
Guest Post with Author Wendy Sparrow and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Wendy Sparrow to RFTC. Wendy is celebrating the release of her novella Frosted and has stopped by to chat. Please give Wendy a warm welcome.

At home in the Pacific Northwest, Wendy Sparrow writes for both an adult and young adult crowd. She has two wonderfully quirky kids, a supportive husband, and a perpetually messy house because writing is more fun than cleaning. She enjoys reading with a flashlight under a blanket—the way all the best books should be read—and believes in the Oxford comma, the pursuit of cupcakes, and that every story deserves a happily ever after. Most days she can be found on Twitter where she’ll talk to anyone who talks back, and occasionally just to herself.

Places to find Wendy:

The Personalities of Pretend People

Okay, I’m done with the P alliteration. Promise.

Frosted began as a much shorter story. It was initially one third the size it is currently, so when it went to revision I knew I wanted to flesh out the characters. (Why does flesh out sound dirty when you’re talking about a romance book?) In the last year, I’ve read a lot of personality and sociology books: Blink, Please Understand Me II, Quiet, What Every Body is Saying. Many of them mentioned personality profile typing called the Myers-Briggs indicator where aspects of your personality classify you into categories.

For example, I’m an INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging.) Guess what many novelists are? Yep, a lot of us are INFJ. Our personality lends well to creativity and we tend to be intuitive about human nature.

You can find variations of the Myers-Briggs test online with varying degrees of accuracy, but I found the one in Please Understand Me II by David Keirsey to be spot on. Not only that, but Keirsey goes a step further and tells how the personality types interact—how they are in courting. It was a romance author’s golden city: a book that describes how certain personalities behave when they’re in a romance! Holy freak, people, it was gold in hand. Okay, sorry, I got a little excited back then too.

So when Jack Frost went to get fleshed out… (I’m giggling immaturely every time and I apologize for that) I opened up my bible of personalities and searched out what he was because I wanted his character to be consistent. I found Jack in what Keirsey calls the Artisan Composer (ISFP.) His personality was spontaneous and impulsive. He lives in the moment without a lot of thought to consequences. He loves intensely and passionately. They’re creative and attuned to their senses—he’s the king of winter—he creates a frozen world every winter—of course he’s creative. I’d found Jack. As I was reading the profile, it was as if he’d stepped out of the book. I knew he’d need to touch Kate a lot more…that he’d need to be part Peter Pan but also intense.

In a very Adam and Eve moment, creating Jack created Kate. He needed someone with traits that he’d be compatible with. He needed someone he’d be drawn to. So, I flipped to the back of Keirsey’s book, and found which personality type he’d be compatible with. Kate was more grounded and Jack needed that. She was his “look before leaping” opposite. Personality types aren’t just fiction and there is truth in the adage opposites attract. Kate would find Jack’s spontaneity exciting. His draw to the sensual side of things would be sexy. And while many of Kate’s quirks were already in the early drafts when I read Jack’s personality type’s ideal mate—the Guardian Supervisor (ESTJ)—it was Kate. There she was…and the book agreed that they’d be great together—if she’d just let him in.

Many writers and non-writers do personality-typing without thinking. If you’re listening in at a restaurant on a couple’s first date and you realize almost immediately they’re not compatible—you’ve just done a quick personality typing. If you’re a parent and you’ve figured out how to talk your child out of a tantrum or into doing their homework—it’s because you’ve figured out the ins and outs of their personality. We do it all the time without thinking. In fact, I slipped an obvious literary one in earlier and I’m sure you caught it—Peter Pan. All I had to say was Jack needed to be part Peter Pan and you were nodding and saying, “Of course, Wendy. Say no more.”

A good portion of couples in a successful marriage have been drawn to the personality type most compatible with them. My husband, who I’m sure enjoyed me psycho-analyzing him immensely, is my personality type’s ideal mate. When I told him in excitement, his comment was a dry, “Well, that’s a relief.” (That’s totally what someone with his personality type would say, by the way.)

Romance authors also often use the term “alpha male” to describe personality types. Alpha males are the predominant personality in romance leads. Strong, take-charge…confident…definitely confident. We all love a male main character who knows he deserves to be the lead of a story.

