
ARC Review: Fling: A BDSM Erotica Anthology by Sara Fawkes, Cathryn Fox and Lauren Hawkeye

Fling is an anthology comprised of three different novellas.

Take Me - Sara Fawkes

After being dumped by text message days before her wedding, Kate decides to go ahead and take the vacation that should have been her honeymoon. She shows up at the hotel that her fiance had booked only to discover that her room has been given to someone else and that the hotel is currently hosting a fetish week! The sexy manager of the hotel Alexander is immediately attracted to Kate and goes out of his way to make sure that she stays. Alexander thinks Kate will be the perfect sub to get him back in the action after losing the sub he thought that he would spend his life with. As Kate and Alexander go through the different scenes and activities at the hotel they begin to feel a strong connection to each other that goes beyond just sex.

I really liked both Kate and Alexander. They had great chemistry and their scenes together were hot. The author did a great job of showing the attraction they felt to each other. I was hoping to get a little more to their story though. It would have been nice to see them not just during the quick falling for each other phase, but also see some of their relationship as it was really starting to grow. Their falling in love felt pretty rushed to me considering only a week had passed during the story and they had been complete strangers before meeting at the hotel. But overall I enjoyed Kate and Alexander's story. I really enjoy the heat that Sara Fawkes always brings to her stories, and this one was no exception.

Teach Me - Cathryn Fox

After her entire office gets food poisoning, Josie is the only person left to try and convince Luca Mancusi that he should carry her boss's lingerie in his resort. She arrives at his yacht and the attraction between the two is instant. Luca knows that he wants to take this business meeting with Josie and make it more personal. He whisks her off to his resort, which is currently hosting fetish week. Luca knows that Josie would make a great sub to his Dom, but convincing her of that will take a little time and he knows he needs to ease her into it. As the two of them begin to negotiate the terms of a business contract, things get steamy! Luca and his business partner/best friend show Josie just how pleasurable they can make this experience. But soon Luca no longer wants to share Josie and decides that he needs to make Antonio and Josie see that what started out as a quick fling is actually the relationship and family he didn't know he was looking for.

Because this is a novella and it is so short, everything about this story felt a bit rushed to me. Especially since it started as a fling and was a threesome with Luca's friend Antonio. Josie and Luca were enjoyable to read about and they had amazing chemistry. But I just thought that their connection would have been more believable had it just been about the two of them. I really didn't feel their connection so much as the attraction between them. The scenes between Luca and Josie are really hot, and I found myself wanting more of them!

Tame Me - Lauren Hawkeye

Ever since they shared a moment at a party, Marco cannot get Ariel out of his mind. He knows that she would be the perfect front woman for his new line of malls as well as a perfect sub to his Dom. After trying to meet with her several different times, and her no-showing for them all he decides its time to track her down. Ariel has just hopped a flight to Rome and ends up at the Mancusi resort rather than the hotel she had originally planned to stay at. After Marco shows up and tells her that they will be having their meeting, she agrees to stay and discuss his proposal about the malls and nothing else. As the meeting goes on things quickly turn from business to personal. Ariel is not used to people telling her what to do, but with Marco she discovers that she enjoys giving up control when it comes to her personal life.

I thought that Marco and Ariel were both great! Marco was confident and sexy. I loved that he wanted to take care of Ariel to the point that he would deny himself to show her that he was about more than just being with her because of her high profile career in the music industry. Ariel was feisty and fun, often times being sassy before submitting. Even though their relationship progressed quickly due to this being a novella, I really felt the connection between the two of them. Not only was the emotion there, but the physical action was scorching hot! These two really burned up the pages, and I loved the chemistry between them!


Overall, this anthology was a quick and hot read for me. I loved that even though these were all separate stories they went together. It was nice to catch little glimpses of the characters throughout all three stories. All of these stories center around fetish week and submitting, but I felt like these were about more than just the typical BDSM stories you usually find and the characters were really enjoyable. I would recommend this book if you enjoy dominating males and steamy scenes!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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