
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Valerie Bowman and Giveaway

Valerie Bowman is an award-winning author who writes Regency-set historical romance novels aka Racy Regency Romps! Secrets of a Runaway Bride has been named a 4.5 star TOP PICK! by RT Book Reviews. It's been called "Too Delightful Too Miss!" by New York Times bestselling author, Lisa Kleypas, and New York Times bestselling historical romance author Sarah MacLean says it's, "Everything a romance should be—sexy, quirky, fun...once you start reading, you won't be able to stop!" Valerie's debut, SECRETS OF A WEDDING NIGHT, the first in the Secret Brides series from St. Martin's Press, was nominated by RT Book Reviews for Best Debut Historical for 2012!

Valerie has a B.A. in English Language and Literature with a minor in history from Smith College. By day, she is a technical editor at a computer software company. By night, she combines her love of writing, history, and romance to craft stories about people falling in love.

Originally from Rantoul, Illinois, Valerie lives in Jacksonville, Florida with her rascally rescue dog, Roo. When she's not writing, she keeps busy reading, traveling, or watching Downton Abbey and Hoarders.

Places to find Valerie:
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I've been with my book boyfriend since I was about 15 years old. That's right, we have a long-term relationship. His name is Jason Fielding, he's from England in the early 1800's, he's a marquess, and he's super tortured, hot, handsome, and alpha. He has black slightly curly hair and emerald green (that's right, emerald) eyes. Swoon. He's the hero of Judith McNaught's classic historical romance (and one of my favorite books of ALL TIME) Once and Always.

So, why do I love Jason more than all others? It's something about the dichotomy of his strength combined with his vulnerability. I don't want to give away the story line if you haven't read it (and you MUST read it!) but let's just say Jason has some kind o' baggage and yet he's still a caring good man. He's got a really hard shell to crack and Victoria, his American heroine, cracks it! Oh, boy, does she.

McNaught is my writing idol. No one writes an angsty black-moment scene like she does and Once and Always delivers magically. So, yes, even though I've read a ton o' books since meeting Jason back in the 80's, we're still an imaginary couple. Sigh. I still read Once and Always every 1-2 years just to rekindle the flame. : ) And I'm never, ever disappointed.

With honorable mentions going to: Derek Craven from Lisa Kleypas's Then Came You, Anthony Malory from Johanna Lindsey's Tender Rebel, Sebastian Ballister from Loretta Chase's Lord of Scoundrels, and Seth English from Mary Behre's upcoming Precious Jewels.

Across the vast ocean sailed Victoria Seaton, a free-spirited American beauty left suddenly orphaned and alone. Eager to claim her long-lost heritage, she was amazed at the formal elegance of Wakefield, the sumptuous English estate of her distant cousin...the notorious Lord Jason Fielding. Sought after at plays, operas, and balls by London's most fashionable ladies, Jason remained a mystery to Victoria. Bewildered by his arrogant demeanor, yet drawn to his panther-like grace, she came to sense the searingly painful memories that smoldered in the depths of his jade-green eyes.

Unable to resist her spitfire charm, Jason gathered her at last into his powerful arms, ravishing her lips with his kisses, arousing in her a sweet, insistent hunger. Wed in desire, they were enfolded in a fierce, consuming joy, free at last from the past's cruel grasp. Then, in a moment of blinding anguish, Victoria discovered the shocking treachery that lay at the heart of their love...a love she had dreamed would triumph...Once And Always.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |


Miss Annie Andrews is finally free to marry the man she loves. With her overprotective sister out of the country on her honeymoon, nothing can prevent her flight to Gretna Greene—nothing, that is, but an abduction by the wrong gentleman.


When Jordan Holloway, the Earl of Ashbourne, promised to look after his best friend’s sister-in-law, he didn’t realize she would prove so difficult. But when he spirits her away to his country house to prevent her elopement, he discovers that the tempting beauty knows how to put up a fight. To make matters worse, he’s stuck playing the role of honorable protector…when what he really wants is to run away with her himself.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

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kipha said...

That is so cute Valerie~ I'll have to say mine is Sylvester "Devil" Cynster, Duke of St. Ives. in Devil's Bride by Stephanie Laurens. Although there are many and I mean many more, he will always be a little bit higher on the scale.

But my question is: When you're writing or creating your heroes, do you sometime base them off of Jason?

sheryl said...

I have not read this book, but after reading that I am putting it on my wish list. I have had so many book boyfriends and I think it started when I was a teenager reading Jane Austen. I have moved on to more alpha males these days

Amy said...

Rantoul, Illinois? Wow! I live in the Champaign-Urbana area so that caught my attention while reading this post. I haven't read any of your books or the ones you mentioned but sounds like I need to get on that! I have read contemporary books from Lisa Kleypas and loved them but haven't read her historicals. Thanks!

May said...

Haven't read this book but my is Roarke from JD Robb's books!

Casey said...

WOW Love that your dog's name is Roo! Thats my nickname! I have never read either of those books but i would love the chance!

