
Guest Post with Author Tracy March and Giveaway

Today I am so happy to welcome the super awesome and super nice Tracy March to RFTC. Tracy is celebrating the release of her debut book, The Practice Proposal and has stopped by to share some hottie baseball players pics! Please give Tracy a very warm welcome!!

Award-winning author Tracy March writes romantic thrillers influenced by her career in the pharmaceutical field, and her interest in science and politics. She also writes lighthearted romances inspired by her real-life happily ever after.

Always up for travel and adventure, Tracy has flown in a stunt plane, snowmobiled on the Continental Divide, ziplined in the Swiss Alps, and been chased by a bull in the mountains of St. Lucia. She loves Nationals baseball, Saturday date nights, and Dairy Queen Blizzards—and rarely goes a day without Diet Coke and Cheez-Its.

Tracy lives in Yorktown, Virginia, with her superhero husband who works for NASA. They recently spent two years living in Washington D.C., and enjoy visiting often—especially when the Nats are in town.

Places to find Tracy: 

Talkin’ About My Inspiration…
by Tracy March

I’m so excited to share the story of the inspiration behind the sexy pro-baseball-player in my new sweet and sassy romance, The Practice Proposal. I figured, what girl could resist a hot playboy athlete who, deep down, is just looking for true love? *swoon*

I couldn’t wait to write this guy, because I knew him. Well, kind of. And, um…not exactly him, just the image of him. During most Washington Nationals games, this inferno-hot player appeared on my TV or on the field (when I was lucky enough to be in the stands), just begging to jump into a romance novel. So I put him in one!

Only I didn’t have a contract for The Practice Proposal at the time. So I made him the star of a romantic thriller. Appropriate, huh? He wouldn’t play baseball—he’d be a senate staffer who rode a BMW motorcycle to work—but he’d still be buff at 6’ 5” and 245. He’d still have that swagger, the longish dark hair, the sultry brown eyes, and the sexist mouth EVER.

So I’m off and writing him into my thriller, when I get the idea—and then the contract—for The Practice Proposal. *woot* But wait…stop the celebration! Super-sexy baseball guy is now in a thriller and busy working on Capitol Hill! *bites nails* How could I write a baseball hero who wasn’t him? Him who I have pictures of on my bulletin board? Him whose nickname and number are on my favorite Nats-red hoodie? Him who makes a blissfully happy married woman really love baseball?

I considered totally changing the thriller hero, and giving the baseball hero his true physical characteristics. But then I realized, it was his heart I needed to bring to the character—his sportsmanship, his team spirit, his love of the fans, and his quirky sense of humor. So I made up an entirely new version of him and called him Cole Collins. He’s got the longish hair, but it’s blonde, and his eyes are sparkly-blue. He’s tall and broad and muscular, and gracefully agile, too. Oops…back up a second. Maybe I wasn’t totally truthful. Cole’s not entirely new. I gave him that melt-your-insides mouth. I figured, why shouldn’t two men have lips like that?

So here are some of my favorite pictures of Mr. Inspiration—Michael Morse, formerly of the Washington Nationals, and recently traded to the Seattle Mariners—the hero at the heart of my story. And just to nudge your imagination a little, I’ve also included a couple of pictures of how I imagine Cole from The Practice Proposal. Enjoy, and remember to breathe! ;)

If you could pick any athlete to be the hero in a romance, who would it be and why?

Liza Sutherland isn’t looking for love. Not from a charity-auction date she didn’t even bid on and especially not with Nationals first baseman Cole Collins, the guy she obsessed over as an awkward teenager. She won’t get involved with a notorious player, no matter how attractive Cole is.

Cole Collins is up for contract renegotiation, but after too many late-night parties, he’ll need some positive publicity before he can make the roster. His agent, Frank, pitches Liza as the perfect prop…only Cole didn’t account for Liza no longer being just a teenager with a crush. She’s gorgeous and smart and he’s instantly hooked.

When Frank makes Liza a deal she can’t refuse—a bet she will fall in love with Cole or a cool half mil goes to charity—the game is on. But neither bet on the real feelings that surface. Could a fake fling turn into an official forever?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a charm bracelet 

To Enter:
  • Please answer Tracy's question: If you could pick any athlete to be the hero in a romance, who would it be and why?
  • US/Canada Shipping ONLY
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form. 

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Amy said...

Oh, Tracy, you weren't kidding when you said Danielle would have some hot pictures on her blog today. I especially like the shirtless one and that is how I pictured Cole when reading about him. We are Cubs fans in our house and each year I tend to look at the roster and pick my favorite out based on how hot he is. Sometimes they are also good ball players and sometimes they sit on the bench. This is a fun picture from back in the day. I don't think it is ridiculous like the title of the photo mentions:
Congrats on the release!

Nancy Naigle said...

I'm a sucker for a sports guy. Fell in love with my husband after seeing him in his softball uniform....whoever invented those polyester pants should get a big smooch!!

