
Guest Post with Author Tracy March and Giveaway

Today we would like to welcome back to RFTC author, Tracy March. Tracy is super fab and so nice and she is celebrating the recent release of her book Girl Three. Tracy was so nice to stop by for a chat. Please give Tracy a warm welcome.

Award-winning author Tracy March writes romantic thrillers influenced by her career in the pharmaceutical field, and her interest in science and politics. She also writes lighthearted romances inspired by her real-life happily ever after.

Always up for travel and adventure, Tracy has flown in a stunt plane, snowmobiled on the Continental Divide, ziplined in the Swiss Alps, and been chased by a bull in the mountains of St. Lucia. She loves Nationals baseball, Saturday date nights, and Dairy Queen Blizzards—and rarely goes a day without Diet Coke and Cheez-Its.

Tracy lives in Yorktown, Virginia, with her superhero husband who works for NASA. They recently spent two years living in Washington D.C., and enjoy visiting often—especially when the Nats are in town.

Places to find Tracy: 

Romantic Thrillers and Cupcakes?

Once upon a time, in the middle of a romantic thriller, there were…cupcakes! In my recent release, Girl Three, there are thrills and romance, glamour and grit, and there are lots of off-the-tourist map spots in what I hope is an authentic Washington, DC setting. One of those spots is the quaint Red Velvet Cupcakery, just a block away from the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

My heroine, Jessica Croft, who’s trying to find out who murdered her beautiful lobbyist sister, meets with an informant at Red Velvet. She does some incredibly delicious amateur sleuthing courtesy of their signature cupcake, the Southern Belle. What heroine wouldn’t be tempted by a to-die-for cupcake with moist red velvet cake and whipped cream cheese icing? I’ve been known to make an entire meal of cream cheese icing!

Jessie’s companion, sexy Canadian diplomat Philippe Lesort, chose the Devil’s Food cupcake for himself. Who could resist rich chocolate buttermilk cake topped with Valrhona bittersweet chocolate ganache and garnished with a 24K gold leaf? Now that’s a high-end cupcake! He also scores a cupcake to take home to his toddler son—the B-day cupcake with almond blonde cake, milk chocolate icing, and confetti sprinkles. If I were Jessie, I might’ve grabbed a bite of that one, too!

One of the best parts of being an author is doing research. I had to eat Red Velvet cupcakes so I could write about them with authority…right? After all, I’m committed to getting the details right for my readers! ;) My all-time favorite Red Velvet cupcake is the Vanilla Bean. The tender blonde cake is made with vanilla beans from the Bourbon Islands of Madagascar, European butter, and buttermilk. Topped with a sweet and creamy butter cream icing, it practically melts in your mouth. *Mmm* I’ll have a dozen to go!

I sure hope you’ll check out Girl Three if you like a twisty romantic thriller. And why not enjoy it with a crazy-tasty cupcake (or two!). What’s your favorite cupcake, and have you ever eaten cupcakes while you read?

Dr. Jessica Croft has avoided the players, the power and the passions of Washington, DC. But when her estranged sister’s suspicious death is classified as natural, Jessie resolves to expose the beautiful lobbyist’s murderer. As she pursues elite suspects who’d kill to keep their secrets buried, she encounters sexy security consultant Michael Gillette, who knows more about her sister than he’ll admit.

Michael has a vested interest in Jessie’s plight. Her sister died on his watch—while he wasn’t watching. His plan to find her murderer becomes complicated when Jessie’s father hires him to protect Jessie, and his interest turns from professional…to romantic.

Jessie and Michael must unravel a mystery rife with political agendas, deceit, and betrayal. When confidential papers reveal a controversial fertility scandal surrounding the enigmatic Girl Three, the two realize the danger of exposing the truth. Who is Girl Three? And will the murderer kill again to keep a secret?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs Tour Wide:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a Kindle Paperwhite
  • 5 lucky winners will win a ring

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: What’s your favorite cupcake, and have you ever eaten cupcakes while you read?
  • US/Canada Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


CMD said...

I must admit that I'm not a cupcake fan and do not understand the cupcake craze! Cookies (particularly chocolate chip)? Sure. Muffins? Definitely. But why ruin a good thing with frosting?!! [Clearly, I am not a frosting fan, haha].

P.S. Yay twisty thrillers with sciency stuff and hot Canucks! If you can't tell, I'm clearly both :).

May said...

I love cupcakes! :) Anything with chocolate is good!

books4me said...

I'm not a huge cupcake fan only because I don't care for frosting....unless it's butter cream whipped....or cream cheese...We have a cupcake place in our small town and the frosting makes the cupcake. The cake is just cake...nothing fancy so maybe I haven't had the right kind of cupcake?


Heather said...

I don't think I have a favorite cupcake. probably anything that's not all chocolate. No I have never eaten one while reading.

Unknown said...

