
Guest Post with Author Paula Altenburg and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Paula Altenburg to RFTC. Paula is celebrating the recent release of Desire By Design and has stopped by to chat. Please give Paula a warm welcome.

Paula Altenburg lives in rural Nova Scotia, Canada, with her husband and two sons. Once a manager in the aerospace industry, she now enjoys the freedom of working from home and writing full time. She currently writes demon westerns for Entangled Publishing.

Paula also co-authors paranormal romance under the pseudonym Taylor Keating.

Places to find Paula: 
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Ten of my Favorite Drinks

I am so going to come across as an alcoholic with this list…

I’m not really a “girly drink” drinker. I’m somewhere between “middle-aged pub socializer” and “hard core alcoholic.” And I can’t say that Eve Doucette and Matt Brison from DESIRE BY DESIGN are drinkers at all, other than red wine at parties, so they’re no help to me right now.

So if I were to be stranded on a deserted island with a crate full of alcohol and nothing much to do with my time, here’s what I’d hope it contained:

  • Guinness. I love Guinness. Don’t ask me why, but I do.
  • Garrison Nut Brown. This is a micro-brewery beer, made right here in Nova Scotia. We have awesome beer. I love this one, too.
  • Marechal Foch. An awesome red wine with grapes grown in Nova Scotia.
  • Baco Noir. Another awesome red wine from grapes grown in Nova Scotia.
  • Mojitos. One is okay. Three are the best. It’s sort of girly, but not too much so.
  • Freixenet. It’s a sparkling dry wine made champagne-style.
  • Cheap Champagne Knock-offs Mixed with Orange Juice. There’s no point in using expensive knock-offs when you’re mixing them with orange juice. Use good orange juice instead. We’re approaching girly with this one.
  • That Red Wine My Sister Buys. It doesn’t come in a box and we use nicer glasses. She’s fancy.
  • Bailey’s. That’s what I get for Mother’s Day. My boys know me. I’m not fancy. (You’ve probably already sensed that.)
  • Home-made Sangria. Here’s the girly drink. It’s nice on a hot day, and if I’m stranded on a deserted island I’m hoping it’s in the Caribbean and not somewhere off the coast of British Columbia or the Arctic. If so, I’ll need this to go with the Mojitos.

And of course, I’d want Matt Brison from DESIRE BY DESIGN along as a drinking buddy. He, on the other hand, would probably prefer to be stranded with Eve. She’d know how to build him a shelter.

He stole her job, and now she's stealing his heart.

Eve Doucette finally almost has it all. She's free from her mistake of an ex-husband and just landed her dream job: project manager for a new City Hall and drafter of the final design. That is, until a handsome architect sweeps into town to commandeer her blueprints.

Famous architect Matt Brison is unsatisfied with his mundane life in Toronto. So when the mayor of Halifax asks him to spearhead his City Hall project, Matt jumps at the opportunity. There's just one problem: the feisty and beautiful project lead, Eve, who isn't exactly thrilled about her new "coworker" hijacking her design.

But when the sparks begin to fly, they both find themselves falling for the colleague they shouldn't want. And before they know it, their already shaky foundation might come crumbling down...

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Paula.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kathy p said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Mary Jo Burke said...

Cute cover! I would have to bring boxes of books to the island.

Unknown said...

Sounds and looks like a very interesting read.

Kathleen O said...

I love this book without even reading it.. Why because it was set in Canada and I am proud Canadian. I cant wait to read it Paula.. And I love Baileys too. On the rocks or in my coffee..

Stormy Vixen said...

Sounds like it is going to be a very good read. Thanks for the giveaway. I love Bailey's frozen margueritas and strawberry daqs.

lorimeehan said...

I like girlie drinks but my favorite is Jack Daniels and diet coke with lime. I love that your boys buy you liquor for Mother's Day.

Paula Altenburg said...

Good luck with the draw, everyone! And I hope you enjoy the book. It was a lot of fun to write. :-)

Paula Altenburg said...

Where are you from in Canada?

Cassie Polla said...

Sounds fantastic!

Paula Altenburg said...

LOL. They know me. Plus, I share.

lisagkendall said...

Thanks for the list of drinks, I'll have to try some of those. lisagk(at)yahoo

Meghan said...

This looks so great! Thanks for sharing with us! I adore that cover as well.
Books like this make me wonder whether the author had any influence from friends and family while writing it.
Thanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com

Mary Preston said...

With the selection of drinks on offer, you wouldn't be in any kind of hurry to be rescued.

I look forward to reading DESIRE BY DESIGN.

Paula Altenburg said...

Meghan, I was definitely influenced by family. My sister's a construction project manager and acted as my consultant. She's a much nicer person than Eve, though. She'd never shoot anyone and she's always polite. :-)

Sue G. said...

I'm more of a Skyy Vodka with cranberry juice drinker. Doesn't take much...two at the most! ;)

This story sounds fun. One of my daughters almost went into architecture but instead decided on engineering.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

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