
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Kieran Kramer and Giveaway

Double Rita®-finalist and USA Today bestseller Kieran Kramer is the author of the lighthearted Regency historical romance series, The Impossible Bachelors, published by St. Martin's Press. She has a new six-book contract with St. Martin's for another Regency series called The House of Brady, which premeired in August 2012 with LOVING LADY MARCIA. A former CIA employee, journalist, and English teacher, Kieran's also a game show veteran, karaoke enthusiast, and general adventurer. Without doubt her greatest adventure, which she's taken hand-in-hand with her husband of 23 years has been mothering their three children.

Places to find Kieran:

I'll be giving away the hardcover 75th anniversary edition of GONE WITH THE WIND! Not only is it gorgeous, it is the best story ever. I never tire of it. Rhett Butler is by far my favorite book boyfriend. He does what he wants. He says what he wants to say. And he adores Scarlett precisely because she does what SHE wants and says what SHE wants to say! I love a secure man-and I especially love a secure man who encourages his woman to be herself and flaunt it!

So if you haven't read this book, you have to. Yes, the movie is wonderful. But the book is a treasure. And this special edition will look SO good on your bookshelf!

< Set against the dramatic backdrop of the American Civil War, Margaret Mitchell's epic love story is an unforgettable tale of love and loss, of a nation mortally divided and its people forever changed. At the heart of all this chaos is the story of beautiful, ruthless Scarlett 'O' Hara and the dashing soldier of fortune, Rhett Butler.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |


Of the three Brady sisters, Lady Marcia has always seemed the girl most likely to lead a perfectly charmed life. But after a handsome cad breaks her heart, she swears off love and devotes her life to teaching girls at a private school. In spite of her family’s wish for a London debut, Marcia is happy where she is—until terrible news sends her back to the Brady clan…and into the arms of an unexpected suitor.


A dark and dashing earl who knows Marcia’s past, Duncan Lattimore is surprised by what a fascinating and independent woman she’s become. Marcia, too, is surprised—by the fiery attraction she feels for Duncan. But why—why—must he be the brother of the scoundrel who broke her heart? Why must Marcia’s rival at school forbid her from seeing him? How can this lady possibly resist this fellow—when they know that it’s much more than a hunch…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

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**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 
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kipha said...

Hi Kieran, it's funny how I haven't read or seen Gone With The Wind, although I heard it is a classic and fabulous~
I know Janice's book is coming out but what else are you currently working on besides the Brady series, that is if you are?

sheryl said...

I loved Gone with the Wind, the book and the movie. I have so many book boyfriends that it is too hard to list just one. I can't wait to read more of your books. Thanks for the chance to win

Sharlene said...

Hi Kieran! You know I love your books! Of yours, I would say Stephen Arrow would be my book boyfriend. He conquered a lot of obstacles to get his lady! Hope you have a great week-end & continued success with your new series!

May said...

Hi Kieran! I love Gone with the Wind too. :) I love both the movie and the book but I prefer the book a bit more. Except that I always skip to the 'good' part in the book! :)

Rita Wray said...

Hi Kieran, I'm a big fan of Gone With The Wind, I think it's the best movie ever made. I also love the book, Rhett and Scarlett are wonderful.
I love Regency, The House Of Brady sounds like a great series.

Pam said...

I've never read Gone With the Wind or seen the movie.

Unknown said...

Gone with the wind is my fav movie...I have all the Scarlet and Rhett ornaments for my christmas tree (I might be obsessed but don't tell my hubby)...Sadly though I have never read the going to have to add it to my tbr list.

Mary Jo Burke said...

GWTW was my first "big" book read. I've seen the movie in the theater. It used to be released before the VCR and tapes. It deserves to be called a classic. Clark Gable as Rhett Butler! He had me when Scarlet refers to him as "the dark nasty one" at the Twelve Oaks party.

Amy said...

I will confess that I have never read the book or watched the movie of Gone With The Wind. How sad is that? I also haven't read or watched Pride and Prejudice. I really need to get reading these classics! It is nice to "meet" you on the blog! Thanks so much!

Casey said...

Wow i thought i was the only one who had never read the book or seen the movie Gone With The Wind! Can't believe from the comments that im not the only one! Thanks for the chance as i haven't read your book either! But it looks fabulous, and i love the cover!!