Valerie Bowman said...

I need to read The Devil's Bride!

Valerie Bowman said...

You won't be disappointed, Sheryl. Jason's my favorite! Swoon.

Valerie Bowman said...

And yes, I think about Jason when I write. I haven't written any heroes with such a dark past (YET!) but when I do, I'll be channeling him, you'd better believe it.

Valerie Bowman said...

Hi Amy! How fun! Yep. I grew up in that area. I'm actually coming to Champaign-Urbana for a book signing at the Barnes and Noble on Market Street (the only one, right?) on June 8th. I hope you can come out and see me. Jade Lee and Elizabeth Hoyt will be with me. I can't wait! And Lisa Kleypas's historicals are some of my VERY favorites!

Valerie Bowman said...

So many people mention Roarke when this question comes up. I've GOT to read those books!

Valerie Bowman said...

Hi Casey,
For my Roo it's a nickname too. Her actual name is Gabby but we never call her that. When she barks she makes a roo-roo-roooooo noise and that's how she got the nickname. : )

Rita Wray said...

That is so funny that Jason has been your book boyfriend since you were 15 years old. I'm a huge fan of Judith McNaught and have read many of her books.

Maria said...

I'm new to historical romance (but have been reading Jane Austen for over 20 years) so am excited to add romance authors' suggestions to my "to read" lists. As for book boyfriends, your Jordan Holloway is one, the Duke of Ainsley from Lorraine Heath's Waking Up with the Duke, and Highgate from Ashlyn MacNamara's debut, A Most Scandalous Proposal, are others. Swoon. Oh, and I've always loved Jane Austen's Colonel Brandon & Frederick Wentworth, too.

Mary Jo Burke said...

Colonel Brandon from Sense and Sensibility. He's protector, big brother, and true love. He helps the Dashwood sisters at every turn.

Unknown said...

oh my Jason Fielding :) doesn't he sound charming! He does sound swoon worthy. I have never read Once and Always, but now it looks like a book to look for ;) gosh I have many many historical novels I need to get familiar with, its becoming harder and harder to have one book boyfriend when a lot of them are also so wonderful these days isn't it?

Valerie Bowman said...

I LOVE him!

Valerie Bowman said...

Hi Maria, Thanks! I'm with you on Jordan Holloway and Highgate. Swoon!

Valerie Bowman said...

Yes! Colonel Brandon is one of the best heroes of all time, Mary Jo!

Valerie Bowman said...

Thanks, Lily. Whenever I hear that someone hasn't read Once and Always I get a little jealous b/c I wish I could read it again for the first time. Sigh. I can recite entire passages of that book. ; 0

erin said...

congrats to Valerie on the new release! Wow... gotta go check out Once and Again :)

Preet said...

Oh my goodness! Judith McNaught used to be one of my all time favorite authors. I do wish she'd write more. She just dropped off the map a few years ago. I love her historicals, but her contemporaries are my favorites.
What about Matthew from Paradise or Noah from Night Whispers? I love them. My favorite historical of hers has to be A Kingdom of Dreams. That's the first book by her I can remember reading. Loved it!

Beautiful Disaster said...

I like the Carpathian males from Christine Feehan's Dark series.
Haven't read any of your books before so can't wait to get started on this one :)

Chrisbails said...

Great book boyfriend choices. I love the Malory's, I like the younger ones like Jeremy and Derek. I also love The Bridgerton men from Julia Quinn, especially Benedict and Colin, but also like Gareth St Clair and my absolute favorite Simon, Daphne's husband.

Pam said...

These sound like great books!

Hot Off the Shelves said...

I agree - characters that are very strong, but have a vulnerable or soft side to them are just so endearing. They are the ones I remember the most.

dstoutholcomb said...

I love some of Sarah MacLean's bad boys-- Bourne in A Rougue by Any Other Name, and the St. John brothers, Gabriel and Nicholas, from her first two books.

penney said...

I love the Historicals these sounds so good I can't wait to read them. Great blog today I love finding out on new books thanks

Unknown said...

I am a fan of Historical Romances, most recently having read The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. I look forward to finding your book and reading that since you made it sound just too enticing.

Cindi said...

I love books that feature the Victorian Ton! Women really had to fight to be anything besides wives or chattel during that time. And it's always exciting to see the heroine end up with the man she wants rather than the man she is supposed to marry!!

Jolene and Family said...

I absolutely love Judith McNaught! She was one of the handful of authors I picked up when I started reading again! I have yet to read any of her historicals though. Need to fix that asap! :)

Jolene A

Valerie Bowman said...

Thanks, Erin!

Valerie Bowman said...

Hi Chanpreet! Judith McNaught is incomparable if you ask me!

Valerie Bowman said...


Valerie Bowman said...

Ooh, love all of them!

Valerie Bowman said...

Thanks, Pam!

Valerie Bowman said...

Thanks, Jasmyn.

Valerie Bowman said...

I LOVE Sarah MacLean too! Simon from Eleven Scandals is my favorite!

