
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Jillian Stone and Giveaway

Jillian's first book in The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series, An Affair with Mr. Kennedy, won the 2010 Golden Heart for Romantic Suspense. The latest novel, fourth in the series for Pocket Books is A Private Duel with Agent Gunn. Next release in series: Kiss Me Senseless, Detective Rhys, Fall 2013.

Places to find Jillian:

I hate to admit this, but I’m fickle when it comes to romance hero crushes. In fact, I’m worse than fickle. I’m a two timer. And if you include erotica––first Christian then Gideon––jeez, it gets downright slutty. However, this blog event is titled, My Favorite Book Boyfriend, and I suppose that means I have to pick a possible boyfriend out of a sea of impossibly hot, perfect men who have very little to do with real life. Plus, what about all those intriguing dark antiheroes? You know the ones––the ones who take your breath away with a single smoldering glance, but would likely make for miserable boyfriends.

And then again, since I just read about these guys and don’t date them…why not? May I take a stab at a new title for this blog?

My Favorite Bad Boy Book Boyfriend

I’m going to pick a dark, brooding antihero for my book boyfriend. Someone who probably does not deserve to be anyone’s boyfriend, but, I’d hate to see him left out of this blogfest just because he’s kind of a monster. And might I add, he does have one rather an endearing trait––his everlasting devotion to his heroine. Only…I think it might have something to do with his insatiable appetite for her blood.

Then the Count turned, after looking at my neck attentively, and said in a soft whisper, “Yes, I too can love.”

Uh-huh, I’m talking about the original dark prince himself. DRACULA. This is such a great horror, romantic suspense story! You probably think you know this tale because you’ve seen so many different versions in film––but if you haven’t read the novel that started it all––you’re in for an amazing treat!

I’m also a devotee to Christine Feehan’s Dark series, in particular, Mikhail. If you’re a fan, you already know Prince Dubrinsky, who is right up there with the best vampire boyfriends of all time.

Has another man ever touched you like this? He whispered the words in her mind, dark, deadly sensuality.

DARK PRINCE returns in a new, author’s cut special edition. #1 New York Times bestseller Feehan revisits her classic tale of paranormal romance—the breathtaking story of a beautiful hunter with extraordinary telepathic abilities captivated by the powerful allure of a tormented prince of the mysterious Carpathians—expanding the beloved story by 100 never before seen pages! Here is your golden opportunity to experience the first book in Christine Feehan’s remarkable Dark saga as you never have before, whether it’s a glorious re-entrance into this writer’s mystical, unforgettable world…or your very first visit!
I have to admit the above blurb makes we want to purchase the ebook version of DARK PRINCE ($4.99) and enjoy it again! Plus, I’d like to prove the romance industry pundits wrong who say that vampire romance is dead…when everybody knows they’re undead. ;)

Lastly, I could not do a blog on immortal bad boys, without mentioning two more titles: Linda Thomas-Sundstrom’s GUARDIAN OF THE NIGHT and Lisa Kessler’s NIGHT DEMON. Linda and Lisa are two of my RWA buddies and are must reads!

Commenters: Name an immortal bad boy who has a shot at becoming your book boyfriend.

Thanks to Danielle Gorman for inviting me to the My Book Boyfriend Blog Event. I had a blast––hope you all enjoyed the post!

Phaeton Black is not a vampire, but he is definitely an immortal bad boy!

Coming June 25, 2013

Plunge deeper into the curious world of the deadly Nightshades.

The Moonstone is having a destabilizing effect on the time/space membrane leaving Phaeton trapped in a parallel mirror world where everything is opposite or upside down, yet oddly the same. He is held captive by Domina Valour and tested sorely in this darkly sensual third episode of the Phaeton Black series.

Gaspar Sinclair can't go after Phaeton. His physical body is unraveling before everyone's eyes. America Jones is large with child, but only she has the preternatural ability to locate Phaeton and bring him back. And Doctor Exeter's beautiful charge, Mia, has her claws in him. Quite literally.

To accomplish Phaeton's rescue, the doctor must let loose forces he hasn't the foggiest clue how to control, including his attraction to Mia.

Get ready for a moody tale of forbidden passion, romance and daring adventure!

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 lucky winners will win 1 of the following eBooks:
    • Dracula
    • Dark Prince
    • Guardian of the Night
    • Night Demon
    • The Seduction of Phaeton Black or The Moonstone and Miss Jones (print or eBook)
To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: Name an immortal bad boy who has a shot at becoming your book boyfriend.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mary Kirkland said...

