
Review: The Stillness of You by Julie Bale

There are just not enough words to express the amount of love that I have for The Stillness of You. This is definitely one of my favorite books that I've read in awhile, it's was just so damn good. I loved that The Stillness of You evoked so many different feelings in me. This is definitely not a fluff read. It's raw and gritty and at times very sexy.

When I met Georgia I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about her. She has an edge to her and knowing her background and where she has come from she could have quickly become a cookie cutout of bored rich girl. That definitely was not the case at all. This girl had me in knots and on the verge of tears throughout the story. She's not predictable and I found myself wishing and hoping that things would turn around for her. That she would get better and get her HEA with Ben. Oh how she broke my heart at times. I liked that we were able to see growth from her. It's not overnight and it's not a pretty road, but we are able to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel for her.

As for Ben...there are just no words for him. I LOVED him. Seriously. He was such a good match for Georgia. Ben is good and sexy and knows what he wants and what he wants is Georgia. But it's not just physical for him. He wants to know her and find out what she's all about. I love that he is willing to do anything and everything for Georgia. Yet, he's is own person. Ben is no pushover, he just knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go after it.

I seriously loved these two and the chemistry between them is off the charts. From their first meeting you know that things are going to be heavy between them. They just meshed so well together. Yet the road to their HEA isn't paved in gold and it's not an easy journey. They both struggle throughout the book in trying to make things work out. I personally, loved the way things turn out.

**Copy provided by Author**

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Lover Of Romance said...

Nice!! I really love the sound of this one~~~It sounds like a intense one. Good review.

RFTC Blog said...

Thanks so much. It really was so good. I've read it twice already. Loved it.

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