
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Darynda Jones and Giveaway

NYTimes and USA Today Bestselling Author Darynda Jones has won numerous awards for her work, including a prestigious Golden Heart®, a Rebecca, two Hold Medallions, a RITA ®, and a Daphne du Maurier, and she has received stellar reviews from dozens of publications including starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, and the Library Journal. As a born storyteller, Darynda grew up spinning tales of dashing damsels and heroes in distress for any unfortunate soul who happened by, annoying man and beast alike, and she is ever so grateful for the opportunity to carry on that tradition. She currently has two series with St. Martin’s Press: The Charley Davidson Series and the Darklight Trilogy. She lives in the Land of Enchantment, also known as New Mexico, with her husband of almost 30 years and two beautiful sons, the Mighty, Mighty Jones Boys.

Places to find Darynda:

I fell head over heels for JR Ward’s Zsadist the moment he showed up in the first Black Dagger Brotherhood book, Dark Lover. His brooding and conflicted disposition drew me in like a moth to a blazing inferno. The fact that he was so immensely dangerous, so deliciously deadly, kept me glued to the pages wanting more of him, hoping for another glimpse. The fact that JR didn’t make us wait long (Zsadist’s book is #3 in the series) made me love her all the more. I felt like she wrote it just for me. In fact, I was certain she said to herself, “Darynda is dying for this book Mayhap I should write it. For her. To save her life. To earn her eternal devotion and slightly disturbing stalking tendencies.”

I could be wrong about that last part, of course, but that doesn’t dismiss the fact that Zsadist’s book was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever read. Not everyone gets my obsession with him, and I understand that as well, but Z is the ultimate alpha. It took Bella some time to win him over, yet that fact had nothing to do with her. It was him. His own measure of himself. His certainty that he was not worthy of her. His tortured past coming back to keep him imprisoned within his own body for centuries. And that only endeared him to me more.

But anyone who knows me knows I’m not a dark person. I’m not broody or moody or particularly dangerous except when taking a kitchen knife to a butternut squash. (Those are not as easy to filet as one might think.) So why would I pick such a very, very bad boy?

Again, it all comes back to the ultimate alpha thing. He would do anything for the woman he loves. He would give his life. Tear a town apart to find her. Kill an army to keep her safe. And he is so beautifully flawed, so hauntingly scarred, his individuality is like the crown jewels of his psyche. And yet, he was almost innocent when Bella found him. Untouched. Unloved. Unkissed. Just the way he wanted it. Or so he thought.

And Zsadist makes no excuses. Never asks for forgiveness. Or permission, for that matter. His determination and blind devotion is the sexiest thing JR could have given him, and I’m pretty sure she knew exactly what she was doing when she did it. It is his strength of character that makes him so unforgettable. Yes he is sexy, but most heroes are. He is amazing in bed (once Bella finally gets him there), but again, most heroes are. JR gave us so much more than we expected with Zsadist, and for that I will be her love slave forever. Or I would be if she’d have me. :)

In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there’s a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Of these, Zsadist is the most terrifying member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

A former blood slave, the vampire Zsadist still bears the scars from a past filled with suffering and humiliation. Renowned for his unquenchable fury and sinister deeds, he is a savage feared by humans and vampires alike. Anger is his only companion, and terror is his only passion—until he rescues a beautiful aristocrat from the evil Lessening Society.

Bella is instantly entranced by the seething power Zsadist possesses. But even as their desire for one another begins to overtake them both, Zsadist’s thirst for vengeance against Bella’s tormentors drives him to the brink of madness. Now, Bella must help her lover overcome the wounds of his tortured past, and find a future with her…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Sometimes being the grim reaper really is that. Grim. And since Charley’s last case went so awry, she has taken a couple months off to wallow in the wonders of self-pity. But when a woman shows up on her doorstep convinced someone is trying to kill her, Charley has to force herself to rise above. Or at least get dressed. She quickly realizes something is amiss when everyone the woman knows swears she’s insane. The more they refute the woman’s story, the more Charley believes it. In the meantime, the sexy, sultry son of Satan, Reyes Farrow, has been cleared of all charges. He is out of prison and out of Charley’s life, as per her wishes and several perfectly timed death threats. But his absence has put a serious crimp in her sex life. While there are other things to consider, like the fact that the city of Albuquerque has been taken hostage by an arsonist, Charley is having a difficult time staying away. Especially when it looks like Reyes may be involved. Just when life was returning to normal, Charley is thrust back into the world of crime, punishment, and the devil in blue jeans.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Darynda.
  • US/Canada Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Timitra said...

