
Guest Post with Author Elise K. Ackers and Giveaway

Today we would like to welcome author, Elise K. Ackers to RFTC. Elise is celebrating the release of her book Ask Me to Stay and has stopped by to chat. Please give Elise a warm welcome.

Elise K. Ackers is from Melbourne, Australia. She writes contemporary romance and romantic suspense and is published with Destiny Romance and Escape Publishing. Elise is an animal foster carer, a magnet for unusual accidents and an enthusiastic couch commentator. Ask Me To Stay: A Homeland Book is her fourth book. The second title in the Homeland series will be available in July 2013.

Places to find Elise: 

The portable story board

When I first started writing as a child, I had scrapbooks full of inspirational images and quotes, all painstakingly cut and glued to pages which could barely support their weight. As you can imagine, I often spent more time preparing them than using them, and they weren’t overly portable.

But technology has changed the way I capture and storyboard my writing ideas.

Pintrest, Scrivener, Instagram… the list goes on (and on). There are now so many ways to both capture and organise what inspires you. And it doesn’t matter if you’re a celebrity, a reader, or a pedestrian who sees beauty in the angle of an old bike against a wall – everyone can share what touches their heart or mind.

As a writer, I find these platforms invaluable.

I have a Pintrest account full to bursting with ‘boards’. Some are public and based on works I have released, others are private and packed with ideas for books to come. I’m predominantly inspired by place, so there are a lot of landscapes. There are also dozens of buildings and architectural styles which fascinate me.

It’s brilliant having so much material so easily available, but there’s something to be said for getting out there, too. A thousand pictures, quotes or memes can’t replace the photograph I took on the pilgrim’s path on the Glastonbury Tor. No one else has a picture of a sea anemone spine sticking out of my foot after a swim off the coast of Dubrovnik.

But one of the many joys of today is that it needn’t be either/or. I can upload these memories onto my boards and take them anywhere. I have countless memories and just as many sources of inspiration – isn’t it wonderful that there are so many ways to harness them now?

When family tragedy brings bad boy Ethan Foster home, he doesn't expect a warm welcome. In the small town of Hinterdown reputation is everything - and Ethan's was ruined long ago. Nobody wants him around, particularly not Sam O'Hara, the girl he left behind.

There's still a powerful spark between them, but Sam is afraid to risk her heart again. And Ethan is hiding a secret that will have repercussions for his whole family. Will the townspeople ever forgive him? More importantly, will those he loves the most find it in their hearts to take him back?

Purchase: | Amazon | Destiny Romance | Kobo |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Elise.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Beautiful book cover and very interesting description of the story.

kathy p said...

Love the sound of this book!

lorimeehan said...

The book looks really good.
You foster animals do you foster only domesticated animals?

Casey said...

The book sounds wonderful! Is Ethan based on someone that you know in real life or is he just a character? Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!

erin said...

Congrats Elise on the new release! Sounds awesome :)

Cassie Polla said...

Congrats! Sounds like a wonderful read!

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Meghan said...

Elise-- How much say did you have over your book cover? Did you get to pick the models?
Thanks for the giveaway!

Mary Preston said...

I haven't got into Pinterest, but I can see how invaluable it could be for a writer.

Joanne said...

I have fun on Pinterest but it's a time sucker. Do you have any input in your book covers? Ask Me To Stay sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it to see more of Ethen and Sam. Thanks for the guest post and giveaway.

bn100 said...

Nice way to capture images

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