
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Jess Michaels and Giveaway

Jess Michaels writes erotic historical romance set in the Regency period. She lives in Tucson, AZ where she hangs out with her awesome husband and does geeky things in the desert.

Places to find Jess: 
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So when Danielle asked me to participate in this Book Boyfriend thingy, I knew exactly who I would choose as the subject of my blog. But everything starts before that, so hang on a moment while I explain the backstory.

I wanted to write romance before I really read it. A silly, backwards idea, but I was young (21) and certain that I could do anything (turned out I could do this, just not very well at that moment). So I wrote a romance and then thought, hey, I should read some these thingies and see how they go. I began with Julia Quinn. Minx, to be specific and fell head over heels in love, even though she was writing lighter books than I was. But I loved them. I went about the process of reading all of them available at the time and was very excited when her newest book hit the shelves in 2000 and it was called THE DUKE AND I.

There’s something about Simon. That would be Simon Bassett, Duke of Hastings and the titular Duke in THE DUKE AND I. I was enthralled. First off, he was the most damaged and alpha-y hero Quinn had written at the time (at least in my mind). But he was still just… lovely in every way. I loved how broody he was and yet how he could be part of the Bridgerton family in sort of an uncomfortable, shifty way. And he’s FRIENDS with the heroine, Daphne! Friends with her!!! Until he starts falling in love with her, which is superbly awesome, by the way.

But the thing about Simon, the biggest, most powerful, most wonderful thing about him is that he is not perfect. Simon stutters. It’s not terrible and he’s learned to mostly control it, but it has shifted everything he ever thought or felt about himself. In the end, Daphne does something rather terrible (with very good reasons) and he starts to stutter and I wept, hard and for a long time. Because by that time I was so invested in Simon that I hated to see how hard he could be struck by the foolish act of someone he loved.

The book is AMAZING. Still my favorite JQ book, for sure. But the greater reason why Simon is my book boyfriend is that THE DUKE AND I made me realize how deeply a romance could affect me and other readers. Simon made me want to be a better writer and make someone reading my books feel, for a moment, that same heartbreak for one of my characters.

So Simon, Duke of Hastings, you are my book boyfriend. And I will stalk you hardcore, so watch out.

Can there be any greater challenge to London's Ambitious Mamas than an unmarried duke?
— Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, April 1813

By all accounts, Simon Basset is on the verge of proposing to his best friend's sister, the lovely—and almost-on-the-shelf—Daphne Bridgerton. But the two of them know the truth—it's all an elaborate plan to keep Simon free from marriage-minded society mothers. And as for Daphne, surely she will attract some worthy suitors now that it seems a duke has declared her desirable.

But as Daphne waltzes across ballroom after ballroom with Simon, it's hard to remember that their courtship is a complete sham. Maybe it's his devilish smile, certainly it's the way his eyes seem to burn every time he looks at her... but somehow Daphne is falling for the dashing duke... for real! And now she must do the impossible and convince the handsome rogue that their clever little scheme deserves a slight alteration, and that nothing makes quite as much sense as falling in love...

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

She will do anything for him…except surrender.

Vivien Manning, the notorious Mistress Matchmaker, is tired. Tired of the parties, tired of the lovers, tired of being her. So she decides to leave London behind once and for all and start a whole new life.

But before she goes, she must tie up some loose ends, and makes a list that includes a man she’s never been fully able to let go—Benedict Greystone.

Benedict was broken when Vivien broke off their affair years ago. When she comes back into his life...and his bed…he isn't certain of anything except the power of their desire.

But as Vivien moves closer to disappearing forever, both of them begin to question if the past can be overcome and if love might be the one loose end that cannot be neatly tied up.

Warning: This book contains scenes of a powerful woman, unafraid of her sexuality, trying to find her way in the world. There is a brief scene of a threesome M/F/M and then one woman falling madly in love with one man. Proceed with caution, a fan and tissues.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

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Up For Grabs:

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**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kipha said...

I love Julia Quinn books~! She's such an Amazing author and writer! I can tell you I've had many of those tear jerking moments and can't even remember from which books. I should totally go back and reread many of them just to find out which ones and write them down for keep sakes. I too love those broken heroes and friends to love stories!

sheryl said...

I don't think I have read Julia Quinn yet, so I thank you for recommending her. I am always on the lookout for a new author that I haven't read. Thanks for the chance

Amy said...

I have never read Julia Quinn. Although, it sounds like you picked a great book boyfriend. I have not read a lot of historicals as I tend to be drawn to the contemporaries, although when I do read historicals I am often surprised at how much I do enjoy them! And, I know I not read an erotic historical romance yet. :)

kathy p said...