I agree Darynda Zsadist's story is one of the best I've ever read! He's one of my favorite tortured heroes! Another of my fav heroes is Reyes, love him to pieces even when he's being a dick...thanks for the great giveaway!

Mary Kirkland said...

I loved him the first time I read about him. It's that bad boy thing, it has to be because so many of us love him. I love her series, all the books are great. What a great pick.

Dark Thoughts Blog

Amy said...

I haven't read any of the BDB books but really want to and plan to start as soon as I get through my review books! I hear so much about them! Love the picture above. :)

May said...

I do like JR Ward's hero but also have a thing for Reyes! :) He's sexy!

sheryl said...

I have gone through a point where all of the guys in the BDB were a book boyfriend to me. I actually just reread Rhage and Mary's story. These guys are just wow!

kathy p said...

Cant wait to read Lover at Last!

gamistress66 said...

I haven't read any of JR Ward, but you do make him sound pretty yummy :)

Preet said...

I've read a few JR Ward books. I did read and love Acheron. I loved the descriptions in the book and how I felt as if I could "see" the book as it played out in my head. It was great! I'm not sure if I'd add him to my book boyfriend list, but you do always need that one guy who can get you out of hot spot, literally. :p

Casey said...

LOVE the BDB series! I like Zsadist, but i love Rhage and Vishous! I think all of her characters are definitely capable of being called a book boyfriend though because they are all so amazing!!

Unknown said...

I have to agree with Darinda and the others on Zsadist being one of the best stories in the BDB series. From the moment he was introduced the reader is almost compelled to want to read about him. I love the BDB series in general as they all have their own tortured hero stories but I couldn't want to get to Zsadist story.
I look forward to purchasing a book by Darinda and getting lost in the story.

Booklover Sue said...

I agree with you totally on Zsadist! He is unapologetically alpha! All the characters of this series draw us readers in some way and we fall in love with them all.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Darynda on Zsadist I loved his story so much.... But right now I'm intrigued by your book and I'm adding it to my list TBR books.... Thank you for sharing with us!!!!

lorimeehan said...

I agree out of all the book in the series I liked Zsadist best.
This is the best quite I've read from an author in a while..."Darynda is dying for this book Mayhap I should write it. For her. To save her life. To earn her eternal devotion and slightly disturbing stalking tendencies.”
Thanks for this post. I really enjoyed it.
Lorimeehan 1 @

Beautiful Disaster said...

This is a new author for me so I can't wait to read this book. I really like the first 5 books in J.R. Wards series.
Thanks :)
lorih824 at yahoo dot com

Mary Jo Burke said...

Never read JR Ward, but I should start.


Amber Hughes said...

Z!!!! He's my favorite too! It's one of my favorite books in the series. Great post!

Unknown said...

I am going to have to add this to my list to read I have been hearing so many good things about the series.

Nancy said...

Zadist is also my favorite Brother! Followed closely by Qhuinn who Omg I also love.
But now Reyes... I love him too! And I cannot wait to see were his and Charlie's relationship goes in book 5! You also promised me more Quentin, so I expect you to deliver! :) Can't wait for book 5!

Krista said...

It seems like Zsadist makes a lot of top BF lists. I wasn't super impressed with the first BDB book, but I will definitely keep an eye out for Lover Awakened.

*yadkny* said...

Z never goes out of style on my book boyfriend list either:) He always makes the top 5 at least.

laurie said...

I do like JR Ward's hero but also have a thing for Reyes! :) He's sexy!

Annwitch said...

Lover Awakened is my favorite book in this series, I broke the spine in my copy from rereading it. I just finished First Grave on the Right and loved it. I guess I am a slow start, but I have more of Charlie and Reyes to look forward to.

Unknown said...

I remember when First Grave on the Right came out and just blew everyone's mind. People couldn't read it fast enough and the juggernaut just keeps gaining momentum. Ms. Jones must be doing something right.

