
Guest Post with Author Lorraine Heath and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC author Lorraine Heath. Lorraine is celebrating the release of Lord of Wicked Intentions, book 3 in her Lost Lords of Pembrook series and has stopped by to share an interview with Lord Rafe Easton. Please give Lorraine and Lord Easton a warm welcome. 

New York Times bestselling author Lorraine Heath always dreamed of being a writer. After graduating from the University of Texas, she wrote training manuals, press releases for a publicist, articles, and computer code, but something was always missing. In 1990, she read a romance novel and became not only hooked on the genre, but quickly realized what her writing lacked: rebels, scoundrels, and rogues. She's been writing about them ever since.

Places to find Lorraine:

An Interview with Lord Rafe Easton

It’s such a pleasure to be here today. Thank you, Danielle, for inviting me.

I thought today I would interview Lord Rafe Easton, the youngest of the Easton brothers, and the hero in the last book of the Lost Lords of Pembrook series. It’s nearly midnight, and we’re in his office in his gambling house. Globes adorn shelves but little else is in the room other than a desk and two chairs. He’s lounging behind his desk, sipping whiskey, watching me through heavy-lidded eyes as though he doesn’t quite trust me.

LH: Rafe, it’s so nice for you take time out of your busy schedule to talk with us. Why do you collect globes?

Rafe: I don’t “collect” them.

LH: But you have so many.

He shrugs.

LH: All right then. Let’s go to a simpler question. You were only ten when your uncle locked you and your brothers in the Pembrook tower. How did you feel about that?

Rafe: That’s a rather idiotic question. How the bloody hell do you think I felt? He wanted to kill us. I was terrified, but also hungry and cold. I wanted out. I did a bit of blubbering, which shames me now to think about. I wish I had been as brave as Sebastian and Tristan, but as you say, I was only ten. A spoiled lad, really. No one had ever hurt me before. It was quite inconceivable that uncle would—but why else would he lock us away?

LH: You all managed to escape, but your brothers left you at a workhouse. How did that make you feel?

Rafe: Why all these questions about my feelings? I don’t discuss my feelings. Let me ask you—if you were abandoned, how would you feel?

LH: Abandoned. An interesting word choice. Wasn’t it more dangerous for you all to stay together?

Rafe: We were brothers. We should have stayed together.

LH: Life in the workhouse must have been hard.

Rafe: It was hell.

LH: Care to elaborate?

Rafe: No.

LH: Very well. Let’s move on. You eventually made your way to London where you became a gaming hell owner. How did that come about?


LH: Rafe?

Rafe: Just give me a moment to decide how much to tell you. It’s not a pretty story, but the long and short of it is that I worked for the previous owner, a bloke named Dimmick. Not a nice person. Eventually, with a little manipulation, I took over.

LH: Which gave you wealth and power. What did you think the first time that you set eyes on Miss Evelyn Chambers?

Rafe: I didn’t think at all. She stole my breath, my thoughts, my reason. Why else would I have stupidly claimed her?

LH: You thought you’d made a mistake?

Rafe: Absolutely. Now I was responsible for her. I had to provide for her, see that she was taken care of.

LH: You wanted to make her your mistress. Why not make her your wife?

Rafe: I don’t believe in permanence. I had lost everything I’d ever cared about. Eventually she would want to leave—would leave. Best not to care.

LH: You thought there was a chance you would come to care for her?

Rafe: Of course not, but she was a complication. I don’t like complications.

LH: You did come to care for her, though, didn’t you?

Rafe: Have you not yet deciphered that I don’t discuss my feelings?

LH: I don’t think you are as callus as you appear.

Rafe: Little you know.

LH: As I’m the writer I know a great deal.

Rafe: I believe this interview is over.

LH: Not quite yet. You need to answer questions from our visitors. One lucky poster will receive an autographed set of the first two books in the Lost Lords of Pembrook series.

Rafe: But not my book? Once again, I am an afterthought.

LH: We can’t have you feeling that way, now can we? All right then. One lucky poster will receive an autographed set of all the stories in the Lost Lords of Pembrook series. Questions?

