
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Roni Loren and Giveaway

Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. She is the National Bestselling author of The Loving on the Edge series from Berkley Heat.

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First, I want to thank Danielle for having me over at the blog today to chat about my favorite book boyfriend. What a fun topic! And a hard one. (Pun intended.) Great heroes are one of the main reasons I love reading and writing romance. But to pick one? Ack. I had a little trouble on that front. Do I pick my favorite bad boy? Or my favorite romantic one? The sexiest? A modern one or a historic one? It was impossible. So, I’m narrowing it down to five instead of one.

But my requirements were that I had to remember the hero off the top of my head. There are lots of terrific books I’ve read with great heroes. But if I have to go look up a hero’s name to remember him, then he couldn’t make the list. A favorite hero sticks with me long after I’ve read a book--his name, what he did in the book, who his heroine was, etc. My memory is bad, so if I can remember those things without looking, that’s when I know he’s a keeper.

Here’s my list of fictional boyfriends I’d ask the hubs to grant a hall pass for… ;)

Jamie from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Oh, Jamie, *sigh*. A Scottish warrior who can be fierce and badass, but who is also sweet and caring (and a virgin). It’s a time travel romance and seeing Jamie fall for the modern Claire is an epic journey. If you haven’t read this one, you’re missing a classic and one of the best heroes ever.

Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series by Charlaine Harris

Eric is one of my most favorite bad boys. Self-serving with a huge ego and often little conscience, you want to hate him. But then when you see his vulnerable side and how he is with Sookie--guh, irresistable. Plus, that shower scene in Dead to the World...omg. *swoons*

Dimitri from the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead

The Russian hero with the unflappable moral code. He’s the teacher, she’s the student. He is determined to not step over any lines, but oh, when he does… One of my favorite couples.

Damon from Sweet Persuasion by Maya Banks

I write BDSM, so it’s hard for me to pick a favorite Dom. But I have to say that Damon from Maya Banks’ Sweet series has always stuck with me. He wasn’t particularly tortured, he didn’t have a tragic backstory, and he’s not really a bad boy per se. But he’s so single-minded in his attention to the heroine and so damn dominant that it’s a hard to resist. He can be very firm with her but also is deeply romantic and sweet. He’s was the perfect combo of dominance and gentleness without having any of that a-hole vibe that dom characters can slip into.

Nicholas from A Knight In Shining Armor by Jude Devereaux

Though this is an older book, it’s a new read for me. I read it recently and instantly new Nicholas was going to stay with me. Another time travel romance, but this time, a medieval knight shows up in modern day England. He’s such a fun hero to watch try to navigate the modern world--a great combo of wide-eyed curiosity, bravery, and protectiveness over the heroine. Loved.

And if you’d like to check out one of the favorite heroes I’ve ever written, then check out Grant--my hard-headed, tortured, cowboy/dom hero in FALL INTO YOU. : )

CONTEST: I’m giving away one print or ebook copy of any of the books on my top five list (winner’s choice) and a signed copy of my book FALL INTO YOU. (U.S. and Canada only.)

He'll do anything for you. But you'd better say please.

When tomboy sports reporter Charli Beaumonde loses a dream TV job because she’s not girly enough for primetime, she’s determined to land a big scoop and prove her boss made a mistake. But when she gets too close to a football scandal and finds her life threatened, Charli accepts an offer from family friend Grant Waters to hide out at his place—even if Grant predicts nothing but trouble from his buddy’s hard-headed, uncompromising, irrepressible, younger sister. There’s one more problem…

Grant’s “place” is The Ranch, a BDSM resort in Texas, and he’s used to being in charge —even if that means trying to keep Charli in line. But much to Grant’s surprise, she’s intrigued—even envious—of his trainees. They’re the epitome of what she’s never been: sexy, beguiling, and totally irresistible to a man. Still, Grant doesn’t believe for a minute that the sharp-tongued Charli has it in her to be anyone’s submissive. But Charli’s already on her knees vying for the chance to prove that even the Master can be wrong sometimes.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a copy of Fall Into You + Book of Choice from Roni's Top 5 List.

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Roni. 
  • US/Canada Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


May said...

I do like Dimitri but I am also an Adrian fan! :) And who doesn't love Jamie? :) Eric is pretty terrific and I am sad that the sookie series will be ending soon...

Amy said...

I haven't read about any of those boys but they all sound capable of being heroes! I love hearing about what people love about heroes in books. Plus it causes me to add to my TBR pile. Thanks!

sheryl said...