I love cupcakes and a local restaurant has a monthly creation. My favorite so far is one that starts off with a Guiness and chocolate cake, and finished with a Jameson and Bailey's chocolate genache. You had to be over 21 to order it. I don't read and eat cupcakes because I usually eat gourmet cupcakes that require a fork.

Rita Wray said...

I love cupcakes. My favorite cupcake is lemon. I have never eaten one while reading. I wouldn't want to get any frosting on my book.

Mary Jo Burke said...

I love dessert! Period!

Tracy March said...


All of your pastry favorites sound yummy, too! I'll have one of each. :) Thanks for stopping by!

Tracy March said...

For sure! Anything with chocolate is good--they should make a T-shirt that says that. :) Nice to see you here, May!

Tracy March said...

Hi Barrie! I love the frosting, too. But I also love a naked slice of rich almond pound cake. Yummy! Thanks for checking in. :)

Tracy March said...

Nice to see you here, Heather! I'm with you. While I really enjoy chocolate, I prefer whatever it is not to be all chocolate. And like I mentioned in my post, I love a rich vanilla. Poor vanilla. So underrated! :)

Tracy March said...

Oh yeah, Kim! You know how to eat cupcakes! I prefer those that require a fork, too. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your 100-proof favorite cupcake! :)

Tracy March said...

LOL Ingeborg! Good thinking. I wouldn't want to eat one while I'm reading because I like to concentrate on one thing at a time--a great book, a yummy cupcake. Total focus required for each one! :) Thanks for commenting today!

Tracy March said...

That says it all, Mary Jo! I agree. Why isn't dessert the appetizer? Thanks for stopping by! :)

Anonymous said...

I am definitely a fan of cupcakes. My daughter (who has her own little side business) creates all different kinds of cupcakes and, of course, I am a willing guinea pig to try them out and let her know! My favorite, to date, is the Reese's Peanut Butter cupcake. Chocolate cake with a peanut butter filling, vanilla whipped frosting with a mini Reese's cup on top. Can you say "to die for"?

As to whether or not I've ever eaten a cupcake while reading - the answer is no. As I am quite the messy eater, my paper books and/or Kindle would not fare well if I snacked while reading (besides, the best books draw me into a world where food isn't my focus and the story is! *grin*)

Tracy March said...

Hi Nicole! I want to adopt your daughter! ;) Her cupcakes sound incredibly delicious. I'm with you--I don't normally eat while I read, but sometimes if I'm grabbing a light (not messy) lunch, I'll fire up the Kindle app on my iPhone and indulge in a few pages. The only problem with that is I never want to stop reading!

Thanks for stopping by today! :)

laurie said...

I love cupcakes! :) Anything with chocolate is good! there is a bakery near me that does nothing BUT cupcakes and they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO goood. esp if you put them in the fridge first

Remus said...

Not a huge fan of cupcakes... at least until I tried these that my daughter made at Christmas. They were devils food with a raspberry center, buttercream frosting and a raspberry on top.... all homemade. I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I tasted those! :)
Sherri Lewis

Jane said...

Congrats on the new release, Tracy. I love red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I'm pretty sure I've eaten a cupcake while I was reading.

Nancy Naigle said...

I love cupcakes and YES I've totally eaten cupcakes while reading. My fav? Margarita cupcakes from our little bakery in Emporia. A lime cupcake with a salty cream frosting...soooo good.

Hugs and happy reading~

Tracy March said...

Hi Laurie! Thanks for stopping by. I never thought to put cupcakes in the fridge before eating them, but I do that with all my chocolate candy so why not? I'm gonna give it at try! :)

Tracy March said...

Whoa, Sherri! Those cupcakes sound awesome! I'm always a sucker for buttercream frosting. Gets me every time. Thanks for checking in! :)

Casey said...

Im not a huge frosting fan, but i love red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting! Also anything lemon!! Definitely dont eat them while im reading though cause im messy! LOL i dont think i own a single shirt that doesn't have a stain, because once i wear it its a goner!

Tracy March said...

Thanks, Jane! I love red velvet cupcakes, too. And cream cheese frosting--yes, yes, yes! Nice to see you here today! :)

Tracy March said...

Margarita cupcakes! Those sound super-tasty, Nan! Let's have some the next time we get together. :) Fun seeing you here today!

Tracy March said...

Hi Casey! You are so funny...and I like your taste in cupcakes, too! Thanks for coming by and commenting. :)

Amy Manemann said...

I'm with Casey on the red velvet cupcakes and cream cheese frosting, though I do have to admit I'm an equal opportunity cupcake eater ;0)

Tracy March said...

LOL Amy! I like your attitude! Thanks for stopping by. :)

penney said...

I love the vanilla cupcakes still my favorite!

Tracy March said...

Me too, Penney! I think poor vanilla is so underrated, but that's okay. More for us! Thanks for checking in! :)

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