Lord Rafe Eason may be of noble blood, but survival taught him to rely only on himself and to love no one. Yet when he sets his eyes on Miss Evelyn Chambers, and earl's illegitimate daughter, he is determined to have her, if only as his mistress.

After her father's death, Evelyn Chambers never imagined she would be sold to the highest bidder, yet circumstances give her little choice except to accept the lord's indecent proposal. Rafe is wealthy, as well as ruthless. Yet his coldness belies deep passion and deeper secrets. If she must be his, Evelyn intends to lay bare everything the Lord of Pembrook is hiding. But dark discoveries threaten to destroy them both until unexpected love guides the last lost lord home.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Click for more info.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Lorraine.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Leslie Miner said...

I love character interviews! I'm glad we are seeing more of them. My favorite romance novels are those that have a bad boy of some type. I love how they trust that one woman to let into their heart, and they have a chance to heal and have a happily ever after. Thank you for the character interview and the chance to win your books. And thank you to Lord Eason for getting the author to throw your book into the giveaway as well. :)

Aline Tobing said...

LOL!! What a cute character interview!

Hmm, a question for Rafe.. What would it be??
OK. Rafe you said that you didn't want to marry Miss Evelyn Chambers. What would you feel if she marry someone else after your let her go? *wink

Lorraine, thanks so much for the chance to win these fab books. I wonder how you put up with, ahem.. a guy like this one! LOL Oh yes, one more thing! I LOVE the Leigh Bros books, Lorraine!

sheryl said...

I love character interviews. I am dying to read about about Rafe now! I have not read this series, but have added to my TBR list at Amazon. Thanks for the post

Janhvi said...

Haha Rafe was such an adorable yet arrogant lord! I so want to know more about him and his feelings though he doesn't like to talk about them :) Thank you so much for the lovely character interview Lorraine! I always love them :)

Rebe said...

Now I have to read the book to find out why Rafe collects globes!

kathy p said...

Love the sound of this book! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Rita Wray said...

I enjoyed the character interview. Rafe sure has a bad attitude, I'll have to read the book to find out if he's really as rude as he sounds.

Unknown said...

Oh, Rafe! I just want to wrap you up and feed you cookies. How cute and cuddly. Despite the gruffness, your inner teddy bear still peeks out. Loved this interview.

Joanne said...

Rafe, how would you feel if Evelyn choose someone else? Decided she was done with you?

May said...

Such a great summary. Would love to read more about Rafe! :)

Casey said...

I just recently borrowed She Tempts the Duke from the library and absolutely LOVED it! I knew immediately i was going to have to buy it! Haven't read the other ones yet, but they are on my list! Thanks for the chance to win, as i would really love to get all of these! :)

sienny said...

I haven't read these yet, i just love the cover. ;)

PM350 said...

I love hystericals - um - er - HISTORICALS!!!

erin said...

Sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

Linda said...

Rebels, scoundrels, and rogues sounds a lot more interesting than computer code anytime!

Mary Jo Burke said...

He sounds worth checking out

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

Hey, what an interesting interview! Haha, the question I'd like to ask is:

Have you ever considered writing stories of another genre? Why historical romance, specifically? Was it an interest that started when you were young?

Lorraine said...

Thank you all for stopping by and leaving such wonderful comments. I'm at the RT conference and having slow internet connectivity. Am practically sitting in a window trying to get better access.

Lorraine said...

I have written 2 contemporaries and hope to write more someday. I also write YA as Rachel Hawthorne and YA vampires with my son as J. A. London. My first love is historicals, though. The time period just really calls to me.

Cassie Polla said...

Fantastic! I love a new author to me!

Kim said...

Congratulations on the new release. For Rafe: Do the globes represent you trying to figure out where your brothers went?

Chrisbails said...

Love character interviews. I am excited to read this book. My favorite name for a male character is Rafe. This sounds like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win.

SheriV said...

I love love love character interviews. It was great meeting Rafe.

Lorraine said...

Ah Penny. Rafe won't say.

Lorraine said...

Chris: Thank you.

Lorraine said...

Rafe is enjoying meeting all of you. Thanks so much for stopping by and posting. Are any of you here at the RT conference?

wanda f said...