How can anyone not love Jamie Fraser? He was such a sweetheart. These are all great book boyfriends. I tend to have more than one and it seems like there is one in every book I end up reading. I think A Knight in Shining Armor was one of my first time travel books then I was hooked. Great list of guys

kathy p said...

Am almost embarrassed to admit that I haven't read The Outlander yet! Just put in on my wish list!!!

Claire Gillian said...

That's a great way to pick 'em--if they stick in your brain, they are winners! Great list there and do agree for the ones I've read.

Lori Mitchell said...

I love Dimitri! I will definitely check out the others on your list!

Mary Jo Burke said...

Jamie. Proof love is never ending.

Unknown said...

I noticed you have different types of book boyfriends (historical/paranormal/erotic(dom))... I do to and have to say Dimitri is a great book boyfriend... Do you read a bit of everything and gather a lot of book boyfriends or do you tend to stay with the same few especially in a series like Vampire Academy (Dimitr)?

Chrisbails said...

I also love Eric from Sookie Stack house. I have not met Damon yet, but love Maya's books. You forgot my favorite Bones & Vlad fromJeaniene Frost. I also like the gorgeous vampires from the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Unknown said...

love meeting new authors <3 I have to say I have not read any of those books yet myself so I cannot compare the book boyfriends, thought I heard Outlander was actually pretty good :)

Rita Wray said...

My book boyfriend changes with each book I read. I guess my motto is love em and leave em. lol

Beautiful Disaster said...

Sounds like some awesome reads. I can't wait to start reading them. Thanks :)

PM350 said...

Love the BDB - picked up Lover at Last to read -- from library -- today
yeah - I'm fickle - Rhett Butler - highlander - love those men in kilts!!! Dark Hunter Were Hunters Dream Hunters - vampires werewolves - OH MY!!! gottA go take a cold shower!

Unknown said...

Oh, how could you not love Eric from Trueblood. A somewhat civilized Viking, YUMMO! You also made me think of what Scotsman sticks in my mind and that would have to be Gabriel from Julie Garwood's Saving Grace. *sigh*

Unknown said...

Love Dimitri he is a favorite.

*yadkny* said...

I actually haven't read any of Roni's fictional boyfriend list... need to change that since it sounds like I am missing out:)

Casey said...

I love Dimitri and I love Damon! Haven't read the others but seeing as how awesome those 2 are, im thinking i need to read the rest. I've also never read one of Roni's books. Definitely going to have to get me some!!

Preet said...

Jamie from Outlander is just dreamy. He's the only one on Roni's list that I can recall reading. I'm fairly certain I've also read A Knight in Shining Armor, but it's been a long time. I may need to refresh my memeory!

erin said...

thanks for the fun post! There are some awesome authors on this list that I know that I have to read. Got some catching up to do :) Thanks for sharing!

Pam said...

I haven't read any of your book boyfriend books, so I'll have to check them out. Fall into you sounds like a great book!

lorimeehan said...

I love Maya Banks and Jude Deveraux but I've not read those books. I like how you picked from so many different genres.

krg said...

I also love Jamie, Eric and Damon but have not read the other 2. I am really excited about your book Fall into You, a bdsm ranch and Texas are perfect together! Thanks for the chance to win!

Roni Loren said...

Hi Jeanette, I tend to read from a lot of different sub-genres of romance, and I go through phases. For instance, when I was reading the Sookie and Vampire Academy books, I was going through a big paranormal and YA phase. Now I'm reading a lot of contemporary New Adult and a lot of 80-90s/old school romances by the great authors of that era (which is how I ended up reading A Knight in Shining Armor). And, of course, since I I write it, I'm always reading contemporary erotic romance. That's still my fave. :)

Roni Loren said...

I loved Adrian as well. Sarcastic bad boys are a weakness of mine. I'm looking forward to reading the spinoff series with Adrian in it. I bought the first one but haven't had the chance to read it yet. And I also need to catch up on the Sookie books. I think I stopped around book 7. *eyes teetering TBR pile*

Roni Loren said...

I haven't read any Jeaniene Frost yet, but I've heard great things about the series. I think I bought the first one on my Kindle a while back. Need to check. And BDB, I read the first one and was getting kind of burnt out on vampires, so though I have the next two, I never went back to them. But I hear so much buzz about that series that maybe it's time to go back now that it's been a few years and start the second one. :)

Roni Loren said...

Outlander is a LONG book so a bit of a commitment, but it's so worth it. :) Epic romance.