Unknown said...

Have not read any J.R>Ward books yet but would love to.
Although I just bought my first which is the latest in one the series just haven't read yet.

Meghan said...

I just read 'Dark Lover' and I absolutely adored it! I'm finishing up another book right now and then am planning on reading 'Lover Eternal.' This series has been one of the most exciting to me in a while!
Thanks for the giveaway!

mestith at gmail dot com

Chrisbails said...

I love all the BDB, especially Vishous. I just finished Lover At Last and love Vishous even more. I have not read any of Darynda's books yet, but have heard great things about them. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
christinebails at yahoo dot com

jmcgaugh said...

Wow! I haven't read any of J.R.'s books, yet, but it looks like I need to read this one!

JenM said...

Z is still at the top of my book boyfriend list. Whenever I need a fix, I reread Father Mine, the novella featuring him and Bella after the birth of their daughter.

Jen B. said...

I'm reading the whole series right now. I haven't gotten to Zadist yet. I would love to win this! I think I will really like Zadist and his story.

erin said...

Thanks for sharing! I kinda fell off the BDB wagon a while back. Definitely need to catch back up!

Johanna R Jochum said...

Z is my all time fav BDB character! Might have to fight you for him! Lol!

Unknown said...

have not read the BDB yet :( but Zsadist is sounding...very interesting ehhe... my favorite will be Reyes though ;) got to love love

Heather said...

I haven't read any of the BDB books but really want to. Thanks for the giveaway.

Pam said...

I've been hearing a lot about the BDB books lately. I will have to check them out. Darynda's book sounds interesting.

Crystal Rister said...

How much of yourself do you put into your books?

Darynda said...

Thanks everyone for the comments and kind words!!!!

Ella said...

Hi! I wanted to say I absolutely love your books Darynda! I'm so happy my friends introduced me to it! I can't wait to get started on book 3! My question for you is how did you write Charley? Like was she inspired by someone you know, or was she just an idea in your head? Or are there some characteristics in her that came from you? Thank you! (: <3

Unknown said...

i love Charley Davidson serie .. here a question how many book will be this serie ? 15 i hope .. or more jiji
almendra in the rafflecopter

Robin the Book Nerd said...

I haven't heard of this series before I will have to check it out!

Jolene and Family said...

I just started J.R. Wards series and I have so much catching up to do!

Darynda said...

Hahaha! And, yes, what a dick he can be. So sorry my comments are so late!

Darynda said...

Thank you! Yes, I love me some JR. It was hard to see that from my post, huh? :)

Darynda said...

You will LOVE them, Amy! Let me know what you think!

Darynda said...

Thank you!!!! I think so too. LOL

Darynda said...

Yes they are!

Darynda said...

He is exquisite!

Darynda said...

LOL, very true!

Darynda said...

I agree!

Darynda said...

Thank you so much, Carrie!

Darynda said...

Yes we do. Sigh... Darn that JR.

Darynda said...

Oh thank you, Angela!

Darynda said...

LOL, thanks, Lori!!! Fortunately, JR doesn't take my stalking tendencies too hard. She's a trooper, that one! hehehe

Darynda said...

Thanks, love! Hope you enjoy!

Darynda said...

Definitely should start! So very yummy.

Darynda said...

I knew we were sisters in another life!!!! <3

Victoria said...

I haven't read the BDB but have the books. I just keep thinking I won't like Zadist. On the other hand even though Reyes can be a real ass - I like him :). Thank you.

Darynda said...

Oh awesome! You will love Z!

Darynda said...

LOL, you will get a little more Q. He is such a doll. And I think you will be pleased with how Reyes and Charley do. Haha. Let me know what you think!!!

Darynda said...

Oh, he is just so exquisitely flawed. Honestly, JR outdid herself with him.

Darynda said...

Yay!!!! I'm also in love with Simon from Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series. Love me the flawed ones.

Darynda said...

Thank you, Laurie!

Darynda said...

Aw thank you!!! So glad you liked!

Darynda said...

Oh thank you, love!!!

Darynda said...

You will love!!!

Darynda said...

Oh yay!!! They just get better!

Darynda said...

So glad to hear it! And thanks!

Darynda said...

You do! You do!