I’m not saying all authors get a little neurotic about personality typing like I do, but I suspect it’s because many of them do it intuitively and readers need us to. A character can never be brought to life if their personality is all over the place—if their behavior is sporadic. I love to read books where the characters step out of the page—where you genuinely forget you’re reading. That’s what writers want. We want the characters who’ve lived in our heads for forever to take up residence in yours.

Okay, now that I’ve mentioned some of Jack’s traits, let me toss you an excerpt and you can judge whether Jack steps off the page, and if he does, I hope you’ll check out Frosted and tell me what you think. Are my pretend people’s personalities portrayed? (I know, I said I was going to stop doing that. Sorry.)

This is a scene from shortly after Kate drops into the winter world after falling through ice, and she’s met its King, Jack Frost.

Cocking his head, he reached out a hand into the space between them and, with a feather-light touch, brushed his fingers across her upper arm. “So soft,” he breathed as a smile spread his lips.

They both watched his fingers trace upwards along her arm and up her shoulder. “You feel so real.”

She did. If this was an illusion or a dream, it felt more substantial than her reality had been. It had been a long time since someone had touched her like this, and they’d never had such a look of reverence on their face. The pads of his fingers felt like suede as they brushed her collarbone. He stepped closer.

She drew a quick breath.

It pulled him out of his reverie, and his hand dropped but he didn’t step back. He crowded her, overwhelmed her, and for a panicked moment, trapped her—but the anxiety faded as the heat of awareness overcame it.

“I’m sorry.” In the silent world of snow and ice, his whispered apology held in the air. “I haven’t touched anyone in…as long as I can remember.” He smiled sheepishly. “It felt like…”

“Like what?” she asked when he didn’t continue.

“Like I’d died and gone to heaven.” His eyes shifted, from where his fingers had last touched, to meet her gaze. “And I’m immortal. That’s not supposed to happen.”

Seven years ago, Kate Finley fell through the ice into the Winter World and straight into the heart of its king, Jack Frost. Then cold feet set in and Kate ran from the one man who made her feel complete.

Jack let his queen go back to the mortal world to say goodbye but she escaped out of his reach to sunny Florida. Now time is short, and he must convince his runaway bride to give him a second chance to melt her heart.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

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Up For Grabs:

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  • Please leave a comment/question for Wendy
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


May said...

Sounds like a great book! Will look for it later!

Unknown said...

The cover for Frosted is hot! Love the sound of the book description cause it is so different. I can't wait to read this one. Thank you for sharing the excerpt!

Rebe said...

I love the cover too! I'll have to check it out!

Beautiful Disaster said...

I can't wait to read this. It sounds like a great book. I will add it to my wish list.

Anonymous said...

This book sounds good and I liked the excerpt.

Marcy Shuler

lorimeehan said...

I loved the excerpt. This sounds like a really good book. I like the idea of Jack Frost. I'm looking forward to reading this book.

Di said...

it's nice to see a handsome Jack Frost rather than a quirky one.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

bn100 said...

Sounds fun

Linda said...

COngrats on the release of your book Wendy! Writing (& reading)is a lot more fun than cleaning; so you can guess what kind of state my house is in too :)

I read a really good book this week which always makes me smile & I'm hoping to win this giveaway which will guarantee a big grin!

lavendersbluegreen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lavendersbluegreen said...

I'm an ENTJ. I like knowing silly stuff like that, cool to know... I enjoyed the interview and excerpt, thanks for the giveaway!

crystalguidroz1 said...

Congrats on your new release! You are a new author for me and I am very excited to read thia book! I love the premise of Jack Frost King of The Ice World and think this is a fabulous new twist on the romance genre :)

Crystal Guidroz

Kim said...

I love the cover and those piercing ice-blue eyes.... OMG!

Arely ZPerez said...

Eek! Jack Frost sounds sexy! (I would say hot, but he's Jack FROST.)

Wendy Sparrow said...

LOL. That made me laugh. Last week I was tweeting lines from this book with the hashtag #HotFrost so I think you're allowed to say that.

Wendy Sparrow said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it interesting. I felt like the biggest writer-nerd after I submitted this guest post. According to Kiersey, you're a Rational Field marshal, btw, and your ideal mate would be an INFP.

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