Roni Loren said...

These are definitely worthy of a TBR pile. Happy reading! :)

Roni Loren said...

I always have more than one too. The more the merrier. ;)

Roni Loren said...

Lol, I love and leave most of them, but there are a few who linger in my mind for long after. :)

Joanne said...

I agree with your choices, especially Damon. I love that series by Maya Banks. I've never read Outlander but have heard nothing but great things about it. Heading over to see if I can pick it up to add to my book boyfriend list. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

It looks like my TBR list has increased by 5 books. It certainly inspires me to read them when the hero can be described in such great ways. Thanks for the new reading additions :-)

Jolene and Family said...

*sigh* Eric Northman. He was one of the first bad boys I fell for. I even shocked myself when I pushed Bill out of the way and started rooting for Eric :)

Jolene A

Meghan said...

Jamie from Outlander is one of my book boyfriends, as well. I always see him being played by Alexander Skarsgard from 'True Blood'... he plays Eric.

mestith at gmail dot com

Donna E said...

Fall Into You sounds like a interesting read.
It's been a long time since I've read any Jude Devereaux books, and I can't remember if I read A Knight In Shining Armor,but I remember liking those I did read.
I haven't read any of the others in your list, so don't know those 'boyfriends'.

Shana said...

So YOU'RE the one who took Jamie!

PM350 said...

gotta love those men in skirts - er KILTS!!

Unknown said...

I unfortunately have never read any of these but the book FAll Into You sounds like a great read and I would love to read it. I love to meet new authors and learn about different books that I have never read before. Thank you.

Di said...

That's a very eclectic book list! I've read two of them and made note of the others. I've got a whole roomful of book boyfriends so it's hard to pick out just one ore even just a few.

Unknown said...

I'm really looking forward to reading Fall Into You. I haven't read any of the books mentioned above but I'll definitely add them to my list now!

Natasha said...

I can't wait to read Fall Into You!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Lexi said...

Jamie *sigh*
I just found out that Gabaldon is finally having another Jamie and Claire book coming out!!!! These books take an emotional toll, but I can't not read them. Come on, its Jamie!

Maris said...

I see that you like to read different types of genres. Just like me - I enjoy them all. I'm just curious if you have a favorite genre or which genre do you read most from? Thanks for the giveaway. :) DaMaris

Unknown said...

Jamie /sigh Diana writes so vividly that it(almost) makes me want to go back in time and just see how hard it really was. I'd also love to add your book my my TBR pile :)

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

I LOVE Eric too! I haven't read the books but Alexander Skarsgard is so wonderful as him. Thanks for sharing the Eric love!

Unknown said...

I haven't read Outlander, I love Time Travel romances so I really don't know why I haven't read it yet! No excuses lol

Roni Loren said...

Sorry! :) (not really)

Roni Loren said...

I'd say contemporary erotic romance is my favorite to read (which is why I write it, lol) but I also adore YA and more recently, New Adult.

Glittergirl said...

I have'nt gotten to many on your list yet, many are in my TBR pile...I'm going with Ward's Z and Wesley from the Princess Bride. Pretty diverse but the I'm a complicated girl ;-)

SheriV said...

Eric is yummy...and definitely on my list. My favorite is Roarke from the In Death series.

Unknown said...

I haven't read Outlander yet, though it is in my TBR pile. My favorite book boyfriend still seems to be Jericho Barrons from Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. Thanks for all the new titles being added to my TBR list!!

PM350 said...

uh lets see - who am I in love this with THIS week??
Lachlaine Hunger Like No Other

Texas Book Lover said...

Roni, Fall Into You was fantastic. I am super excited to read Not Until You but will make myself wait until the last installment is out before I start it...

I keep hearing such great things about Outlander...I'm going to have to get with the program and read it soon!

Kim said...

I haven't read any of your selections yet. With all the great romance books out there, do you think it's possible to ever get one's TBR book pile down to a manageable size?

jmcgaugh said...

I love Jamie, Eric, and Nicholas, too!

lisagkendall said...

Knight in Shinning Armor has been one of my favorites for such a long time.

Vanessa N. said...

Great choices. I love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs.

Leannessf said...

Two of my favorite vampires are Eric and Dmitri! Definitely on my Top 10 list!


Cathy P said...

I love Eric and Bill in the Sookie Stackhouse series. Also love Jude's books.


Anonymous said...

I've not read any of these books, but I've heard great things about them. Thank you so much for sharing them and for offering the giveaway!

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

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