Darynda said...

Gah!!!!! I've heard about it and never read it!

Darynda said...

You will love it! Good luck!

Darynda said...

Definitely! They just get better and better.

Darynda said...

Put up your dukes! LOL. Such a hottie!

Darynda said...

Aw, thanks, Lily! You'll love Z too. So yummy.

Darynda said...

Thank YOU, Heather!

Darynda said...

Thanks, Pam! Let us know what you think!

Darynda said...

Ummmm, pretty much just my ADD. LOL. After that, there's a lot of made up stuff. Hahaha. No, in all honestly probably a lot more than even I think.

Darynda said...

She just kind of popped into my head one morning, Ella. In all her glory. Looking back tho, I'd say she is a little Buffy, a little Stephanie Plum, and a whole lot of Lorelei Gilmore from the Gilmore Girls. I really just wanted a quirky character in a paranormal setting and there she was!

Darynda said...

I hope so too! LOL. right now they are just ongoing, so there is no telling. Thanks!!!!

Darynda said...

Thanks, Robin!!!

Darynda said...

Oh yay! They get better and better, Jolene!

Darynda said...

Ah, yes, then you will love Z! Promise! LOL.

Unknown said...

I have always loved Darynda Jones right from the start and when I found out she loved Zadist just as much as I did I think I fell in love all over again! The way Darynda feels about Zadist is exactly what I feel. I was thrilled beyond belief to realize that I did not have to wait long for his story in the BDB series and that book DID NOT was just perfect and exactly as I would have hoped his HEA would be like. I think one of the things that draws me so close to Zadist is that he really only shows his soft side to Bella. It's like his soft side and overwhelming love for Bella truly is all their own and I love that. *SWOON*! ;)

Unknown said...

I have to admit, Z is actually my second favorite brother...*gasp* I know, I know...but he's a VERY close second to Rhage who steals the #1 spot because he makes me laugh.

Unknown said...

I just love the fact that Darynda and some of the women here love him just as much as me! Also I think what got me reading Charley and Reyes story was how dark Reyes seem to be but he really isn't. I think he is like that when someone he love is in danger just like Z and also I think him and Z would get along very well. I Guess I just Love Me Some BAD BOYS!!!
I just wanted to know how do you always find the right Male hero what do you look for?

Unknown said...

O you will just love it!!! A must read!

Unknown said...

Yes! Zsadist! I LOVE him. No other book in the series even compared for me until she wrote Thorment. And then I put Thor in second. I loved Z's book, absolutely my favorite in the BDB series. Sigh...

Marie's Tempting Reads said...

I don't think i have read a book by Mrs. Jones that i hated. Her books are always so fun to read whether they are her adult Charley Davidson series or her delightful YA Darklight series. I am always guaranteed a fun, laugh-out-loud good times! LOVE IT!

Amber Hughes said...

Heck ya we were! Hehe! <3

Darynda said...

Yes!!!!!!! And thank you, Misty!!! When he basically (SPOILER ALERT!) transformed at the end, I wanted to melt. OMG!

Darynda said...

Oh I love them ALL, Traci! I love Rhage and the others so much. No gasps from me, girlfriend!

Darynda said...

Agreed, Tiffany! Love those bad boys!

And, do you mean in my own writing? I think the boy needs to compliment the girl. I like the play between the hero and the heroine. And I love it when you're not really sure if the hero is really good deep down inside or bad. :)

Darynda said...

I agree, Vicki! Thorment is scrumptious. Heck they all are. LOL. Darn you, JR!!!!! :)

Darynda said...

Aw, thanks so much, Darling Marie!!!! Big hug!

Anonymous said...

I'd go for Reyes, or Joe Morelli from Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series!

Unknown said...

I love Reyes no matter what... He's the best! Have not read BDB yet but will eventually. There are several books on my wishlist. I have read the Charley Davidson series several times & can't wait for 5th grave to be out.

donnas said...

I just got your first book, cant wait to start it.

Donna E said...

Not sure that on my own, I would pick a 'vampire' book to read. But with some of these comments - and on other blogs as well - well, I'm thinking I might just need to meet this Zsadist.