Great interview I love character interviews .Thank you for sharing with us today.Hope you have a wonderful week.

kipha said...

Ohh~ thank you so much for giving us a chance to read all the books in the Pembrook series!
Ahh Rafe~ we love your tortured soul. We Can't wait to Meet You!

chey said...

I'm looking forward to reading this series!

Cathy P said...

Hi, Lorraine! I loved your question and answers with Rafe. I have already read SHE TEMPTS THE DUKE and loved it. Looking forward to reading the other two brothers stories. Thanks so much for this giveaway! I love, love, love your books!

lorimeehan said...

The cover of your new release I'd beautiful. I love the blue dress!

Ada said...

Thanks for the great interview, now I really want to read Rafe's story!

My question for Lorraine: is there any one series of books you love more than another? You have so many great books but does anyone stand out?

Thanks for having a giveaway :)

Anita H. said...

What a fantastic interview, character interviews are great. Thanks for introducing us to Rafe, now I can't wait to read this book as well.

lisagkendall said...

I would like to ask Rafe why he considered Evelyn a complication? Love the post. Thanks. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

Lorraine said...

Thank you all for thoughtful comments and posts. The Lost Lords of Pembrook series was inspired by the princes in the tower--Richard III supposedly killed his nephews after imprisoning them in the tower because they were next in line for the throne and he wanted to be king. So I played on that for the Lost Lords--although they escaped.

As for my favorite series--they each hold a special place in my heart. It's so hard to choose one favorite.

jmcgaugh said...

That was a great interview with Rafe! I've enjoyed Sebastian's and Tristan's stories and am really looking forward to Rafe's journey to his HEA.

Barbara E. said...

I always love reading character interviews, it's so much fun to get a glimpse into the character outside the book. I haven't had a chance to start this series yet, but I'm looking forward to reading it.

Lover Of Romance said...

I have just loved this series!!! Rafe is my favorite and I just adored his story and the interview was awesome!

nurmawati djuhawan said...

hi lorraine.
some of ur books are translated into indonesian language...luv them...i buy all of them :)
thx u for this giveaway...

June M. said...

I have loved every book that I have read from Lorraine. Poor Rafe really did not want to talk about his feelings, lol. I am glad that the Lost Lords finally get their HEAs :)

Beautiful Disaster said...

A wonderful author indeed. I also have enjoyed every book I've read by Lorraine. I have a lot of her books that I've collected and kept over the years. Thanks for having her on the blog.
I can't wait to enjoy the newest book. It sounds like another treasured read :)

Michele F said...

i like going back into history and reading of the times when women wore those beautiful but uncomfortable dresses and what a perfect name for a villion, rafe.
does he get the girl in the end???

Texas Book Lover said...

What a great interview! I haven't heard of this series before but it sure sounds like one I would really enjoy!

Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Thanks for such a great interview and giveaway! I'm adding you to my TBR pile!

Jen B. said...

My question is for Rafe. How do you think you will be able to keep your passion for Evelyn a secret now that she is yours? It seems to me that Evelyn has given you forever again and maybe she deserves to have the world see you for the man you truly are. Just saying!

Unknown said...

God! How I always love characters interview. Truly, Lorraine, if I were you, I wouldn't be as brave as you interviewing him. I'd surely be speechless and trembling. Haven't had a chance to read about Tristan, and Rafe, I've never thought he's that intimidating. I wonder what Sebastian and Tristan would say/do if they know he treated you like that. ^^

Mary Preston said...


'Pembrook' sounds so English. Is it solely from your imagination?

Annwitch said...

I loved Deck the Halls With Love. I would love to read the whole series. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, so exciting! Grats on your recent release. I been swooning on this series a while. Really enjoyed Deck The Halls With Love when I had a chance to review it <3 cannot wait to see the rest of the series <3

Filia Oktarina said...

I really wanna read this series. Love all the cover books!!
I really like character interview, it make me to know about character on book. And sometimes the interview was very funny and make me laugh. This interview make me curious with Lord Rafe Easton, i wanna know about hime more. I think i will add his book on my list :)

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