
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Theresa Romain and Giveaway

Historical romance author Theresa Romain pursued an impractical education that allowed her to read everything she could get her hands on. She then worked for universities and libraries, where she got to read even more. Eventually she started writing, too. She lives with her family in the Midwest, where she is working on her next book. This September, she’ll begin a new historical romance trilogy with IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE. In October, her third holiday historical romance—SEASON FOR SCANDAL—will be released.

Places to find Theresa:
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Danielle, congrats on your second blogaversary! Thanks for inviting me to join the celebration.

Danielle kindly agreed to let me post about more than one romance hero, since I can’t pick just one Book Boyfriend. My two favorites are so different: Ethan Mirabelli from Kristan Higgins’s THE NEXT BEST THING and Christian, Duke of Jervaulx, from Laura Kinsale’s FLOWERS FROM THE STORM.

Well, ok, they seem to be different. But the things I like most about these books are the same.

Here, I’ll show you with a table, because I love making tables. (I can’t explain it. It’s just one of those things.) The differences:

Ethan Christian
Type of romance ContemporaryHistorical
Type of hero Sweet beta Rakish alpha
Has stroke during book No Yes
Loves heroine at beginning of story? Extremely yes Certainly not
Special genius Cooking Mathematics
Saving grace Patience Left-handedness
Relatives are? Mostly nice Mostly terrible

So. Very distinctive heroes, right? Yet thanks to the talent of these authors, these two romances have some lovely features in common.

First, at the beginning of the novel, the heroines are both sure that the hero is Not Suitable. Ethan’s heroine, Lucy, is the widow of Ethan’s brother. She has also become Ethan’s friend with benefits since being widowed. Can you say guilt?

As for Christian? The rake-duke-mathematician’s heroine is Maddy, a Quaker and scholar with no use for “a person of his ilk.”

Over the course of each book, the heroines begin to see these heroes in a new way. Lucy comes to appreciate the iron determination under Ethan’s kindness. Maddy learns the cost—and value— of Christian’s vulnerability. And the heroes start to see themselves in a new and better way, too.

In other words, each hero and heroine become perfectly imperfect for each other. Their journey from strength to weakness to even greater strength is what makes me love these characters and these books.

To one winner, I’ll give a copy of THE NEXT BEST THING and FLOWERS FROM THE STORM, as well as my newest historical romance, SEASON FOR SURRENDER. This giveaway is open internationally. The winner can choose to have the books in print or e-format (if e-books are available in the winner’s country).

Lucy Lang isn't looking for fireworks.

She's looking for a nice, decent man. Someone who'll mow the lawn, flip chicken on the barbecue, teach their future children to play soccer. But most important: someone who won't inspire the slightest stirring in her heart…or anywhere else. A young widow, Lucy can't risk that kind of loss again. But sharing her life with a cat named Fat Mikey and the Black Widows at the family bakery isn't enough either. So it's goodbye to Ethan, her hot but entirely inappropriate "friend with privileges" and hello to a man she can marry.

Too bad Ethan Mirabelli isn't going anywhere. As far as he's concerned, what she needs might be right under her nose. But can he convince her that the next best thing can really be forever?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

The Duke of Jervaulx was brilliant and dangerous. Considered dissolute, reckless, and extravagant, he was transparently referred to as the ′D of J′ in scandal sheets. But sometimes the most womanizing rakehell can be irresistible, and even his most casual attentions fascinated the sheltered Maddy Timms.

Then one fateful day she receives the shocking news—the duke is lost to the world. And Maddy knows it is her destiny to help him and her only chance to find the true man behind the wicked facade.

