
Sealed With a Kiss: Kieran Kramer and Giveaway

Double Rita®-finalist and USA Today bestseller Kieran Kramer is the author of the lighthearted Regency historical romance series, The Impossible Bachelors, published by St. Martin's Press. She has a new six-book contract with St. Martin's for another Regency series called The House of Brady, which premeired in August 2012 with LOVING LADY MARCIA. A former CIA employee, journalist, and English teacher, Kieran's also a game show veteran, karaoke enthusiast, and general adventurer. Without doubt her greatest adventure, which she's taken hand-in-hand with her husband of 23 years has been mothering their three children.

Places to find Kieran:

All right, my love, here's that entirely-too-bawdy-to-be-proper limerick you requested I write down, although I prefer whispering it in your ear at dull dinner parties:

There once was a girl in breeches
Whose saucy remarks kept me in stitches
So I took off her clothes
From her shirt to her hose
And ran my tongue where she most bewitches.

You're wicked, my lady, which is only one of the many reasons I love you. Meet me at our favorite hotel in half an hour. Sign in this time as Lady Pinkfeather. I'll have the chocolate and sparkling wine waiting.

Check out Gregory and Pippa's love story in The Earl Is Mine

Handsome, charismatic, and on the verge of becoming a successful architect, Gregory Sherwood, Lord Westdale, could have just about any woman he wants. So why rush to marry? So far there's been only one woman he's considered his ideal match. But that was before she had a secret affair with his best friend…with the help of an unwitting accomplice named Lady Pippa Harrington.

Pippa may not have acted in her old friend Gregory's best interests, but she's always believed that the heart sets its own rules. This is why Pippa must escape her arranged marriage-fast-by fleeing to Paris, where she hopes to pursue her artistic passions. To do so, Pippa will need all the help she can get-from Gregory, the one man she isn't sure she can trust…or resist….

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Check out the House of Brady series:
Click for info.

Check out whats up for grabs.

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  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Kieran.
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In celebration of the upcoming release of The Earl is Mine Kieran is having an AMAZING giveaway you won't want to miss out on. Click the picture above for more info. 

    **Don't forget to head over to Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance to check out Pippa's letter. 

    Good Luck  =)
    a Rafflecopter giveaway


    Ada said...

    Hi Kieran! I can't wait to read the House of Brady series. I enjoyed the Impossible Bachelors and totally loved the titles of the book! My favorite was "Dukes to the Left of Me, Princes to the Right". Cheers!~

    Anita H said...

    I really love your books, so glad there's a new series! Thanks for the giveaway!


    laurie said...

    i haven't read your books yet but they look really good. i hope i win one!

    sheryl said...

    Can't wait to read this!!! I love oyur books. Thanks

    Joanne said...

    Congrats on the new series. Can't wait to read it. I loved The Impossible Bachelors series, especially Harry and Molly. Thanks for Gregory's limerick. It was bawdy!

    Rita Wray said...

    I love historical romance, can't wait to read it.


    Karen H said...

    This book is on my BTB list...can't wait to get a copy. Thanks for the giveaway.

    May said...

    I love your other books and looking forward to this one too! :) Loving Lady marcia was one my favorite books last yr!

    kipha said...

    I can't wait to read this book! Read the prologue/excerpt and got hooked~ Why is it taking so long~ >.<

    Sara said...

    I am greatly enjoying your House of Brady series so far and I’m looking forward to Gregory’s story and Janice’s later this year.

    gamistress66 said...

    cute note :) gotta like a guy who can rhyme so well :)

    Heidi said...

    Hello Kieran, I have been looking for new authors nad books to add to my must read list! I am absolutely hooked after reading the excert.I can't wait to read your House of Brady series!!

    Heidi said...

    cheryl c said...

    Oooh, the story sounds wickedly fun!!!

    Unknown said...

    I would be stoked to read this! Historical romance is my favorite and there are so many authors o haven't had a chance to read yet!

    Kieran said...

    Thank you so much!! SPINSTERS RULE!! I loved Dukes/Princes, too.

    Kieran said...

    Thanks bunches, Anita!!! I love giving away cool stuff to my readers!!! :>)

    Kieran said...