Kati said...

Hi Dani, thanks for hosting Kieran!!

Beautiful Disaster said...

Ooooh... I love the movie, Gone With the Wind. It is my fave movie.
I can't wait to read this book. I really like the cover.
lorih824 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I think I can sadly say I have never read Gone with the Wind. I know my grandmother has a first addition in her collection. And I will have to add the Brady series to my book list!

Annwitch said...

I've always loved Gone With the Wind, I remember reading it in high school. My girlfriends and I were obsessed with the movie and had to read the book. Cloudy with a Chance of Marriage is my favorite Kieran Kramer book so far.

Queen of Books Sue said...

How do you pick out the characters in your books? do you use a guide or what?

Johanna R Jochum said...

I have never read Gone with the Wind. Saw the movie and loved it!I love your books thanks for sharing!

Robin the Book Nerd said...

Rhett Bulter was my first book boyfriend also. I reread Gone with the Wind at least once a year.

Kieran said...

Hi, Kipha!! Oh, you have so much to look forward to with both the movie and the book of GWTW to get into!!! I'm not working on anything but The House of Brady at the moment--it's keeping me mighty busy! Thanks for asking!

Kieran said...

Thanks for stopping by, Sheryl!!

Kieran said...

Aww, Sharlene, I love Stephen Arrow, too! Thank you! You have a great weekend, too! And thanks for all the good wishes!!! :>)

Kieran said...

Oh, yeah, May? What's your favorite good part??? I wanna know!!!! Thanks for saying hello. It's always good to hear from you! :>)

Kieran said...

Ingeborg, you and I have a LOT in common! I also think it's the best movie ever made and one of the greatest books of all time!!! :>)

Kieran said...

Pam, you have so much to look forward to!!! I wish I were in your shoes. :>)

Kieran said...

Kimberly, I'd love to see your Christmas tree! How awesome! And you're going to love the book.

Kieran said...

Haha, Mary Jo! I also saw it in the theater when I was little. They had that big old intermission in the middle. It was a huge extravaganza, going to see it!!!

Kieran said...

AMY!!! You are so lucky!!! You get to read TWO amazing classics and see the movies?!?!?! Enjoy!!!!

Kieran said...

Thanks so much about the cover, Casey, and yes, you are not alone!!! I know you'll love GWTW!!! :>D

Kieran said...

Big hugs for Kati!!!! :>)

Kieran said...

Lori, I love the movie, too. Thanks for stopping by!!! :>)

Kieran said...

Wow, your grandmother is awesome, having that first edition! I'll bet it's worth some money, too. Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you enjoy the House of Brady!!

Kieran said...

Thank you so much, Ann! CLOUDY is one of my favorites, too. I like to pretend Dreare Street really exists. And you're a girl after my own heart, loving GWTW!!! :>)

Kieran said...

Sue, they come to me, fully formed, and talk in my head. It's like I'm watching a movie!!!

Kieran said...

Thank you, Johanna!!! Oh, you will so love this book!!! Everyone needs to read it at least once. :>)

Kieran said...

Robin, I love you for reading GWTW at least once a year! I'm getting my own 75th anniversary copy to re-read. I already have the 50th anniversary copy!!! :>)

Preet said...

It's so funny how most of my "book boyfriends" are those from more modern and contemporary books. But Rhett Butler is the original daddy of them all. I don't actually have a written list of men from books I adore, but if I ever start one, he'll be at the very top of my list.

Being from Atlanta, I've read the book and seen the movie many times, plus all of the sequels and visiting the Margaret Mitchell house from time to time. If you're ever in Atlanta, the Fulton County Library downtown has an exhibit donated by her father which has original manuscripts and her Pulitzer prize among many other treasures. It's wonderful!

Unknown said...

I'm slightly embarrassed to say that I've never read Gone With the Wind. I've watched the movie a fair few times but never picked up the book. It's weird because historical romance is my favorite genre to read so you would think I would have read it numerous times by now. I think it's about time I get on that! Thanks for a great opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Chanpreet, I can't wait to go! I'll be in Atlanta this summer for the Romance Writers of America conference, and I plan on visiting the Margaret Mitchell house--and now the library, thanks to you!

