
Guest Post with Jess Michaels and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome back to RFTC not only one of my most favorite authors but one of my most favorite people, author Jess Michaels. Jess is celebrating the release of Her Perfect Match, book 3 in the Mistress Matchmaker series and has stopped by to chat. Please give Jess a warm welcome.

Jess Michaels began writing full-time in 1999 after being encouraged by her husband to follow her dream. In 2003, she sold her first novella to Red Sage Press, an erotic historical romance about an Egyptian tomb and a very sexy curse. Since then she has published (or has contracted to publish by the end of 2013) 37 novels and novellas under three different pen names with several major publishers, small presses and via self-publishing. Her erotic historical romances have been national bestsellers and won awards from booksellers and readers.

In 2011, she and her husband moved to Tucson, AZ. There she enjoys hiking in the beautiful desert, spending time with her nephews, designing jewelry (which you can buy here), reading and spending time with her awesome husband and cats.

Places to find Jess: 
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Little Books All in a Row
Jess Michaels

Hi everyone and thanks to Danielle for having me back once again! It’s always fun to visit here. Today I wanted to talk about something a lot of authors (including me) do. Series! Okay, can I just say how much I love a series? Lisa Kleypas Seasons? Julia Quinn’s Bridgertons? Yeah, too awesome. I love books that follow a certain family or group of friends. But why do we do that as authors?

Well, first because it’s fun! Secondary characters are already a kick to write. When you already know for sure that they are going to be characters in subsequent books it makes it even more interesting. And once they’ve been hero/heroine in another book, revisiting them is just as fun for the author as it is for the reader. I like peeking in and making sure everyone is happy still (spoiler for HER PERFECT MATCH, everyone is still happy).

Secondly, it makes the storytelling a little richer. In some ways every book in the Mistress Matchmaker series is Vivien’s story. We meet her in AN INTRODUCTION TO PLEASURE and she seems so cool and collected to Lysandra, who is very innocent. I wanted the reader to be intrigued by her, like her, but not be sure about her.

In FOR DESIRE ALONE, her relationship with Mariah is different. They’re best friends, so her character goes deeper and we start to see the little cracks. She becomes a friend to the reader, too and hopefully everyone started rooting for her even as they rooted for John and Mariah.

By the time I got to HER PERFECT MATCH, I felt like I had made Vivien as ready as she could be to welcome Benedict back into her life and battle for her future both as a woman and as a lover. By building her throughout the entire series, I hope you readers are as invested in that battle as I am.

Writing a series can be a challenge. Carrying over the characters, making sure all the threads get pulled from Book 1 to Book 3, is something that requires planning. But in the end, it’s so worth it from a writing perspective.

Do you love series? Have a favorite?

She will do anything for him…except surrender.

Vivien Manning, the notorious Mistress Matchmaker, is tired. Tired of the parties, tired of the lovers, tired of being her. So she decides to leave London behind once and for all and start a whole new life.

But before she goes, she must tie up some loose ends, and makes a list that includes a man she’s never been fully able to let go—Benedict Greystone.

Benedict was broken when Vivien broke off their affair years ago. When she comes back into his life...and his bed…he isn't certain of anything except the power of their desire.

But as Vivien moves closer to disappearing forever, both of them begin to question if the past can be overcome and if love might be the one loose end that cannot be neatly tied up.

Warning: This book contains scenes of a powerful woman, unafraid of her sexuality, trying to find her way in the world. There is a brief scene of a threesome M/F/M and then one woman falling madly in love with one man. Proceed with caution, a fan and tissues.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Click for more info.

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a Jess Michaels books from my stash. 

To Enter:
  • Please answer Jess's question: Do you love series? Have a favorite?
  • US Shipping ONLY/International winner will win an eBook
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form. 

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

I love reading series! I feel it's like visiting family and friends. I loved Karen Marie Moning and Julianne MacLean's Highlander series. Donna Grant, Monica McCarty and Margaret Mallory have also great series that gets you addicted to their wonderful books. One series that I will never forget was The Malory Brothers by Johanna Lindsey. The cover of My perfect match is beautiful! thank your for this giveaway!

Mary D said...

I too love series! There are too many to state. This book sounds awesome!

Karen H said...

I love books in series, especially those books about families such as The Bridgertons by Julia Quinn, The Hellions of Halstead Hall by Sabrina Jeffries and The Cynsters by Stephanie Laurens. Jess/Jenna has some pretty good series too. Love her work and continue to be a fan of her books. Thanks for the giveaway.

Joanne said...

I love series. You get to know the characters better. My favorites are the Argeneau series by Lynsay Sands, the Kay Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell, the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs, and the Psy-Changling series by Nalini Singh. Thanks for the giveaway.

Cindi said...

Janet Evanovich, Harry Potter, Undeadly, JD Robb. I do love series books and have many faves in many different genres!

cc_clubbs [at] yahoo [dot] com

Di said...

I do love series - here's some of my recent favorites: Janet Chapman's Highlander/Midnight Bay Spellbound Falls (connected series); Monica McCarty's Highland Guard; Vicky Dreiling's How To ...;

Unknown said...