But she never dreamed her gentle, healing touch would alter his life and her own so completely —and bind them together in need, desire…and love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |


Alexander Edgware, Lord Xavier, has quite a reputation—for daring, wagering, and wickedness in all its delightful forms. But the wager before him is hardly his preferred sport: Xavier must persuade a proper young lady to attend his famously naughty Christmas house party—and stay the full, ruinous two weeks. Worse, the lady is Louisa Oliver, a doe-eyed bookworm Xavier finds quite charming. Yet to refuse the challenge is impossible—he will simply have to appoint himself Miss Oliver’s protector…


Louisa knows her chance for a husband has passed. But she has no desire to retire into spinsterhood without enjoying a few grand adventures first. When Lord Xavier’s invitation arrives, Louisa is more intrigued than insulted. And once inside the rogues’ gallery, she just may have a thing or two to teach her gentlemen friends about daring…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository | Books-a-Million | Indiebound | Powell's | Chapter's Indigo |
Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

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  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Theresa.
  • Choice of print or eBook.
  • International Shipping Available.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 
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jmcgaugh said...

These books all sound great, and I haven't read any of them. Thanks for the chance to win them!

Janhvi said...

Thank you so much for the generous giveaway! I like both alpha and beta heroes as they both have their own perks ;) I haven't read any Kristin Higgins or Laura Kinsale books yet but I would love to! Season for Surrender sounds wondeful! :)

Anita H. said...

Kristin Higgins is one of my fave authors, but I haven't gotten around to reading The Next Best Thing (it's in my TBR pile!) Thanks for the giveaways, I haven't read the other two books either, but they sound very promising!

Ada said...

I did enjoy reading The Next Best Thing, and I love Fat Mikey! Can't ever go wrong with a pet character named Fat Mikey! :)

Unknown said...

Season for Surrender sounds like a fun and enjoyable read. I like historical romances where the 'lady' doesn't particularly follow the society's rules. Thanks for sharing your book boyfriends with us!

krg said...

I agree that it is the journey of growth that makes my fall in love with the characters/book. Thanks for the post!

Amy said...

I love the chart comparison of the two boyfriends! I also like that one is contemporary and one is historical. It shows that heroes are heroes no matter what time they are written in. :)

sheryl said...

I love the comparison and the fact they are two different genre. I have not read either, so thanks for the recommendation.

Sharlene said...

The Next Best Thing is one of my favorite books! I love Ethan, too! I hadn't heard of Flowers from the Storm, but I like your chart & the concept of love healing the hero. Your book sounds great & I can't wait to see how the story plays out. Thanks for the chance to win & happy Sunday!

Rita Wray said...

I love the chart, after reading the list I think I'll take Christian. I like both genres so it is difficult to choose.

Unknown said...

more books to add to my TBR - really interesting choices that I'm paying attention to since they have made it to the top of the lists.

Linda said...

Hi Theresa! I've your 1st 2 books & am so looking forward to your next 2 releases.
The table was amusing. Christian has a stroke in the story? Goodness how old is he? I've got to read the book now! Pls pick me to win *fingers crossed*

Unknown said...

Christian and Alexander sound like my kind of heroes. I like the bad on the outside type of guys.

Anonymous said...

Theresa, can you share with us a little more about The Matchmaker Trilogy.
You always have gorgeous book covers. thank you so much for giving away these 3 beautiful book. I would love to read your book and write a short review! have a beautiful week! Thank you also for making it international, because I live in Canada!

sienny said...

Haha those two heroes sure are a total opposite. The power of opposite attract ;)

Laurie G said...

I like your comparison of the heroes. I have not yet read either of these books.

I did enjoy your first book a lot. You beautifully handles the heroes problem of loving one woman while engaged to another. Loved your sense of humor and repartee.

I'd love to read all three of these books.

Unknown said...

Hi Theresa! What a great post. I love that your two favorite heroes are so different from each other, and that they are from different time periods. I haven't read these yet, but they are on my TBR list now! Thanks for the giveaway.

Connie said...

Wow, Theresa, what a great giveaway and such a nice way to help celebrate the blogaversary. I like the way you made a chart to compare heroes. That’s a great was to keep things precise and easy to access for background information and future ideas for new novels.

I do so enjoy your novels and you never fail to make me have a belly laugh or two. Well done, Dear Lady! Would so love to win these great novels! :-)

Preet said...