Anonymous said...

OMG, Annah, it is SO good. I hope you read it!! You're not the only one here who hasn't. Thanks for stopping by! :>)

lorimeehan said...

I'm not a big fan of the movie Gone with the Wind but maybe if I read the book I'd enjoy that more. They never do a book justice in the movie.

Meghan said...

This is so embarrassing for me to say but I've never read this book OR watched the movie. It's sad, I know. Everyone always refers to Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler. I know vaguely who they are, but I couldn't tell you anything about them except that Scarlett's a character in 'Gone with the Wind' and Rhett Butler is an actor. I know, I know... so embarrassed!

mestith at gmail dot com

Jeanne M said...

Hi Danielle and Kieran!

I hope you had a fun time together!

Whenever I think of Gone With The Wind it takes me back to my childhood and watching it on our black and white TV! No Net Flix back in those days to be able to enjoy watching it over and over again!

Kiern, the one thing I've always wondered is how you come up with the titles of your books! I must admit your title When Harry Met Molly is what made me pick up your first book since I enjoyed the movie When Harry Met Sally so much! Let's me honest, who didn't enjoy the scene at the restaurant when Sally pretended to have an orgasm! What's made me keep coming back and buying your books now aren't just the title but the wonderful stories you tell! Do you have a "favorite" from all the books you've written and if you could re-write just one scene in any of your books which one would it be?

jmcgaugh said...

While I've seen the movie umpteen times, I've never read Gone with the Wind. I do love Rhett Butler!

erin said...

Thanks for the fun post and congrats to Kieran on the new release! LOL... I actually haven't read or seen Gone with the Wind... it's on my "list" of must do though!

rebecca said...

Gone With the Wind--so good! Rhett...sigh. I really, really wish that Margaret Mitchell had written a sequel. Scarlett just wasn't even in the same league!

Your House of Brady books are definitely on my TBR list--I used to watch The Brady Bunch whenever we had a babysitter :)

Beautiful Disaster said...

I'm really looking forward to reading this books. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Being a southern lady of a certain age, Gone With the Wind was required reading for all of us. It is still viewed with deep reverence in most refined southern households. However, the movie was considered a tad bit scandalous, what with the cursing and all. O_O

Cathy P said...

GONE WITH THE WIND was the first love story I watched or read. I think I was in junior high at the time. I saw the movie 6 times when it came out and have read the book many times. I adore Scarlett and Rhett. I also love your books, Kieran, and would love to win GONE WITH THE WIND and LOVING LADY MARCIA. Thanks so much for this giveaway!

LilMissMolly said...

I never read Gone With the Wind, but I loved the movie. I've seen it several times.

Unknown said...

Oh gosh... how could I have forgotten Rhett <3 one of my favorite all time books and movies, was absolutely fantastic

Jolene and Family said...

I still can't believe I have yet to read or see Gone With The Wind! I need to fix that

Donna E said...

I read Gone With The Wind when I was in High School. I saw the movie while in college. Some of my girlfriends & I made an hour or better trip to another town to see it at the theater. Think it might have been a 'revival'/ re-release of the movie since it was probably in 1965 or 1966. Of course, I've seen the movie many times now on TV - but it's just not the same! Rhett is probably one of my top book boyfriends.

Donna E said...

wish I tweeted / twitter just so I could have more entries for this give away. Would love love love the anniversary edition of Gone With the Wind, and would also much enjoy your book Loving Lady Marcia, Kieran.

Kieran said...

This is an exception to the rule--this movie was nearly as good as the book--in its own way. It didn't include everything that was in the book. The book has a lot more insight into Scarlett. I think it's well worth a read!!!

Kieran said...

Meghan, you'll enjoy them both, I promise!! No worries...tons of people haven't read the book or seen the movie. :>)

Kieran said...

Hi, Jeanne!!! You're such a sweetheart!!!'s hard to choose a favorite book. I think it's WHEN HARRY MET MOLLY. It was my very first one, and after that--CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MARRIAGE. But then I think of all the others, and I love them, too, LOL!!!

If I could rewrite any scene, it would be...actually, I can't think of one!!! Sorry. (blushes) I'll keep thinking, though. Thanks for stopping by, Jeanne!! :>)

Kieran said...

