
Guest Post with Author Tara Sue Me

Today I would like to welcome author Tara Sue Me to RFTC. Tara along with a few of the characters from The Submissive have stopped by to chat. Please give them all a warm welcome.

Tara Sue Me wrote her first novel at the age of twelve. It would be twenty years before she picked up her pen to write the second.

After completing several traditional romances, she decided to try her hand at something spicier and started The Submissive. What began as a writing exercise quickly took on a life of its own. An avid reader of all types of fiction, she soon discovered she enjoyed writing a variety as well.

Tara lives in the Southeastern United States with her family, two dogs, and a cat.

Places to find Tara Sue: 
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Tara: Thanks for sitting down with me today, guys. I wanted to spend a few minutes talking about the role of food and cooking in THE SUBMISSIVE. First question is for you, Abby. Why is it such a turn on when a guy knows his way around the kitchen?

Abby: Good question. For me, I enjoy cooking, so when a guy knows how to do more than just boil water, it’s something we can do together. Hobbies are always a lot more fun when they’re shared. And if the shared fun leads to more…well, that’s even better.

Tara: We see a shared cooking scene in THE SUBMISSIVE, don’t we?

Abby: Yes, and it definitely led to more!

Tara: I’ll say. Next question, where’d you learn to cook, Nathaniel?

Nathaniel: No fair, Tara, I thought you were going to ask me my favorite food scene.

Tara: I have a fairly good idea, but maybe in a minute or two.

Abby: I don’t think I know the answer to this. Where did you learn to cook?

Nathaniel: *Takes Abby’s hand* I was in graduate school and got tired of take out. I taught myself with Mom’s old cookbooks. I considered myself a success when I made a perfect soufflĂ©.

Tara: That took what? A day?

Nathaniel: Two actually.

Tara: Slacker. So Abby, what was your favorite food scene in THE SUBMISSIVE?

Abby: Snowed in risotto.

Tara: AKA the kitchen countertop. Same question, Nathaniel.

Nathaniel: Label-less can marinara.

Abby: That’s only because I got sauce on your –

Nathaniel: True, but I reciprocated. Minus the sauce.

Abby: We should do that again.

Nathaniel: We should.

Tara: Uh guys, interview.

Nathaniel: Sorry, what was the next question?

Tara: You make blueberry muffins for Abby a few times, care to share your recipe?

Nathaniel: Sure. Recipe is found here:

Tara: Excellent, thanks. Last question: Why are sex and food so good together?

Nathaniel: They’re both sensory experiences.

Abby: And they’re both pleasurable.

Nathaniel: Well, except Brussels sprouts.

Tara: I’d agree with you on the sprouts. Thanks guys, talk soon!

Abby King has a secret fantasy.

New York knows Nathaniel West as the brilliant and handsome CEO of West Industries, but Abby knows he’s more: a sexy and skilled dominant who is looking for a new submissive. Yearning to experience a world of pleasure beyond her simple life as a librarian, Abby offers herself to Nathaniel to fulfill her most hidden desires.

After only one weekend with the Master, Abby knows she needs more, and fully submits to Nathaniel’s terms. But despite the pleasure he takes in Abby’s willing spirit, the Nathaniel hidden behind the rules remains cold and distant.

As Abby falls deeper into his tantalizing world of power and passion, she fears that Nathaniel’s heart may be beyond her reach—and that her own might be beyond saving…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out the Submissive Trilogy: 

Click for info. 


lorimeehan said...

I like Brussel sprouts. Great post. Thanks.

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