
ARC Review: Vanilla on Top by CJ Ellisson

I really enjoyed this book but I will be honest and say that I had a few issues towards the beginning of the story. I had a hard time connecting with the Heather(heroine) and I thought that some of her antics were a bit out of character for her.

Heather is a modern day wallflower. She feels unattractive and as if people walk all over her. Tired of her dreary life, she decides to make a change. While at a speed dating event it just clicks that she can be anyone she wants so why not try it out at the speed dating event. When an attractive guy sits down at her table and proceeds to ignore her by talking on his phone, she's had enough. She proceeds to yell at him and tell him about how rude he is being.

Tony is used to doing and getting whatever he wants no questions asked. So when the woman sitting across from him at the speed dating event tells Tony to get off his phone, he finds himself intrigued. Usually Tony is the one in charge but there is something about Heather that he is finding irresistible. After a steamy encounter between the two, Tony is left wanting more. He can't stop thinking about her and he is bound to do everything in his power to find her and convince her to give him a chance.

I won't lie, the relationship between Heather and Tony is HOT! Seriously. These two have so much chemistry together and the sparks are just off the charts. I like that when they are together it's unpredictable, yet they bring out the best in one another.  Heather comes into her own in this book and realizes that she is sexy and I really enjoyed that. I also like that at different points in the book both Tony and Heather took the reigns when it came to the bedroom. To me, it made their relationship feel more real and true.

For me, once I got past the first few chapters and the way I felt about Heather this book just blossomed. I didn't want to put it down and I just love the direction it took. I liked that Heather is a normal person who is coming into her own, and it was great to see how everyone around Heather reacts to her transformation.

This was really a great book and I highly recommend it. I will definitely be picking up more books from CJ Ellisson. If they are half as good as Vanilla on Top was, I know I'm in for a good time.

**ARC copy provided by Entangled Publishing**

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