
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Maggie Robinson and Giveaway

Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances.

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So…book boyfriend. Someone I might consider leaving my husband for, fictionally, of course. This was an interesting concept for me. I didn’t think I should mention my own heroes, although the Marquess of Conover in Mistress by Midnight has all the qualifications I could ever seek—he’s tall, dark and handsome, rich, tattooed, well-traveled and has been completely celibate for a dozen years obsessively pining for me…um, his heroine Laurette. He wants to make the past right and is willing to move heaven and earth to do so. Sigh…

So, not Con then. I read a book a few years ago that moved me. The hero had become addicted to opium, and how he freed himself was a worthy hero’s journey. Alas, when I reread the book for this blog, the story did not hold up for me. The h/h declared their love way too soon, and everyone but the kitchen staff from previous books in the series turned up to give advice. So I was left with a conundrum—what handsome hero have I read that really makes me smile and yearn to have by my side?

You’ll never guess. Have you read any of Spencer Quinn’s hilarious mysteries? They are narrated by a dog of unspecified breed, Chet. Chet is pretty heroic—he sails over fences to chomp the bad guys and makes acute observations about his P.I. owner Bernie and life in general, only occasionally distracted by a random Cheeto on the ground. The titles of the books are so clever, too:

Chet is pretty brilliant even if his vocabulary doesn’t extend to romanticism's  He’s risen from poverty, is good-hearted, has great instincts, loyalty and recognizes quality. What more could you ask for? I’ll give away the Chet and Bernie book of the winner’s choice, plus any book from my backlist, featuring plenty of yummy heroes, if I do say so myself.

Chet might have flunked out of police school (“I’d been the best leaper in K-9 class, which had led to all the trouble in a way I couldn’t remember exactly, although blood was involved”), but he’s a detective through and through. In Dog On It, Chet and Bernie investigate the disappearance of a teenaged girl who may or may not have been kidnapped, but who has definitely gotten mixed up with some very unsavory characters.

Readers will be instantly captivated by Chet’s doggy ways and his endearingly hard-boiled voice. Full of heart and occasionally prone to mischief, he is intensely loyal to Bernie, who, though distracted by issues that Chet has difficulty understanding—like divorce, cash flow, and child custody—is enormously likeable himself, in his flawed, all-too-human way. There’s genuine suspense and intrigue, combined with humor and deep insight into the bond between dog and man.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Tucked amid the pages of The London List, a newspaper that touts the city’s scandals, is a vaguely-worded ad for an intriguing job—one that requires a most wickedly uncommon candidate…

Maris has always been grateful that her marriage to the aging Earl of Kelby saved her from spinsterhood. Though their union has been more peaceful than passionate, she and the earl have spent ten happy years together. But his health is quickly failing, and unless Maris produces an heir, Kelby’s conniving nephew will inherit his estate. And if the earl can’t get the job done himself, he’ll find another man who can…

Captain Reynold Durant is known for both his loyalty to the Crown and an infamous record of ribaldry. Yet despite a financial worry of his own, even he is reluctant to accept Kelby’s lascivious assignment—until he meets the beautiful, beguiling Maris. Incited by duty and desire, the captain may be just the man they are looking for. But while he skillfully takes Maris to the heights of ecstasy she has longed for, she teaches him something even more valuable and unexpected…

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a copy of Book of choice from Maggie's Backlist + Chet & Bernie book of choice.

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Maggie.
  • International Shipping Available.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


sheila said...

Never heard of Chet the detective dog, sounds hilarious......

Linda said...

Oops! How profound that the best book BF is a dog. Doesn't say a lot for mankind!

I recently read Lord Gray's List (my 1st of your books) & really enjoyed it. Looking forward to reading your other books. From the sound of Lord Conover, he's next on my list!

Juliana's World said...

‎​=))hªª=Dhªª=Dhªª=)) it's so funny about the dog which becomes the hero in a novel and what a unique name for a dog. I haven't read it yet but i'm going to buy the book.

LS said...

Would love to win, another new author...yeah...

Unknown said...

Good morning, and thanks so much for having me here! Glad Chet is an appealing hero, LOL. I can't wait for the next book. :)

sheryl said...