    Good luck, Laurie, and thanks for stopping by!! I love finding new readers. Let me know if you wind up reading one. I'm always on Facebook and Twitter. :>)

    Kieran said...

    Thank YOU, Sheryl, for being such a sweet reader friend!!

    Kieran said...

    Yep, it was bawdy. But Gregory had no idea all these people would be reading it, LOL!! And he probably was not prepared when "Lady Pinkfeather" showed up with an entourage (see Romancing Rakes for that letter). :>)

    Kieran said...

    Thank you, Ingeborg!!! I hope you'll enjoy Gregory and Pippa's story!!

    Kieran said...

    Karen, I appreciate your enthusiasm very much!! Thanks!! :>)

    Kieran said...

    May, that means the world to me, what you said about Marcia's book. Thanks, darlin'!!

    Kieran said...

    Kipha, I'm always so happy to meet readers like you--thanks for being excited!!! :>)

    SharonD said...

    Wow. After reading that limerick there is no denying these 2 are a must read couple. Love all your books :P

    Kieran said...

    Sara, I'm still writing Janice's...should be interesting! I can hardly wait to wrap it up! Thanks for being a great reader friend. :>)

    Kieran said...

    Haha!! He actually kept it less bawdy than it could have been...


    I just love my male characters when they get all frustrated over not being able to be with their women!! It makes the reunions (in the bedchamber? in a carriage? in the woods?) really nice!!

    Kieran said...

    Heidi, you're a doll to show my books such support. Thank you very much, and I really hope you'll enjoy the book!! And all the series, as a matter of fact. :>)

    Kieran said...

    There are most definitely some wickedly fun parts to this book, and I loved writing them!! Of course, Gregory and Pippa were whispering in my ear about what really happened...I just jot it all down.


    Kieran said...

    Annah, I would be stoked if you read it, too! When that day comes, please let me know what you think! I'm on Facebook and Twitter every day.


    Kieran said...

    Sharon, it was a naughty limerick, but Gregory can't help himself around Pippa. She brings out the bad boy in him every time, LOL!!! :>)

    Anonymous said...

    Have so loved this series and Pippa is a hoot! Can't wait to get my hands on this one. Just love your books Kieran. And I always love limericks!

    Sue P.

    Unknown said...

    I love the premise behind the House of Brady series, and can't wait to read the books. Thanks for the chance to win!


    erin said...

    Thanks for the fun post and congrats on the new release! I'm dying to get my hands on this book :)

    Anonymous said...

    I love limericks, and the humor in this story draws me in. I'll definitely check out the House of Brady series...and your new series, too.

    Marcy Shuler

    Unknown said...

    Wicked letter, thank you for sharing a glimpse. I love the way your new book sounds, very lovely <3

    Kieran said...

    Thank you~I think Pippa is a hoot, too. And Gregory is hot! Sue, I always appreciate your cheerful enthusiasm!! :>)

    Kieran said...

    Jena, thank you for your kind support of the series!!! I love writing about a blended family, too. All sorts of shocking things happen to the plot as I write, and it's lots of fun!!


    Kieran said...

    Erin, thank you so much! I really can't wait for Gregory and Pippa's book to come out. I had a lot of fun with this one. I hope you'll not only enjoy my sexy hero and brave heroine but the secondary characters, too!

    Kieran said...

    Marcy, you're so sweet! You must be referring to the Impossible Bachelors series. I hope you enjoy it!! :>)

    Kieran said...

    Thank you, Lily!!! I hope you'll enjoy it!!! :>)

    Annwitch said...

    I love your books and the House of Brady books are amazing. I can't wait to read The Earl is Mine.

    Cathy P said...

    Hi, Kieran! I love your books! THE EARL IS MINE has a beautiful cover and sounds like another winner for you.


    Beautiful Disaster said...

    Congrats on the new book release. I haven't read anything by you yet but I do look forward to reading this book. Thanks :)
    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

    Kieran said...

    Ann, thank you so much for stopping by and cheering for my series! I'm a lucky writer to have such awesome support!! :>)

    Kieran said...