And biceps --- got to love some nice arms. Hey batter-batter-batter ... HUG! err-mmm I mean swing!
I loved THE PRACTICE PROPOSAL. I can't wait to go back and visit with Liza and Cole and the other folks. Bring it on, Tracy!!

Nancy Naigle said...

ummm....and I just translated those symbols on that guys tummy up there. Get out!! It says NANCY! Who knew?

Mary Jo Burke said...

There is definitely a reason I like sports. Gorgeous silent men. I've recently become a hockey fan. Some of those boys are so cute.

Meg G. said...

Looks like a great book! I would like to see someone like David Beckham in a romance. Except he would marry someone more normal then a Spice Girl.

Meg G.
Megonski216 at yahoo dot com

Kim said...

Well I will admit, Michael Morse got my pulse racing. Wow. I think I might need to start watching baseball.

I only watch football. I can't think of anyone who is the star of my dreams. Wait...wait... J.J. Watt. Yes, he's WAY too young for me, but that smile, when you see it. Plus he's a big guy who I'm sure gives AWESOME hugs.


Beautiful Disaster said...

Hmmm... I like Michael Morse.
lorih824 at yahoo dot com

Tracy March said...

Way to join in the fun, Amy! Thanks for sharing that picture. I love baseball, and agree that when the players are hot, it certainly makes watching more fun! Pretty awesome that we imagined Cole the same way. *swoon* :)

Tracy March said...

Sorry, got a couple of those letters wrong. They actually say TRACY! ;) So happy you enjoyed THE PRACTICE PROPOSAL. Thanks so much for your kind COVER QUOTE! :)

Tracy March said...

Hi, Mary Jo! Some of those hockey players are quite hot. It's a bummer that they wear so much equipment when they play. Maybe they could play a little less aggressively...and shirtless! ;)

Cindi said...

Sam Bradford. He is young, adorable, sweet and plays for the St. Louis Rams. Go Rams!! lol


Tracy March said...

Funny, Meg! I think most women would agree with you. I sure do! :)

Tracy March said...

Hi, Kim! Michael Morse gets my pulse racing, too! Guess that's not news after reading my post, huh? ;)

I'll bet J.J. gives awesome hugs, too!

Thanks for stopping by!

Tracy March said...

Hi, Lori! Glad you like Michael Morse. Not only is he smokin' hot, he's got a great sense of humor and he's a class act. It's nice to have athlete role models like him.

Thanks for stopping by today and commenting!

Tracy March said...

Sam is adorable, Cindi! He'd be awesome in a romance novel!

Sandra Trolinger said...

Holy cow! He is hot!
I would choose Troy Aikman or Peyton Manning. Southern boys who grew up right and know how to treat a lady and have a sense of humor and a killer throwing arm and Super Bowl rings.

Unknown said...

I would choose Clemente Russo he is a boxer.. Love that rough kind of guy.. :) he is hot hot hot.. smoking

krisgils33 said...

I'm slowly becoming a Nats fan...after living in the metro DC area for 7 years now and the really bad season the Red Sox insist on having could I not??? My absolute fave baseball player is the now-retired Jason Varitek. Yummo!!!

Shelley E said...

He is cute... :)

Becky Wallace said...

Oh man!! There are SOOO many. Derek Jeter or a young Cal Ripken. I have a soft spot for Wes Welker too! Too bad he left The Patriots.

Tracy March said...

Yes, Sandra...he is HOT! I like the way you think...Southern boys who know how to treat a lady are prizes for sure!

I'm so happy you stopped by today, and thanks for your awesome review of THE PRACTICE PROPOSAL! Sending you a tight cyber hug from Payton Manning! ;)

Tracy March said...

Hi, Jewels! Clemete is hot, for sure. Thanks for reminding me of him! :)

Sandra Trolinger said...

I have never really been into baseball but if I let you pick my players, I mean teams, I might change my mind! ;)
I look forward to reviewing more of your books.

Tracy March said...

C'mon over to Natstown, Kris! :) I've been a Nats fan since the sad days when it was a surprise to see them win a game. It's so nice to see them with so much promise now! Jason Varitek--nice! :)

Tracy March said...

For sure, Shelley! Thanks for stopping by! :)

Tracy March said...

Yes, many people are sad about Wes Welker. I understand since the Nats traded Michael Morse. It's such a bummer when your favorite players no longer play for your favorite teams. But you're right, there are so many hot athletes. Lucky us! :)

Unknown said...

Hot Male athletes ….hmm my short list (yeah, there’s a lot of yummy men in sports so the list is longer):
Kevin Love – Basketball
Jay Cutler OR Wes Welker OR Eric Decker – Football
Ryan Roberts OR Ian Kinsler OR Alex Rios - Baseball
Carlos Bocanegra OR Cristiano Ronaldo - Soccer
Kelly Slater - Surfing
Andy Roddick – Tennis
Adam Scott – Golf

Seriously not much is hotter than an athletic man!

Kelsey Browning said...

