
Guest Post with Author Eliza Knight and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back author Eliza Knight to RFTC. Eliza is celebrating the release of The Highlander's Warrior Bride and has stopped by to chat. Please give Eliza a warm welcome.

Eliza Knight is the multi-published, award-winning, Amazon best-selling author of sizzling historical romance and erotic romance. While not reading, writing or researching for her latest book, she chases after her three children. In her spare time (if there is such a thing…) she likes daydreaming, wine-tasting, traveling, hiking, staring at the stars, watching movies, shopping and visiting with family and friends. She lives atop a small mountain, and enjoys cold winter nights when she can curl up in front of a roaring fire with her own knight in shining armor.

Places to find Eliza:

Thanks for hosting me once more, Danielle! I adore Ramblings and your readers.

I’m celebrating the release of my 4th book in the Stolen Bride seriesTHE HIGHLANDER’S WARRIOR BRIDE. If you thought the previous three heroines were kick*ss, then you should meet Julianna—born and bred to be a warrior. Trained in hand-to-hand combat, and sporting poison covered weapons, Julianna is one tough chick… Good thing she’s met up with Ronan, a Highland warrior with a promising future within the realm—and looking for a woman with grit. But he’s in for a lot more than gal who can kick his butt… because Julianna is going to steal his heart and change his life forever.

Do you like heroines who can take on four armed men at once—and come out on top?

Their greatest opponent won’t be battled with a sword…

But with their hearts…

Ronan Sutherland is a fierce warrior. Swearing off all else, he thrives on his powerful position within William Wallace’s army. Freedom for the Scots is his mission—until he meets fair Julianna. She captivates him, intoxicates him…makes him want more out of life than what harsh dangers he’s accustomed to.

Lady Julianna is no meek maiden. She’s trained in the art of war, sister to one of Scotland’s most powerful men, and tasked with keeping the future king safe. Until she’s kidnapped by a rivaling clan. Now her only hope is for the one man she trusts—and desires—to save her.

Together, they’ll have to face down one of Scotland’s most treacherous foes… And keep from falling victim to the one thing they’ve both eluded thus far—love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Check out the Stolen Bride series:
Click for info.

Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs: 
To Enter:
  • Please answer the question: Do you like heroines who can take on four armed men at once—and come out on top?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Leslie Miner said...

Love them! Whenever I read a book with a strong heroine like that, it makes me want to take boxing and karate lessons. : ) Your book sounds wonderful! I'm adding it to my TBR. Thank you for the chance to win a copy! Can't wait to read it.

Pat McDermott said...

I always enjoy strong heroines. The trick is getting the guys to like them, and Eliza does it very well. Congrats on your latest release, Eliza!

sheryl said...

I love a strong heroine! I think it's great when the author doesn't make them whiny and clingy misses, but strong women that we pull for.

Unknown said...

Yes. I love a strong heroine. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Mary Jo Burke said...

Yes I do.

Linda said...

Yes! Love a strong feisty heroine.

Unknown said...

Yes,I like heroines who can take on four armed men at once—and come out on top.

Barbara E. said...

I definitely like heroines that can hold their own. Taking on four armed men at once and coming out on top, that's awesome. I think having that ability makes a woman more self-sufficient and independent, she doesn't need a man to protect her so it gives her more choices in her life.

laurie said...

oh most definitely! i adore strong heroines

Unknown said...

I love strong heroines, and can't wait to read this book!


erin said...

I like a strong heroine! It's nice when the heroine rescues instead :)

Tin said...

Yes, I love heroines who can kick a**! I'd love to read about a heroine who can take on four men at once. ^_^

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Eliza Knight said...

Thanks, Leslie! Kick-boxing is a blast and totally gives me inspiration!

Eliza Knight said...

Oh, thank you Pat!!! It is a little tricky but so much fun :)

Eliza Knight said...

LOL, thanks Sheryl! I loathe whiners :)

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you, Emily! And you're welcome :)

Eliza Knight said...

Thanks for visiting, Mary Jo!

Eliza Knight said...

Me too, Linda! Thanks!

Eliza Knight said...

Me too :) Thanks for visiting!

Eliza Knight said...

Thanks, Barbara! I agree, and having choices also gives us more control over our own destinies :)

Eliza Knight said...

Me too, Laurie! Thanks for visiting!

Eliza Knight said...

Thanks, Jena!!! I hope you enjoy it :)

Eliza Knight said...

I agree! A fun twist :) Thanks for visiting!

Eliza Knight said...

You're welcome! Any less than four would be boring right? *winks* Thank you for visiting :)

lorimeehan said...

I love sting herions. One of my favorite books is Laird of The Mist by Paula Quinn.

wanda f said...

Absolutely strong heroines are my favorite .One that can take care of business.Thank you for this chance to win.Have an awesome week.

Natasha said...

Yes I do.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Mary Preston said...

Absolutely!! Love a heroine who can take care of herself.

Meghan said...

I like a strong heroine. I'm not saying the guy can't save her once or twice, but she should be able to save him back.

mestith at gmail dot com

chey said...

I like real strong heroines.

Unknown said...

love strong heroines, I think they are one of the best. Also fun because they actually get to challenge the man instead of looking meek.

PM350 said...

oh yes!! Fiona - Shrek jumps to my mind!!

LilMissMolly said...

Of course, I like kick-ass heroines! Who doesn't?

jmcgaugh said...

I love strong heroines, though it's unusual to find heroines who are physically strong and capable in historical romances. It's great that it works for your plot.

Joanne said...

You bet. I love strong, fierce heroines.

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