Oh I have to agree with you on Christine Feehan's Dark series. But my favorite from that series in Gregori. He's intimidating, scary, a healer and smart as all get out plus he loves his mate and showed he can be tender. It's hard to pick just one from that series but if I had to pick one, it would be him.

May said...

I like Christine Feehan's series... BUT I also like Eric from the Sookie books. :)

kathy p said...

I would have to pick one of the lords of the underworld from Gena Showalter!!

Amy said...

Well, I feel like cheating since I used this one the other day on Danielle's website, but Sammael, one of Cynthia Eden's Fallen Angels is my idea of a bad boy book boyfriend. Love that guy even when he is dealing out some serious butt kicking. :)

Arely ZPerez said...

I honestly cannot choose. There are so many good ones out there!

Unknown said...

Oh there are so many immortal bad boys in Kresley Cole's IAD series I would have a hard time choosing, but since Lachlan was the first I "met", he has a special place in my heart :-) And so do Clay from Kelley Armstrong's series :-) Thank you!

Preet said...

I'm a much bigger fan of Christine Feehan's Seven Sister series. That series has some SERIOUS book boyfiends. Jonah, Ilya, and Matt. My goodness!

G. Jillian Stone said...

You are not alone, Mary. So many readers I know love Gregori!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi May,

I think a whole bunch of Sookie fans would agree with you!

G. Jillian Stone said...

I have not yet experienced Cynthia Eden's Fallen Angel, Sammael, but now you've got me interested!

G. Jillian Stone said...

I know! Hard to pick just one! ;)

Mary Jo Burke said...

My paranormal book features a sexy vampire hero. Can't go wrong with an eternal vibe. Looking forward to the new Dracula show too.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Stella!

Kresley Cole and Kelly Armstrong really knows how to write the kind of immortal bad boy that readers love. Bad boy boyfriend fans should look for Clay and Lachlan's stories.

G. Jillian Stone said...

You know, I never read the Seven Sisters series, but now you've got me thinking about it!

G. Jillian Stone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Mary Jo,

Love the whole sexy vampire eternal vibe thing, as well. And I've heard rumblings about a new Dracula TV show. Hope it's really popular!

G. Jillian Stone said...

So, I'm wanting some more were men here...anyone have a favorite bad boy boyfriend who is a shifter?

Annwitch said...

I love Zadist from JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood. He is dangerous, but vulnerable. A great combination that makes him super sexy.

G. Jillian Stone said...


Ah, Zadist. Enough said.

Jo said...

I'm reading Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost right now, and Vlad is definitely doing it for me ;)

G. Jillian Stone said...

Vlad...classic nsme for a vampire. Twice Tempted just seems right for a must read!

sheryl said...

I love Vlad from the Night Huntress series. He is smoking hot!! I love the guys from the BDB too.

Unknown said...

Oooooh, I adore Christine Feehan's Dark series and the whole lifemate concept. I think Lucian from Dark Guardian is the ultimate bad boy and I could just eat him up.

krg said...

I also love the BDB books and the Night Huntress series. If I had to choose one it would be Bones from Night Huntress series!

Unknown said...

I am currently digging Toronto from hunter's rise.

erin said...

Curran!! From Ilona Andrew's Kate Daniel series :)

Casey said...

I love Rhage and Vishous from the BDB series. Not sure if they can technically be considered immortal...but they are definitely my book boyfriends!!

Unknown said...

Creed Saint-Pierre from Her Vampire Husband :)

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Sheryl,

Is Vlad the first immortal bad boy with two votes in comments? I think so!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Sebella Blue,

Lucian is another great dark hero of Feehan's. I like to think of him as antihero, because he is just that lovely!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Yes, Cat and Bones are two protagonists that rate more thsn one book, they gets a series!

Meghan said...

Wraith from Dark Lover and Eric Northman from The Sookie Stackhouse novels!

mestith at gmail dot com

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Kim,

Ah, a werewolf named Toronto. Yay! More were's please!

G. Jillian Stone said...

I do not know Curran, but I will look him up. Ah, the beast, Lord he a big cat? Oh, I do hope so.

My heroine in the soon to be released, The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter, is a shapeshifter. Mia shifts into a black panther!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Casey,

I have had a thing for every member of BDB. Lol!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Love the title, or could the fantasy be... My Vampire Husband?

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Megan,

I love them both––gosh, and if you had to pick just one?

lorimeehan said...

Talen and Jordan(shifter) from Dark Protectors by: Rebecca Zanetti

lindalou said...