Love, love, love me some sports heroes! Not sure who my real-life model would be, however. As much as I love baseball, I always feel like I don't know enough to write a realistic sports hero. What kind of research did you do to get it right, Tracy?


laurie said...

for me it would be Carlos Bocanegra OR Cristiano Ronaldo - Soccer

lorimeehan said...

David Beckem because he's hot.

Unknown said...

I would like it to be one of the NHL players. I have a thing for hockey players.

Anonymous said...

I'd go with Derek Jeter or David Beckham. Either/Or. I'm not picky. LOL

Marcy Shuler

Tracey Devlyn said...

Tracy, CONGRATS on your debut release! So excited for you. Alas, I know nothing about sports. The last time I watched baseball was in the late 80s and Ozzie Smith and Ryan Sandberg were at the top of their game. :)

Unknown said...

Landon Donovan is pretty sexy without his shirt on and has a great smile!!


Tracy March said...

LOL, Sandra! Let me pick your team and we'll redefine the term "Fantasy Baseball!" ;)

Tracy March said...

Whoa, Dione! You've certainly covered it! I'm a golf fan, too, and my fav is Aussie Stuart Appleby. I've been lucky enough to get his autograph twice! :)

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your "hot" list!

Tracy March said...

Aww, Kels! I'm not sure I got it right! But I can say that I watched A LOT of baseball and listened to some very cool commentators who educated me about the game. I even dedicated the book to two of them (and to Michael Morse!)because I've learned so much from them. My husband played college baseball, and he helped me out, too.

I also took a behind-the-scenes tour of Nats Park, which really gave me an insiders view of the clubhouses, the dugouts, the bullpen, etc. It really gave me the "feel" I wanted to convey in the book.

As you can see from the pictures posted here, doing "in person" research certainly was enjoyable! ;)

Tracy March said...

Two great choices, Laurie!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Tracy March said...

I agree, Lori! I remember that commercial he was on where he got milkshake on his shirt and he was going to take it off. Too bad he didn't! I could've watched it over and over! ;)

Tracy March said...

I'd like to read a good romance about a hot hockey player, too, Emily!

Tracy March said...

LOL, Marcy! Great attitude! :)

Tracy March said...

Thanks, Tracey! Perhaps it's wise of you not to get involved. I'd have a lot more time on my hands if I wasn't obsessed with baseball! ;)

Tracy March said...

I agree, Josie! I love a guy with a great smile. Thanks for stopping by! :)

Meghan said...

I love hockey players. I've actually been hit on by a few pro hockey players. It's hot and they look even hotter without their uniforms on!

mestith at gmail dot com

lavendersbluegreen said...

John Cena. Not just because he is an attractive body... I think it is SO amazing that he grants so very many wishes for sick children through Make A Wish Foundation.
- lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

Tracy March said...

Whoa, Meghan! It's hard to get a peek at those hockey players with all their equipment on. They should play shirtless! ;)

Tracy March said...

I agree! It's certainly more than their looks that make athletes attractive to me. They may be smokin' hot, but if they're cocky or poor sports, they don't appeal to me. I also love the ones who are attentive to their fans and active in charity. :) Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Stuart is a great choice! Two autographs??? Sigh, that's seriously awesome!
I grew up being the youngest child and the only girl, my brothers were very athletic. I guess it was inevitable that I become a sports fan too!

Unknown said...

Henrik Lundqvist for me, Love hockey and love that goalie, eheh good looking too :) mmm
Love the sound of your new book Tracy! Grats on the new release, really exciting. Cannot wait to read it :)

Toot's Book Reviews said...

super hot! definately romance worthy!

Tracy March said...

Yep, Dione. I was so star-struck by Stuart that I couldn't even speak. Too bad, because I love his accent and would've liked to have at least a little conversation. It was kinda funny! :)

Tracy March said...

Nice choice, Lily! Thanks for the congratulations. I really appreciate you stopping by! :)

Tracy March said...

For sure, Carey! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! :)

Shadow said...

I cant really name any athletes. Ive never really payed attention. I will admit to ogling some on magazines and movies. hehe

Donna E said...

mmm - not really into sports, altho some of the best stories have sports as the background for telling the story. so I don't know name of many athletes. How 'bout T-Bow? I think he's good looking, but his character is what's great.

May said...

I have a thing for hockey players ever since Steve Yzerman. :)

Natasha said...

David Beckham.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Tracy March said...

That's okay, Shadow! We don't need to know their names, right? ;) Thanks for stopping by!

Tracy March said...

Hi, Donna! You're right. It's always nice to look at a hot guy, but if their character is good, it makes them that much more attractive. If it's not, then they don't really look so hot anymore. Happy to see you here!

Tracy March said...

You're not alone, May! Lots of the ladies who commented here really like those hockey players! Thanks for stopping by! :)

Tracy March said...

Great choice, Natasha! I never get tired of looking at David Beckham! Good luck! :)

Unknown said...

I would go0 with David Beckham Thanks for the giveaway.

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