Give it a try!! you'll love it!! You'll be sad when it's over....

Kieran said...

Go for it, Erin!!! You won't regret it!!! :>)

Kieran said...

Rebecca, I hope you'll enjoy my books. They're light but they have some truly touching moments and some sexy ones, too!!! :>)

Kieran said...

Thanks for stopping by, B.D.!!!

Kieran said...

LOL, Sebella!!! And by today's standards, it's positively tame, isn't it?? Thanks for the visit!!!


Kieran said...

Cathy, thank you for your kind words!!! I'm like you, a true fan of both the movie and the book. I almost feel as if Vivien Leigh's main purpose in life was to be Scarlett. She IS Scarlett. She's perfect.

Kieran said...

Molly, grab you that book. It's long reading, but it's soooo good!!! :>)

Kieran said...

I agree, Lily! Thanks for stopping by!! :>)

Kieran said...

Yes, Jolene, get that movie and read that book. You will be SO happy you did!!

Kieran said...

Good luck, Donna!! And I'm glad you're as big a fan as I am of the movie and book!! :>)

krg said...

Thanks for the post! I am embarrassed to admit that I have never read or watched Gone With The Wind! My daughter is the historical fan in our house and she has been introducing me to her favorite books. I am really starting to see her attraction. I am looking forward to discovering your books also.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, krg!! You and your daughter would love to watch GWTW, the movie, together!!! :>)

Di said...

I've never read 'Gone with the Wind' but have seen the movie - but it's missing one of my requirements - an HEA. I've always wondered what might have happened after the movie ended.

Natasha said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
I love Gone with the Wind the movie but I have never read the book.

Lexi said...

This is one of those classic books that you must read, even if you have seen the movie (which is great but can't touch the book version). Rhett gets the shaft over and over, yet he keeps on going and manages quite well. The ending is perfect, leaves you wondering and imagining what comes next.

Unknown said...

Gone with the Wind has got to be one of the greatest love stories EVER! What a great gift to receive! I'm excited to get to know you and your books more too!

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

I have not actually read Gone with the Wind despite having it somewhere around the house (not mine) but I have seen the movie. I thought the movie was great so am expecting more from the book. Thanks for sharing about it!

Unknown said...

I've not seen or read Gone With The Wind, although I've been meaning to for aaaages lol

Anonymous said...

Di, that's the one thing that bothers me, too! I just tell myself that they got back together. Maybe Scarlett needed a few more years to regroup and Rhett needed time to get over his hurt. Let's hope that together!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you will love it, Natasha!!

Anonymous said...

Lexi, fist bump to a fellow fan of Rhett!!! :>D

Anonymous said...

Tiggbabe, it IS an amazing love story!!! And populated with such memorable characters!!! Thanks for visiting me here!! :>)

Anonymous said...

Nikki, it's one of those books that take forever to read, but you hate when it's over. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Join the club! A lot of readers here haven't. I hope y'all wind up reading the book AND watching the movie. They're both SO worth it. :>)

Unknown said...

I read Gone with the Wind when I was quite a bit younger and loved it! I think it may be time to either dust off that copy or go splurge on one of the new editions. Thanks so much for sharing!!

PM350 said...

OMG!!! I've read GWTW AND Scarlett the sequel
I live in GA - I think its manatory to watch the movie!!!
I used to have BOTH Scarlets speeches memorized ....

Texas Book Lover said...

I have never read GWTH but used to love the movie. Now that I am a big reader I would love to read the book and then go back and watch the movie again!

Thanks for the chance!

Kim said...

I have read and seen GWTW. This is the only instance that I can think of where the movie was as good as the book. Do you think Ashley ever stood a chance against Rhett?

lisagkendall said...

I would agree that this movie is probably the closet match of any to it's book.

Vanessa N. said...

I love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs.

Sherry Butcher said...

I have never read Gone with the Wind good to hear that the movie is a colse match to the book. I do think it'll be a while before I get to GWTW.

Anonymous said...

I adored the Gone with the Wind movie, but I've never read the book. I'd very much love to, so my fingers are crossed for luck! :-)

Thank you so much for sharing about these books and for the giveaway.

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

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