
ARC Review: Bitter Disenchantment by Shawntelle Madison

This novella focuses on Aggie McClure, the outspoken red-headed sidekick of Natalya Stravinsky, the main character of Coveted. This story is written as a prequel to the series letting the reader in on the events surrounding Aggie’s arrival in South Toms River, New Jersey.

Having not read Coveted yet this was my first time experiencing these characters as well as Madison’s writing. I am looking forward to checking out the series now since I found this book to be a quick tease leaving me curious to discover what happens next to the characters I was introduced to.

Aggie was looked on as having it all. Being the only offspring of the Alpha werewolf of the Manhattan Pack and destined heir. Though in reality she was faced with many obstacles that some readers could connect to. Having been born with her father wishing she was a boy, dealing with the unhappy separation of her parents, as well as being forced into an arranged marriage.

Determined to face the trials set before her and emerge the victor Aggie takes her life into her own hands and makes some incredibly difficult choices. She’s fighting for everything she holds dear, including a future where she gets to live her life in a manner of her own choosing.

Madison has created a very strong heroine both in body and mind. This story was a smooth read, full of plots that added in the growth of Aggie’s character. Allowing the reader the opportunity to see what adversities and choices she had to face to become the person she is in the Coveted series. Action, romance, and mystery are all combined to give you a well fleshed out story. If you are a fan of Madison’s Coveted series I definitely suggest you read this as I think it will add to the overall experience. If like me you are new to this author I still say go ahead and check this title out. It could quite possibly turn you onto a new series to follow as it happily did for me.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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