So Darynda, are you a native New Mexican? or, have you lived there long? I was born and raised in Tucumcari, until high school when we moved to Albuquerque. Then I went to college at Eastern NM Univ. Married an Air Force guy stationed at Cannon AFB (46 yrs ago) and we've lived in CA, NM, The Netherlands, Germany, and for the past 22 years, Oklahoma. BUT my roots and my heart remain in The Land of Enchantment!

Unknown said...

I love all the brothers. Z's book was awesome, even though he still scares me a little, LOL. Vishous is my absolute fave brother! And BDB, led me to Darynda! And I'm glad it did, cause I adore Darynda and both of her series! She is such a great author and person!

krg said...

I also love the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and fell in love with all the alpha males with each book. I am about to start Lover At Last!

Leannessf said...

Huge fan of yours Darynda! I love your Charley Davidson series and just picked up your YA book, Death and the Girl Next Door! Are there any similarities between the two female protagonists and is there any connection between the two settings?


Francesca said...

Great post! Darynda is awesome!

becca69 said...

Darynda, I'm so glad JR Ward wrote Z's book for you ;) He's my absolute favorite brother too! And do I have to bring up Reyes? Thanks for writing him for me and Charlie. He's just... mmmm, yeah!

becca69 said...

Oops, I mean Charley :D

Di said...

I mostly read historical or contemporary romance, but have seen a lot of good comments about both these books/series - it's time to branch out more.

slappylilly said...

Which BDB brother reminds you the most of Reyes? And who would give Z a run for his money to get to you.

Natasha said...

I love the Charley Davidson series and hope to start reading your YA series very soon also! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I love Reyes! I have to say he's my favorite :) In BDB there's just to many to choose (not that it's a bad thing) but Reyes has them all beat ;)

Sizzle C said...

I love both of these series! I have always been a fan of Reyes and Zsadist!!! I can't think of a specific question right now Darynda, but I do so love your books! For everyone else, READ her YA The Dark Light Series, they are just as wonderful as the Charley Davidson Series and seriously you can't get enough of Darynda Jones!!! :)

Lexi said...

Z...*shivers cover my body*
What a character, so dark and tortured. There is something about him that just gets you, sinks its claws into you and wont let go. It's scary, twisted, and raw. Love Z.

Unknown said...

I have been told that I NEED to read BDB, but I haven't had the oppurtunity. YET! I'd love to add you to my pile of to be read books!

Maris said...

Hi! I just started your series and I'm really enjoying it. I was wondering if you read books from different genres or do you usually stick with paranormal/urban fantasy? Thanks for the giveaway. DaMaris

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

I'm a terrible person. I haven't read either of those books. Even though they are so popular. It's good to know that I have even more reason to now. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I've heard so much about the Black Dagger Brotherhood books but I've not read them yet, I clearly have to!

Heather said...

I love both of these series.

Kim said...

The BDB series is a bit uneven, so I've only read the first few books. I have Darynda's first book in my TBR pile and I hope to get to it soon.

Glittergirl said...

I agree with you about Zsadist and I' not taking the easy road out here. Z has always drawn the rescuer out in me. I've always been drawn to the hurt bad boys in the goodie two-shes heart of mine. Not all of Wards BDB heros have pulled me in, but Z definitely did!

SheriV said...

Zsadist is definitely one of my favorites. I love love love him.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to finishing the BDB series. Those boys are intense! I am also looking forward to adding Darynda's books to my TBR list...

PM350 said...

I've heard such GOOD things about you & your work!!
I JUST read Lover @ Last -- LOVED it!!!!

Texas Book Lover said...

Oh such good choices! I love the BDB but Z is always right up at the top of the Brothers! And I haven't read Darynda's series yet but have heard that it is amazing and am really wanting to read it soon! Geez there are too many fabulous books out there to choose from! I not complaining....I really do love it!

lisagkendall said...

I guess I'm going to have to start two series, and soon. Thanks.

Vanessa N. said...

Great choices. I love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs.

Cathy P said...

Hi, Darynda! I haven't read any of your books or JR's. Sounds like I am missing something.


PM350 said...

heard great things about your work
looking forward to your world

Anonymous said...

I have not read the BDB series yet — it seems like every time I go to the library they are all checked out — so I'd love to win a copy of Lover Awakened.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! My fingers are crossed for luck.

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

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