I love the table comparing the heroes. I haven't read any of the books mentioned, but my favorite Laura Kinsale novel is Uncertain Magic. That book has magic, love, intrigue, and takes place in England and Ireland. It's quite a book!

Casey said...

I love that you made a table! I have a weird fascination with organization and find myself doing similar things!! I find it interesting that your book boyfriends are so different, and yet they both sound wonderful! Thanks for sharing and for the chance!!

Sandy Kenny said...

Theresa, Thank you for this fun blog post. I really liked it that you put in a table. I'm not a very organized person, but having a table like that helps provide a sweet and concise descriptive "visual". Both characters seem to be very intriguing! When you are writing and piecing together your books, do you use similar techniques in organizing your thoughts? Just wondering because I cannot seem to get anything to really work for my writing...anyway, great post. Have an awesome day! :)

Mary Jo Burke said...

The table idea is genius! I will be stealing it.

laurie said...

These books all sound great, and I haven't read any of them. Thanks for the chance to win them!

Cathy P said...

Hi, Theresa! Love your table, your post, and your books. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love making tables just like you do. It makes things more organized. I try teaching this skill to my students as well. Thanks for sharing your opinions about the main heroes in both books.

Beautiful Disaster said...

You're a new author for me and I can wait to read this book. It's been added to my TBR stack.
lorih824 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway. How do you come up with the ideas for your books?

Unknown said...

I wish I could read these for the first time again. If you haven't met Ethan and Christian yet, you're in for a treat!

Unknown said...

Janhvi, I agree--both alphas and betas have their great points. There's a romance novel for every mood, isn't there?

Unknown said...

Anita, another Higgins fan? *high five* What's your favorite of her books?

Unknown said...

Hee! That's true. Kristan Higgins has such a way with pets in her novels.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Melissa! Season for Surrender is full of rule-breakers, and the heroine turns the tables on all of them. It was fun to write. :)

Unknown said...

krg, yes! That's what really makes a book stick with me. Thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said...

Very true, Amy. In the hands of a good author, I can fall in love with any kind of story and characters. These guys both go on a difficult journey, but that makes their HEA all the sweeter. (And thanks, glad you liked my table!)

Unknown said...

Sheryl, they're such good books. I hope you get the chance to read them both!

Unknown said...

Happy Sunday to you too, Sharlene! Ethan is such a sweetheart, isn't he? Kristan Higgins was really pulling on my heartstrings with The Next Best Thing. And Flowers From the Storm will do that too. Poor Christian really goes through the wringer.

Unknown said...

Ingeborg, you can't go wrong with either hero. :)

PM350 said...

Nice to "meet" you!!!

Unknown said...

Glad they sound interesting to you, Kimberly. This whole month, I've been adding books to my TBR based on everyone's book-boyfriend recommendations.

Unknown said...

Linda, thanks for getting hold of my books! Hope you enjoy the next two. And yep, Christian has a stroke, though he's a young man. I don't remember if his exact age is stated in the book, but I'd guess he's about 35. Poor guy! The way Laura Kinsale writes about his recovery is just brilliant.

Unknown said...

That is exactly what they are, Sebella! But of course, they have their good points too. :)

Unknown said...

Hi up in Canada, Nicole! Thanks for the kind words about my book covers; I love them too. My publishers have done a beautiful job!

The Matchmaker trilogy is a Regency-set series with related characters. The plots are all based around different matchmaking schemes by the hero and heroines--which, of course, fail as they wind up together. These will be some of my most unusual heroes: the first book features an ex-soldier with a paralyzed arm, and the second (out next spring) features a virgin duke with an anxiety disorder. I hope readers enjoy meeting them!

Unknown said...

sienny, they do seem really different! I guess I can fall in love with any kind of hero as long as he's in a great story. :)

Unknown said...

Laurie, thanks so much--I'm glad you liked Season for Temptation. It was important to me that all the characters act with honor in that love triangle, since they were all good people in a difficult situation. Of course, I wanted it to be a fun book too.

Good luck in the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Cara, as soon as Danielle asked for my favorite heroes, I knew the answer right away. And then I was surprised to realize how different they were (though I love them for similar reasons). Hope you enjoy meeting Ethan and Christian!