I am intrigued by Chet the dog now. I am also going to have to check out Mistress by Midnight, he sounds yummy. Thanks for the chance

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Captain Durant's Countess sounds fab :)

May said...

Chet sounds interesting. Will check out the book! :) Captain Reynold sounds terrific too!

Jeanne M said...

Hi Maggie!

As an animal lover myself Spencer's books sound like so much fun to read and the excerpt has me falling in love with Chet already! If you have a pet of your own you'll know the feeling an owner gets when your feeling out of sorts and they come up to you while your sitting there feeling sorry for yourself and put their head in your lap and look up at you with those soulful eyes just wanting you to feel better!

Since I read Don Quixote by Cervantes when I was in High School (we won't mention how very long ago that was) my favorite hero has been Don (I feel that I can call him that since he's been in my life so long!).

Okay, he might not exactly be handsome but who doesn't want a hero who sees only the best in you? I have to admit that I wish at times my husband was more like Don and could look at me like Don looked at Dulcinea and only see me only as beautiful (even when my hair is sticking up) and ignore my flaws (like dinner not being ready because I spent the day reading).

Ever since I read that wonderful story whenever I think of the saying "love is blind" I always think of Don Quixote but also realize love isn't blind instead it's forgiving and acceptance.

Do you have a favorite "quirky" hero as well?

krg said...

I'll have to check out Spencer Quinn's books, thanks for the recommendation!

Janhvi said...

I haven't read any Spencer Quinn books or Mistress By Midnight but I would love to :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy said...

I love the sound of Chet's books. :) I haven't read any books by Maggie so I am excited to check her out! Thanks!

Cassie Polla said...

Sounds amazing! I would love to win!

Casey said...

Wow i haven't ever heard of these books, but they sound like a lot of fun! And your hero Con sounds wonderful! Definitely have to check him out now! Thanks for sharing!!

Unknown said...

I love the idea of a dog being a storyteller. What more could a girl ask from a hero. Loyal, nonjudgmental,and lots of unconditional love. I think your Marquess of Conover sounds pretty good as well.

Preet said...

I'd never heard of Spencer Quinn or Chet the dog, but I am intrigued. They are the usual departure from the book boyfriends other authors have mentioned and spoken about.

Kathleen O said...

This are both new books and authors for are you a new to me author, but these books sound delightful and ones I know I will like to read..

erin said...

Thanks for the fun post! I have the first Chet the Dog book buried in my TBR pile... gotta go dig them out :)

Chrisbails said...

This is a new author and series for me. Chet the dog sounds like an interesting read. I have read a few of Maggie's books and have enjoyed them. My question for Maggie is...What is your favorite genre to read? To write? Thanks for the chance to win.

sienny said...

that sounds unique, reading from a dog's pov. i gotta try this. thanks maggie!

Mary Jo Burke said...

I love dogs and always wondered what they are thinking!

Beautiful Disaster said...

Sounds like an intriguing read. You're a new author for me so will definitely have to read this book that is from a dogs point of view :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the comments! Yes, the Quinn books are a lot of fun. Chet is pretty darn smart--smarter than I feel most days, LOL.

Chris, I'll read everything including cereal boxes. Mostly I read historical romance to "keep up," but lately I have been glomming the British author Kate Atkinson, both her literary fiction and her detective series. She's a brilliant, brilliant writer who breaks all the rules. Hilary Mantel writes great historical fiction, too. I also like mysteries and biographies. Am reading about Diana Vreeland and Georgette Heyer at the moment.

Jeanne, the hero of the Atkinson PI books, Jackson Brodie, is pretty unique and quirky. Have you seen the TV series with Jason Isaacs? Yum!

laurie said...

Would love to win, another new author...yeah...

Jeanne M said...

Hi Maggie -

I'll have to check out the TV series! After posting before I thought of another of my "quirky" heros I love and it's Brother Cadael who is a monk at Shrewsbury Abbey and is set in the time period 1136 - 1145 which was also the time that King Stephen and Empress Maud were both trying to gain the crown.

One of the things that makes him so unique is that he is also a former Knights Templar and the stories all give you not only a great murder mystery but also a sense of what the common people went through in this time of unrest.

