my brain is 'Truly Madly Yours' by Rachel Gibson. I just love Nick Allegrezza.

lorimeehan said...

Paradise by Judith McNaught. Then her book Perfect.

Natasha said...

I can't pick just one, I have too many favorites!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Yours Until Dawn (Regency Historical) by Teresa Medeiros gets me every time...and I love the whole Lucky Harbor (Contemporary romance) series by Jill Shalvis.


Unknown said...

No, I couldn't pick one. I could pick a favorite series of books (I tend to love a series). Sign of Seven series by Nora Roberts. Love those books. Thanks for this opportunity!!

bn100 said...

pride and prejudice

Jen B. said...

I have a lot of books that I love but if I had to choose one it would be Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey. That would be the book I would take to a desert island!

Barbara E. said...

There's no way I can narrow it down to one book. I have a lot of books I've adored, but it's like picking my favorite child, they're all special in their own way. :D

Anonymous said...

I can't name just one favorite. I always enjoy Jayne Ann Krentz's Arcane related books. I love Simple Need by Lissa Matthews and so many more. lisagk(at)yahoo

*yadkny* said...

Definitely cannot narrow it down to one:)

Ada said...

I think it's too hard to narrow it to down to one definite favorite but my most recent favorite has to be Nora Robert's first book from her Bride Quartet series, Vision In White. Absolutely loved it, blew right through it and nearly cried when I finished it because it was done. Thank goodness it's part of a series!

Readsalot81 said...

I can't narrow it down to just one. Sorry. LOL. And I've read Crazy Thing Called Love. I absolutely adored it. What a wonderful book!

Cathy P said...

I can't narrow it down to one favorite. I have too many authors whose books I love. I guess I could always say "Gone With The Wind," though.

Cathy P said...

Woops! Forgot my email:


Booklover Sue said...

It is impossible to narrow it down to 100 let alone 1! I love so many in so many genres!

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

Allison W said...

Can't narrow it down so I'll just go with the Harry Potter Series, its what really got me reading again!
allison dot westcote at gmail dot com

Kim said...

There are many, but one is Almost Heaven by Judith McNaught.

Di said...

Nope - can't even narrow it down to a dozen - but I did love Nora Robert's Bride Quartet series & Janet Chapman's Highlander & Spellbound Falls series.

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