Unknown said...

Hi, Connie-thanks for the kind words! I do love making tables, and maybe that's because--like you say--it really helps organize the information. (Also, it was pretty funny to see how differently Ethan and Christian lined up against each other.)

Unknown said...

Another Kinsale fan! Isn't she amazing? I haven't yet read Uncertain Magic, though I've got it in my TBR pile. Thanks for the rec--I will move it to the top!

Unknown said...

Woot! Thanks for the table-love, Casey. I'm a fiend for organization, but I also think tables can be pretty funny. :) Poor Danielle, the table gave her a web-coding nightmare, but she got it to look beautiful. Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Sandra, I make a lot of notes while I'm writing, but I don't really make tables. (If anything, maybe I'm more of a paragraph outline/bullet point kind of gal.) But tables might be helpful if I'm ever planning out more than one story at once. Thanks for stopping by, and good luck with your writing!

Unknown said...

Steal away! Glad you liked it. :) If you make a hero-table, be sure to share the link!

Unknown said...

Laurie, hope you get the chance to read all of them. I had a lot of fun writing Season for Surrender, and--well, you know from my post how much I love The Next Best Thing and Flowers from the Storm!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much, Cathy! I wish you lots of happy reading.

Unknown said...

How cool that you use and teach tables, Jeannette. What subjects are tables handiest for?

Thank you for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Thanks, BD! So glad you came across this post. As a reader, I love to find new authors too.

Unknown said...

Jen, the answer is, "It depends." Not helpful, I know--but any random thing can kick off an idea for a story. Some of the inspiration for Season for Surrender came from my debut, Season for Temptation (though you can read each story on its own). The hero, Xavier, seems to be a certain kind of person in SFT, and I thought it would be fun to see what made him tick in SFS. And for his heroine? A woman who seemed to be his complete opposite, but who was actually perfect for him.

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you too--thank you for stopping by!

Kim said...

I haven't read either book. It's amazing that 30 authors have visited here and most have a different pick as a favorite romance hero. There are som many good books.

Mary Preston said...

A table would certainly be a clear way to keep track.

Thank you for sharing your book boyfriend with us.

Annwitch said...

I really enjoy your holiday romances. Thank you for taking time to share your favorite books with us.

lorimeehan said...

I loved the table you made to show the differences between your two boyfriends. It made me laugh at how different they are.

Unknown said...

Penfield, that's true! And we probably all love these heroes for different reasons, because everybody connects with different parts of a story. It's all good.

Unknown said...

Mary, thanks for visiting today! Yes, this hero table worked out well. Now if only I could figure out how to use tables in planning my books...

Unknown said...

Thank you, Annwitch! That'sgreat to hear. I have one coming out this October--and in September, my first NON holiday romance. It's nice to get to tell both kinds of stories.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Lori--I had fun making that table! :)

May said...

Love the table... :) Love your 2 bfs...

lisagkendall said...

Thanks for the post. I love your descriptions.. perfectly imperfect for each......and from strength to weakness to even greater strength.....Such a great way to explain why we love reading our favorite stories. lisagk(at)yahoo

erin said...

Thanks for the fun post! How did I miss these books :) Thanks for sharing!

SheriV said...

I definitely need to read these. they sound great.. :)

Meghan said...

Flowers of the Storm is one of my very favorite books! I love that the heroine has to nurse the hero back to health. I think it's totally attractive that he used to be some total rake and then had a stroke and lost the use of some of his mechanical faculties. Then, she comes along, nurses him back to health and he falls in love with her even though she is a strictly religious spinster. I can't tell you how much I love this book!
Thanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Love the descriptions of the stories.

Joanne said...

I love Kristan Higgins books but haven't read this one, or the others talked about in this great guest post. They all sound fantastic. Cant wait t pick them up. Thanks for the giveaway. Love the chart. A chart is always so helpful.

Unknown said...

May, they are great guys. :)

Unknown said...