OMG... there are so many! My fav right now is Dragos, a dragon shape-shifter, from Thea Harrison's Elder Races series. My always-fav vamps are from Lisa Kessler's Night Series. :-)))

Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks for the shout out Jill!!! :)

I'm a Christine Feehan fan too... Darius from Dark Fire was my favorite I think... Lucian was pretty awesome too! :)

Have you tried her Ghostwalker series? It's worth checking it out! :)

Lisa :)

Michelle said...

If I have to pick one...Jericho Barrons from Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. I swear, just typing his names makes my toes tingle! ;) I've read all the books several times because I love him so much. I also have the audio books because Phil Gigante's voice...yum! They can never make a movie, because I'll be there saying, "That's not what he sounds like!".

Yep...he's my book boyfriend! Jericho!

Natasha said...

Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse series is my favorite.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Mary Preston said...

I can't think of one. That's just sad!

Linda said...

Dragos Cuelebre from Thea Harrison's Dragon Bound!

jmcgaugh said...

Jeaniene Frost's Bones is high on the list for me.

Eli Yanti said...

always love darynda's book

Lexi said...

Love the original Dracula book, a great read. And Mikhail..*dreamy sigh*

Good call on adjusting the title, bad-boy boyfriends are so shiver inducing. :) I am going to pick Vlane from the Fever Series, he us one of the ultimate bad boy who would hands down be no good for me. But I think he has some hidden potential...I am just waiting for KMM to reveal some of it to us.

G. Jillian Stone said...

I don't know Talen and Jordan but they sound interesting!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Could Dragos be any scarier or hotter than Jason Momoa as Kahl Drogo, chieftain of the Dothraki people??? Love Game of Thrones, can you tell?

And I love Lisa Kessler's steaming sexy immortals!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Lisa!

I read the Ghostwalker novel with Gator and Flame (I think that was her name.) Loved it––really action packed! I do wish Christine would feed her protagonists once in awhile, though. And poor Flame––she's so beat up at the end of that book...poor thing!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Well, I must see if Jericho does the same for me. What was it about him that got to you?

G. Jillian Stone said...

Lots of Eric fans here. I do think Eric is hot, however, I gotta admit my favorite sculpted stud of Sookie's is Alcide1

G. Jillian Stone said... get to think about it and come back later with one or more of your favorite immortals!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Another vote for Dragos!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Bones must be lovely, because you can't write a series with the same male protagonist, unless that man is wicked hot!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Love, love, love Darynda! She and I met at an OCC/RWA meeting and bonded instantly. Her deep, deep, hilarious first person POV just kills me!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Lexi,

The original Dracula is so amazing! And Feehan's Dark series still remains one of the best!

I must get up to speed on the Fever series! ;)

Unknown said...

Does there have to be only 1? I could name at least 20 that could be my boyfriend any day :) I love Kresley Cole, Gena Showalter and Lara Adrian!

Unknown said...

There are numerous ones I could mention, but Aeron from The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter is definitely a solid contender for my favourite!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Tiggbabe,

All of them great reads!

G. Jillian Stone said...

I have not read all of Gena's Lords of the Underworld series but Aeron sounds like he'd make a great book boyfriend!

Unknown said...

I don't have a favorite one yet. I just started reading this genre.

donnas said...

So many great ones. But I think my favorite is Bones

Juliana's World said...

Well, so many choices for immortal bad boys, but i choose Jerricho Barrons from Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. He's a gorgeous bad ass. He's like a shadow and nightmare that haunts you day and night. But, i also like Zadist.He looks scarry but tender inside.

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Well if he has to be immortal, Eric from The Sookie Stackhouse novels or Edward from Twilight! Ooo...Prince Ash too although he's not really immortal. Hmm....

Unknown said...

oh my, Dracula is an interesting pick :) probably the first vampire I fell in love with as well.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Oh, you have so much to look forward to! Christine Feehan would be a great author to start with, she just about invented the Paranormal Romance genre1

G. Jillian Stone said...

Not that I'm running a popularity contest here, but Bones appears to be slightly ahead of Zadist,

G. Jillian Stone said...

Nice picks Juliana! I do so love a hot, loyal bad ass book boyfriend!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Well, he doesn't HAVE to be immortal...he could be human...Phaeton Black is human, and a paranormal detective. He finds/communicates/eliminates unruly creatures from the underworld...he is also a bad ass book boyfriend because he's a hot lover.