I love reading series. My favorites are: Monica McCarty's Highland Guard, Margaret Mallory's Return of the Highlanders, Elizabeth Peters's Ameliea Peabody mysteries, Tessa Dare's Spindle Cove, Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed, and Shana Abe's Drakon.


Beautiful Disaster said...

I do love series. Some of my faves are: Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, Donna Grant and Kresley Cole.
lorih824 at yahoo dot com

Sharlene said...

I do love series. Lately, I have been reading the Beau Monde Bachelor series by Samantha Grace and the Spikes & Spurs series by Carolyn Brown.

PM350 said...

I adore series! Sherrilyn Kenyon - JR Ward, LKH, Larissa Ione, Kresley Cole, Cat Chronicles, .... etc :)

Picardsmom at yahoo dot com

Jane said...

I enjoy series. Some of my favorites include Stephanie Laurens' Bastion Club and Lisa Kleypas' Bow Street series.

erin said...

I love series :) I just finished Calculated in Death by JD Robb. PRobably the only series that I will follow to 30+ books :)

Natasha said...

I love series! Right now I am reading the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton and loving it! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love series!

Two of my favorites are: the Lucky Harbor books by Jill Shalvis and the Mackenzie (Highland Pleasures) books by Jennifer Ashley.

Marcy Shuler

kipha said...

I love series! Madeline Hunter's The Rarest Blooms series and the Cynsters series by Stephanie Laurens

Unknown said...

I love series more then standalone, i love knowing what happens next. i have a few. Fever, night huntress, Dresden Files, Maiden Lane

laurie said...

I too love series! There are too many to state. This book sounds awesome!

Unknown said...

I prefer series to novels any day, It's like they become close friends you just like to keep in touch and see how they're doing......some of my fave's are the cynster's' by Stephanie Laurens, Company of Rogues by Jo Beverley, and the Byron's of Braebourne by Tracey Ann Warren

lorimeehan said...

I love series!
Jill Shalvis's Lucky Harbor, Lora Leigh's Breeds, Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzie's Highland Pleasure I could go on and on.
Jess I love your books. Thanks for the giveaway.

Zeee @ I Heart Romance said...

I love series books! My fave series from Jess is the Sin series. I also love the Wallflowers series by Lisa Kleypas, The Hellions of Hallstead Hall by Sabrina Jeffries, Lorraine Heath's London's Greatest Lovers, Laura Lee Guhrke's Girl Bachelor series.... I can go on and on and on... :)

sheryl said...

I have a bunch of series that I love. Black Dagger Brotherhood, Midnight Breed, Chicagoland Vampires, Immortals After Dark, Guild Hunter Series, Darkest London and I know there are so many more than that.

Meghan said...

I have yet to read any of this series, but I can honestly tell from the cover that I will LOVE it!
Thanks for the giveaway! Looking forward to reading a new author!

mestith at gmail dot com

jmcgaugh said...

I love series and have so many favorites! These include, among others, Karen Moning's Fever and Highlander series; Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson and Alpha & Omega series; Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels series; Diane Duvall's Immortal Guardians' series; Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress and Night Prince series; and Kresley Cole's Immortals after Dark series.

Anonymous said...

I do enjoy series. I love recurring characters. I have a lot of favorites, lately the Neighbor from Hell series has kept me interested. Thanks for the post and giveaway. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

I love series...Johanna Lindsey Malory Family, Eloisa James Duchess series, Elizabeth Lowell Donovan series.

I just looked and didn't see your name on the list of authors that will be at Tucson UofA Book Festival this weekend. Shoot would have loved to meet you and buy a signed book! Maybe next year :)


Linda said...

It's nice to meet characters from a previous book but one of my prblms reading a series is that I like to read them all in sequence.

June M. said...

I love series books and have many that I follow & collect them all. There are way too many series, both historical, paranormal, and contempory, that I love to even just name a few :)
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I love many series. Kathleen Brooks Bluegrass Series, J.D. Robb Eve Dallas, Charlaine Harris Sookie Stackhouse, Iris Johansen Eve Duncan, and many more. I read contemporary, paranormal, historical, futuristc, suspense, mystery etc...
Thank you for the giveaway.

Mary Preston said...

I do love series, especially if they are complete so I can read them back to back. My favorite series right now is A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE by George RR Martin.

*yadkny* said...

I LOVE series and there are way too many to list here, but I will say one of first that I discovered as a fav series is the BDB series by JR Ward... love that each story is about a different couple and then ties all the others together as the overall story moves along.

lavendersbluegreen said...

I loooove series and literally have waaaay too many favs to count. I actually had to build a special spreadsheet to keep track ;) I know so silly.
Loved the fun jewelry btw!
Thanks for the giveaway

Annwitch said...

I prefer a book that is part of a series. I love being able to go back to familiar settings and find out what the other characters are doing. I really enjoy Janet Evanovich's Stephanir Plum series.

Cathy P said...

I love series books. The only one I can think of right off the top of my head though is The Hellions of Halstead Hall by Sabrina Jeffries.

Unknown said...

I LOVE series! Truth be told I much prefer them to standalone books. I just love to revisit previous couples and see what has happened to them since their HEA. Some of my favourite series are Erin Nicholas' Bradfords series, Jill Shalvis' Lucky Harbor series and I could go on :-)

bn100 said...

like series books like the hathaways

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