Lisa, thanks--glad that resonated with you. It can be hard to relate to perfect characters, can't it? My favorite romances are the ones where imperfect characters grow together, yet come to love each other just the way they are.

Unknown said...

Erin, hope you get the chance to read these! Higgins and Kinsale are fantastic writers.

Unknown said...

Sheri, I hope you like them. The books are in very different styles, but they're just both so GOOD.

Unknown said...

Meghan, yes! It's a wonderful way of turning the tables on the characters--the hero has to become the vulnerable one. The way Laura Kinsale writes his illness and slow recovery is so beautiful.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Olga! I had fun writing this post, just as I did reading the books. :)

Unknown said...

Joanne, if you've liked her other books, you'll like this one too! I think this is her only widowed character (if I'm remembering right), and the story has some tear-jerking moments along with Higgins's trademark humor.

Di said...

Loved Season for Temptation & Surrender!

Cassie Polla said...

Sounds amazing!

Preet said...

You're welcome! This book was published for the first time in 1987, so you've gotta keep that in mind while reading. I still loved it this time around, so it stands the test of time well.

Unknown said...

Christian and Ethan both sound amazing :)

Vanessa N. said...

I love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much, Di! The next Season book (Season for Scandal) will be out in October. It tells Jane's story; ha, she was fun to write again.

Unknown said...

Isn't this a great blog series Danielle is running? I've learned about so many new must-read books.

Unknown said...

They're wonderful heroes, Cerian. Hope you get the chance to read these books!

Unknown said...

That's a new one on me, Vanessa. Thanks for the recommendation!

Unknown said...

I believe it. FFTS first came out in 1992, and it's still a stunner.

Pam said...

These all sound like great books!

Aline Tobing said...

Hi Teresa,
My friend recommended Flowers from the Storm ages ago and it's already on my TBR list but I haven't got the urge to read it yet. But since it's one of your fave I guess I should read it ASAP!! If only I could find the time *sigh

Thanks for the chance to win these fab books! :))

Unknown said...

Pam, glad they sound good to you. I hope you get the chance to read them all!

Unknown said...

Aline, I hear you--so many wonderful-sounding books, too little time. How cool that you have a friend to talk romance with (and who also liked Flowers from the Storm!). Be sure to let her--and me!--know what you think once you get the chance to read it.

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

You lost me at Has Stroke During Book! Wow....that alone makes me want to read it! Gosh....and your other pointers are so cute and funny! Good recommendation technique!

Unknown said...

Nikki, so glad you enjoyed the post! Yes, the stroke is definitely unique. I've read a lot of romances with wounded heroes, but never another like Flowers from the Storm.

Aline Tobing said...

Will do, Theresa :))
Oops! How could I misspell your name before? Silly me!

Texas Book Lover said...

I have read and really enjoyed several of Kristan Higgins books but not The Next Best Thing. I also haven't read the other two books. I am going to have to check them all out very soon as they sound terrific!

BTW: Love your chart!

Unknown said...

You girls and your book boyfriends! I don't know how anyone could choose! Great Picks though!

Unknown said...

Thanks, TBL--glad you liked the chart! And woot, lovely to hear from a fellow Higgins fan. If you've liked her other books, The Next Best Thing should be a win for you two.

Unknown said...

Crystal, I had to ask Danielle if I could pick two. I couldn't choose between them!

Jolene and Family said...

I absolutely loved The Next Best Thing! I actually love all of her books :)

Unknown said...

oh my so many men, don't they all sounds very swoon worthy? :) I have not read them yet, but boy wouldn't I like to get to know them eheh going to add them to my list ;)

Unknown said...

She's got a great sense of humor, doesn't she, Jolene? Have you read THE BEST MAN yet?

Unknown said...

Lily, hope you get a chance to meet all these heroes! :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, Kristan Higgins' books are on my TBR list, so thank you for sharing about The Next Best Thing! Thanks, too, for the giveaway! My fingers are crossed for luck. :-)

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

Unknown said...

Lindsey, she's one of my favorite contemporary writers. If you get a chance to read her books, let me know what you think!

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