So...technically these bad boy book boyfriends can be human. ;)

G. Jillian Stone said...

Lily B,

Yeah, and....Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (Tudors) is going to play him in a new series...I can't wait!

Leannessf said...

Bones from the Night Huntress series!

Roxanne Rhoads said...

when it comes to books I love Jeaniene Frost's Bones. I think he's my favorite.

On TV- Damon Salvatore if we're sticking with vampires.

If not just vampires then throw in Alcide (werewolf) from True Blood and if we're going with humans too- give me Dean Winchester from Supernatural.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Lily B,

Yeah, and....Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (Tudors) is going to play him in a new series...I can't wait!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Okay...Bones is out ahead, but honestly? There are many other amazingly sexy bad boy immortals out there!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Roxanne!

All right, another vote for Alcide. Love those abs.

G. Jillian Stone said...

I love all your picks, Roxanne! Plus, see below––my answer if two parts! ;)

G. Jillian Stone said...

Zadist answer below! I keep forgetting there is a reply box within comment!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Jeaniene Frost could not be hotter right now!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Lords of the Underworld rule, And you can't pick just one!

Di said...

I was rather taken with Lara Adrian's Lucan and allso the rest of his Midnight Breed crew.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Di,

I don't know Lara Adrian's Lucan or the rest of his Midnight Breed, but thanks for telling us about him!

G. Jillian Stone said...

P.S. I just looked up the looks great!

G. Jillian Stone said...

For extra points, who can name all the Dark series immortals?

Unknown said...

I have read every book in Feehan's Carpathian series. They were what drew me to my paranormal romance obsession...and I've never looked back. Thanks for the giveaway, looking forward to adding your stories to my TBR list!

SheriV said...

I think Mikhail tops my list. I fell in love with paranormal romance with Feehan. And Jean-Claude from the Anita Blake series.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Melissa,

It's a wonderful series. Christine Feehan really was a pioneer in paranormal romance.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Sheri,

And, with this new release of Dark Prince, you get to enjoy 100 more pages of him! Good Luck!

PM350 said...

ZAREK - Dark HUnter
Jericho - KMM - still swooning over him

G. Jillian Stone said...

Jericho is definitely all hotness!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Zarek is so interesting. He is a mysterious and tortured soul.

Texas Book Lover said...

I am an equal opportunity lover and frequently changing my mind about who is my favorite but these characters always stay on the top of the list! Barrons, Bones, the BDB, Nalini Singh's Lucas & Hawke, Sherrilyn Kenyon's Ash & several other of her Dark & Were Hunters, Same goes for Christine Feehan's Carpathians, oh and Eric from Southern Vampire series (always hated Bill).

Kim said...

I liked Cian from Valley of Silence by Nora Roberts. Although a vampire, he still protected the heroine from himself.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Texas Book Lover,

Haha! What a great cast of Immortal Bad Boys (heroes or antiheroes?) Love them! Especially the BDB, Bones, and the Carpathian men! Good luck!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Texas Book Lover,

Haha! What a great cast of Immortal Bad Boys (heroes or antiheroes?) Love the BDB, Bones and the Carpathians!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi Penfield,

It is a tricky thing, being a vampire in love with a mortal.

But if turning her saves her life? Feehan does a great job with that in Dark Prince. Lots of anguish and decisions that have to made quickly––as life drains from the heroine!

lisagkendall said...

There are several possible choices including a couple different characters from Katie Mac's Dark Ones, probably Christian.

Pam said...

I haven't read enough of this genre yet to find an immortal book boyfriend yet.

Cathy P said...

I haven't read any immortal books except for the Sookie Stackhouse series.


Jolene and Family said...

Wraith from Larissa Ione's Demonica series!

G. Jillian Stone said...

I know Katie's Dragons, but not the Dark Ones series. I looked them up on Amazon and I am intrigued!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Oh my, more Alpha Immortals to enjoy!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Now is the time to get started! Good luck in the giveaway raffles!

G. Jillian Stone said...

Ditto for you, too, Cathy (see above). I do hope you give some of these immortal bad boys a read. Warning: Addictive!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have a favorite book boyfriend because I tend to love the male character in most of the books I read. I love when I find a book where I can become invested in the characters and find things about them that I love.

I've so been wanting to read Christine Feehan's books, but my library doesn't have them! My fingers are crossed for luck. :-)

Thank you for the giveaway!

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Yes! Wraith is all immortal hotness!

G. Jillian Stone said...

It's really important for me to fall a little bit in love with the main characters in a novel with a love story. The more I can identify with them, the more I enjoy the story. Good luck, Lindsey!

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