
ARC Review: Wrecked by Shiloh Walker

If I'm completely honest, I'm bummed that I'm finished with this book. I was not ready to be done with Abby and Zach. They had such great chemistry with one another that it was a pleasure to read their story.

I'm a sucker for the friends to lover's troupe and this one was done oh so well. This is one of my favorite books that I've read in a while and I can't wait to read more. I seriously hope that this book is part of a series because I loved the world and the characters that encompass it. Shiloh Walker introduced us to many characters that I definitely would love to see more of.

The sparks between Abby and Zach are explosive and their scenes tend to jump off the page. I liked that there really weren't any mind games or plots twists. It's a story of two best friends finally realizing that the love they have for one another transcends friendship and becomes so much more than either bargained for.

What makes Wrecked such a great story is the characters. Abby is great and I loved seeing her transformation from an uptight chick to someone that is able to let loose and become comfortable in her own skin.

And Zach...oh Zach, how I love him. He really made the book for me. I'm so glad that he got his HEA. Zach has been in love with Abby for seventeen years. Yes, seventeen years. In that time he has been Abby's best friend and confidant. All the while always wanting to more and waiting for his chance to make his move. What I like the most about Zach, is that he doesn't make excuses and isn't ashamed of his feelings or the fact that he's been in love with his best friend for so long. There is nothing that he wouldn't for Abby and I loved that about him. He never wavers in his feelings though I do wish he didn't have to wait so long for his chance to make a move.

Yes, parts of this story are predictable but it's such a charming read that you forget all about that. I had a smile on my face through the whole book and I found I never wanted to put the book down. I simply adored this book from beginning to end.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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CMD said...

I want to read this book so badly! Why can't there be more hours in the day?? And why can't reading by my full-time job?? I'd pick it over science any day! :P

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