
Feature and Giveaway: Horn Gate by Damon Suede

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Librarian Isaac Stein spends his lumpy, lonely days restoring forgotten books, until the night he steals an invitation to a scandalous club steeped in sin. Descending into its bowels, he accidentally discovers Scratch, a wounded demon who feeds on lust.

Consorting with a mortal is a bad idea, but Scratch can't resist the man who knows how to open the portal that will free him and his kind. After centuries of possessing mortals, he finds himself longing to surrender.

To be together, Isaac and Scratch must flirt with damnation and escape an inhuman trafficking ring—and they have to open their hearts or they will never unlock the Horn Gate.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance |

Damon Suede grew up out-n-proud deep in the anus of right-wing America, and escaped as soon as it was legal. Though new to romance fiction, Damon has been writing for print, stage, and screen for two decades. He’s won some awards, but counts his blessings more often: his amazing friends, his demented family, his beautiful husband, his loyal fans, and his silly, stern, seductive Muse who keeps whispering in his ear, year after year.

Places to find Damon:
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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 lucky winners will win an eBook copy of Horn Gate

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment/question for Damon.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


blessnel said...

Yes, the cover is very intriguing and will make people to get curious!

PM350 said...

the cover got my attention - but it was story description that had me wanting MORE!! I HOPE I win - would LOVE to read!!

Leannessf said...

Definitely different cover than what's out there - eye-catching and love the placement of the title! :P


lorimeehan said...

I think the cover is defiantly interesting. I do like all the colors.

Mary Preston said...

The cover works well with the title.

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