    Cathy, I love the cover, too! Thank you! I'll tell Danielle in the St. Martin's art department that you think it's beautiful! And thanks for your kind words. I am very touched!!

    Kieran said...

    Beautiful Disaster, I love your name so much, I really want you to read this book and tell me what you think! You sound like a very interesting person. Thanks for stopping by!! :>)

    hotcha12 said...

    hi kienan, hope you get down here!!

    Melissa Limoges said...

    Lol, what a very saucy letter. :) Can't wait to read the book for myself.

    lorimeehan said...

    I loved the limerick. Also the red color on the book over is fabulous. Congrats on the new release v

    Unknown said...

    The letters are so fun. I've been enjoying all the letters.
    What is a normal writing day for you?

    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

    Unknown said...

    I can't wait to read the house of brady Series!


    Yay! Rockstars :)

    Maureen said...

    I like the fun letter and the limerick is great.

    June M. said...

    Oh, loved the limerick :) I can't wait to read this book!

    Carol L. said...

    Loved that limerick. :) I can't wait to read The Earl Is mine. Thanks for this chance.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    Diane D - Florida said...

    Hi Kieran,

    Wow, I loved the yummy limerick. :-)

    Thank you for this opportunity to win a copy of your book, "The Earl Is Mine". The cover art and colors are absolutely beautiful.

    Barbara E. said...

    This is a great series and I'm looking forward to reading The Earl is Mine.

    Natasha said...

    I can't wait to read this one!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Di said...

    I enjoy it when an aristocrat has a profession.

    Melody May said...

    You know I'm such a big fan. Even if I don't win, this will be on my to buy list.

    Anonymous said...

    I would love to, Hotcha12!! Thanks for asking!! :>)

    Anonymous said...

    Melissa, It WAS saucy! Thank you for stopping by to say hello!! :>)

    Anonymous said...

    Lori, thank you very much! And I love that red color, too. Great for Valentine's month!!


    Anonymous said...

    Julianne, did you say *normal*? LOL!!! Oh my goodness, how I wish! I'm only now developing a regular schedule, after all these books! I find I have to so that I can keep up with my deadlines. I'm not naturally disciplined AT ALL.

    So I write when everyone's out of the house--all day--and then occasionally at night. When I have a deadline, I feel like I'm writing 24/7. Thanks for asking!!


    Anonymous said...

    ROCKSTARS ROCK! Yay, Joy! So glad to see you here. Thanks for all your support!! :>)

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks bunches, Maureen!! :>D

    Anonymous said...

    June, thank you so much. I hope you really enjoy Gregory and Pippa's story!! :>)

    Anonymous said...

    It's my pleasure, Carol. I'm so indebted to all my wonderful reader friends for their unwavering support. I'm a very lucky author!!

    Anonymous said...

    Diane, I'll be sure to tell Danielle in the art department at St. Martin's Press that you love the cover! She always loves to get reader feedback. And thank you for your kind words!! :>)

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks so much, Barbara! I hope you have a lot of fun reading THE EARL IS MINE!

    Anonymous said...

    Natasha, thank you for your enthusiasm, and I appreciate your stopping by to say hello!

    Anonymous said...

    I do, too, Di! I love that Prince William flies helicopters and that Harry is a soldier. They don't rest on their laurels!! It's refreshing, isn't it?

    Anonymous said...

    Melody, your support means the world to me. And your name alone is such a cheerful one--it suits you. I'm so happy when I see it pop up on the internet!! :>)

    Ellen Thompson said...

    Loved the letter and I have loved every one of your books so far! I absolutely need to read this book. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    lavendersbluegreen said...

    I adored the limerick!

    jmcgaugh said...

    These books sound so great, and I haven't had a chance to read any of them, yet. I enjoyed both of their letters.
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

    Unknown said...

    The limerick had me giggling! Loved it! The book and hero both sound saucy! Can't wait to read it!

    Jen B. said...

    OMG! Mrs. Pinkfeather?! I really needed a smile tonight. Another great romantic letter. :)

    Filia Oktarina said...

    I can't wait to read this one!! Love the cover books too!!

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