Valerie Bowman said...

Thanks, Penney.

Valerie Bowman said...

Thank you, Carrie.

Valerie Bowman said...

Love the ton, Cindi!

Valerie Bowman said...

Oh my gosh, Jolene! Run, do not walk, and get all of McNaught's historicals!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read your book, Valerie!

Valerie Bowman said...

Thank you so much, Jena!

kathy p said...

Congrats on your book release! Just put it on my TBR list!!!

Barbara E. said...

My philosophy is love the one you're with. :D I always fall in love with the hero of the story I'm reading, and then do it all over again with the next one. There have been so many, it's hard to keep track of them all.

lorimeehan said...

Valerie Judith McNaught is one of my all time favorite authors. Until You was my first book by her and then I went on to her contemporary books. Paradise and Perfect are two of my most fav books.
Your a new author to me. I'll need to read your books. If Sarah Maclean and Lisa Kleypas recommend you then I'm there.

jmcgaugh said...

Sadly, I've only read one of the books you mentioned (Lindsey's Tender Rebel - gotta love those Mallory men). I'll have to check the others books out.

Jeanne M said...

Hi Valerie!

I must admit that I also loved Judith's book but one of the reasons I loved it so much was because it was set in Wakefield and I live in it's "sister city" a small town called Wakefield in Rhode Island!

I was wondering before you started to write Secrets of a Runaway Bride did you come up with what the essense of the characters were like first or the idea of having a bride that ran away to Gretna Green with the wrong man?

Meghan said...

I love Judith McNaught books. Probably my favorite is 'Perfect.' I love the kidnapping aspect of the story and I loved the hero. He was so complex and ardent. I haven't read the other book mentioned here, but I imagine I would like it since we have similar tastes!

mestith at gmail dot com

June M. said...

I often feel that I am missing out on what must be some great books and authors because I only started reading romances a few years back.There are just so many great books that I know I will never get to read some of those that made so many readers & authors fall in love with romance :(
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

Donna E said...

I have just GOT to read Secrets of a Runaway Bride. Every time I see a synopsis of it, I want to run out and buy it right then! [but it's 1:05 am and I don't think I'd find a store! lol ]
And Judith McNaught's book sounds like a must read, also.
I do not have any favorite book boyfriends. Guess I need to read the next books on my list with an eye to finding one.

Joanne said...

My favorites are the Mallory men. Yum. I haven't read any of your books yet but they sound great. I've got to pick some up. I've added so many wonderful books to my TBR pile so far this month, I don't think I'll ever catch up.


Unknown said...

Oh, the whole Mallory clan from Johanna Lindsay was just spectacular. Gorgeous and wicked but very lovable, they were truly prime specimens of maleness.

krg said...

Congratulations on your release! Thanks for the post, I am looking forward to checking out your work.

Annwitch said...

I'm embarrassed to say I've never read any Judith McNaught novels. I will have to look at them more closely. I'm looking forward to reading your new release.

Di said...

I've read almost all of Judith's books but many such a long time ago that it would be good to read this one again. I really find it to be a good guide to know who an author enjoys reading.

Unknown said...

I will be adding this to my tbr list.

Amy said...

Thanks for letting me know. I will have to come meet you guys!

Natasha said...

I've only read one Judith McNaught book, I need to read some others by her!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Lexi said...

I haven't read this book, but you sure make Jason sound swoon worthy! There is something about those first loves isn't there? They captured our young hearts and take something that new boyfriends can't touch.

Unknown said...

Ok, that definitely has to be on my TBR pile soon! I'm also glad to add you to my must read authors!

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Am not entering the giveaway but had to something to say.

Judith McNaught is one of my fave authors in the whole wide world!! So I am so happy you love her too! And Once & Always, a really interesting choice. My fave is Paradise and some of the other historicals but this is great too.

Thanks for spreading the JM love!

Unknown said...

Once and Always sounds amazing, I'll definitely have to add it to my TBR list!

Unknown said...

These sound like great reads! Will be adding to my TBR list.

SheriV said...

I love Judith McNaught's books and all of her heroes. :)

PM350 said...

ooh my tbr is growing and growing!!!!

Texas Book Lover said...

The title alone "Once and Always" tells the reader it is going to be a great story.

Secrets of a Runaway Bride is already on my TBR list after reading the first book in this series last year! It was a fun impulsive read that I really enjoyed!

Kim said...

Judith McNaught has written some of my favorite books. Judith and Lisa Kleypas do a great job of writing both contemporaries and historicals. If you like a writer, will you read her in any genre?

lisagkendall said...

Congrats on the TOP Pick. It's been so long since I read Once and Always, I'll have to locate and re-read it. Thanks for the post.

Vanessa N. said...

I love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs.

Cathy P said...

Hi, Valerie! Both of these books sound good. My all time favorite is Rhett Butler, but I must admit I'm fickle. I fall in love with each hero as I read their book.


Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for this post and for offering the giveaway! These books sound so good, so my fingers are crossed for luck. :-)

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

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