Unknown said...

Oh my.. Marquess of Conover does sound rather...sinfully dashing and yummy :)

hehe aww Chet sounds like an absolute delight! I don't think I have read a book where the dog takes over a story so far. Thought I have heard of this series and it is on my TBR pile, so hearing about it from someone else makes me even more curious.

Leannessf said...

Wow - I'm a huge fan of Spencer Quinn's Chet and Bernie series too! I've read all his books except the e-book!

Since we have similar taste, I'm sure to enjoy your books too!


lorimeehan said...

Have you written any other genre?
I've never heard of Spencer Quinn. I'll have to give that series a look.

jmcgaugh said...

Spencer Quinn's books sound interestingly different!

Barbara E. said...

Chet sounds like a great book boyfriend. I've hear of Spencer Quinn's books but haven't yet read any of them. I think I need to rectify that very soon.

Meghan said...

I haven't heard of either of these books but I would like to read them NOW! My book boyfriend is definitely Jamie Fraser from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
Thanks for the giveaway!

mestith at gmail dot com

Mary Preston said...

I do love my book boyfriends. They can misbehave all they want & I will still love them.

Unknown said...

The Chet series sounds really interesting! adding it to my TBR pile now!.....I think I'm running out of room! Great choices!

nurmawati djuhawan said...

howdy maggie..
i'm looking forward to rea ur books..
have a nice day and thx 4 the giveaway :)

Filia Oktarina said...

I heard about your books on Historical Romance Genre, but for other than this genre,.... you could say never heard of them...hehehehe

Unknown said...

I haven't read any of your books so look forward to adding them to my TBR stack.

JessS said...

Haven't heard of this before but it sounds interesting. And I definitely want to read some of Maggie's books.

Tracey said...

Thanks for the giveaway x

Eli Yanti said...

Dog on it sound really fun story :)

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone! Loree, I've only been published in historical romance, but that's about to change. Some friends and I are working on a contemporary Christmas anthology, and I am pretty excited. I wrote a few paranormal things back in the day, but they are under the bed. :)

Unknown said...

I love funny mysteries, but can't remember any that was narrated by a dog, and since you recommend it, I'm curious :-)

Maggie, is there a romance sub-genre you would never write? (or never say never? :-)

Di said...

I haven't met Chet & Bernie before - Thanks for the intro!

Aline Tobing said...

Wow, this is the first time I heard about Spencer Quinn's Chet and Bernie series, Maggie. Never read any book which narrated by a dog too LOL Sounds fun!

Lexi said...

These books sound very entertaining. It makes me really want to check out Chet! Who wouldn't want a loyal boyfriend like that??

Unknown said...

Stella, I don't think I could write romantic suspense (too scary). I also remember the first inspirational romance I picked up. I was staying in a beach house and it was was kind of a jolt for me to realize that nothing physical was going to happen between two entirely grown-up people, LOL. So inspy is out for me too. ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the introduction to Chet and Bernie :) Will have to check out that series. The synopsis for your book has caught my eye and I am looking forward to reading it!

SheriV said...

Your cover is gorgeous. So very pretty. I loved the intro.

PM350 said...

that Capt cover is mouthwatering!!!!

Kim said...

I don't think I've ever read anything narrated by a dog. Don't you think by showing how a hero takes care of his animal, it allows the author to show another side of a character?

lisagkendall said...

While I've added your Con to my tbr list, thanks for the heads up on Chet and his stories. As a multi-dog owner, (5)... chet appeals to me.

Unknown said...

I think writing this post inspired me to a little bit of insanity. My husband and I just adopted a 7 1/2 month old puppy--border collie/lab mix. Already he wants to help me write by climbing onto my lap as I sit in front of the computer!

Pam said...

The Chet books sound interesting...something different.

Cathy P said...

Chet and Bernie sounds hilarious. I love books about dogs. I also love your books.


Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Wow. That is some story.

And Spencer Quinn? Forgive me but at first I saw Julia Quinn. How interesting though.

Jolene and Family said...

Wow, these both sound great! Adding to my wishlist :)

Anonymous said...

These books sound great! Thank you for sharing and for offering the giveaway!

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

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