I have not read Julia Quinn yet, but will be adding her to my TBR list!

krg said...

My daughter is a huge historical fan, I know she would love to read these.

Unknown said...

A hero who stutters? I luuuuurve this. It gives him a vulnerability and makes him very real.I just want to hug Simon and bake him cookies.

Unknown said...

I haven't read any of your books so look forward to adding them to my TBR stack.

Mary Jo Burke said...

My TBR list is busting at the seams.

Casey said...

I haven't read any of these books that you mention, but they all sound great! I have only within the last year or so really discovered historical romances. Im finding that i absolutely love them! So of course now these need to go onto my TBR list/pile! Thanks for sharing!!

Preet said...

Simon is really sexy for a man who has/had a stutter. I think he's the only hero I've ever read that had this speech impediment. He's one of a kind.

Anonymous said...

These books are the fodder that keeps my daughter in law happy (is sure isn't my 3 job working son). I love entering contests and then presenting her with a new batch of romance novels to enjoy. I hope this is one of those time.

Susy said...

I haven't read any of your books so look forward to read them. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

I have the Duke and I, heard it was awesome and couldn't help but pick it up, unfortunately still did not have a chance to read it. Benedict Greystone sounds wonderful!

Unknown said...

I love JQ's books!! The Duke and I is totally awesome :)

erin said...

Thanks for sharing! I haven't read any of Julia Quinn's books... definitely going to have to fix that :)

June M. said...

I love both JM's & JQ's books :) They are both great authors!

lorimeehan said...

I've not read The Duke and I.
Jess I love your books! I recommend that everyone reads them.

Meghan said...

You know, I have The Duke and I on my TBR list. I haven't read it, but I do really want to! My book boyfriend is Jamie Fraser from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
Thanks for the giveaway!

mestith at gmail dot com

Zeee @ I Heart Romance said...

I haven't read this book by Julia but I have been slowly reading her backlist... :)

Cassie Polla said...

Can't wait to read this! Thanks!

Jeanne M said...

Hi Jess!

I also love Julia's book and I must admit I was smitten by Simon, Duke of Hastings as well but for a slightly different reason! Oh I do agree that he's the "perfect" romance hero but since my middle name is Hastings, which is a family name from my ancestral background, I must admit I was a tad prejudice to begin with!

I kept imagining I was a distant relative when I was reading A Duke and I from a lesser branch of the family but fortunately the Duke was kind enough to let me attend! I felt myself rooting for my "cousin" Simon to realize that Daphne was the perfect and yes, the one and only one for him!

Amy Alvis said...

I've read all of Julia's book, LOVE her!!

Unknown said...

You are a fantastic author, and have fantastic taste in boyfriends!

Beautiful Disaster said...

I love Julia Quinn's books and yes there are several of her heroes who are boyfriend worthy.
I can't wait to start reading your books. You're a new author for me.

Natasha said...

I have not read anything by Julia Quinn yet, but I hope to soon!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Di said...

Julia Quinn is a favorite of mine - Jess's books looks like the kind I enjoy too.

Michelle said...

Ooh...a new to me author. I've not yet read anything by Jess Michaels, but this excerpt definitely peaked my interest. Another book/author to check out! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

A big yahoo for new authors to look forward to reading! A hero that stutters has totally grabbed my interest. In all the books I've read I haven't come across that yet.

SheriV said...

I LOVE Simon too. That book stuck with me

PM350 said...

would love to win and read!
thanks for the goodies!!!

Texas Book Lover said...

These are both new reads for me which is great! I love finding new authors and books to add to my list!

Thanks so much they sound terrific!

Kim said...

I started to read Julia Quinn in the middle of the Bridgerton series, so I still have to get through some of her backlist.

May said...

Love Julia Quinn's books... :) Simon is great but It's in his kiss is my favorite!

lisagkendall said...

Thanks for the post. I love when a book affects me that deeply, whether with giggles or tears, those are the best stories.

jmcgaugh said...

The Duke and I is in my TBR pile. I'm going to have to get to it soon.

Vanessa N. said...

I love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs.

Pam said...

These sound like great books.

Cathy P said...

These books sound really good. Thanks for the giveaway!


Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Yay a Julia Quinn fan! I like her books too but have not gotten to The Duke and I sadly. Glad to know you love it.

Jolene and Family said...

sigh, Simon sounds great! I have yet to read anything by Julia Quinn, but am hoping to change that soon

Anonymous said...

These books sound great! Thank you so much for sharing and for offering the giveaway.

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

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