
ARC Review: Hold Me Down Hard by Cathryn Fox

I wasn't sure how I was going to like this book, but after reading the blurb I decided to give it a shot. I found this to be a quick fun read, but the problem for me was that it was just too short. Coming in at 51 pages, I felt this story was a little bit rushed and lacking when it came to the development of the relationship.

Eden is a former farm girl from Iowa who has relocated to NY and become an actress. She is always presumed to be the innocent and naive country girl. However Eden has darker fantasies or men in uniform, handcuffs, and being at the mercy of her best friend and neighbor Jay.

Jay is a cop with a mission to honor his sister's memory after failing to protect her when they were young. He is attracted to Eden, but believes that his desires are too dark for her. He also thinks that by staying away from anything more than friendship with Eden that he is protecting her from his dangerous job and life. When she comes to him asking to rehearse lines for her latest script, he agrees like he normally does. Little does he know that she has written the sexy script to try and seduce him into seeing her as more than a friend.

Although I enjoyed this story and the characters, I just felt like too much of the story was missing. I would have liked to have seen the relationship progress a little more than was possible in this novella. The scenes between Jay and Eden were hot though and by far the highlight of this story. I would recommend this story to someone looking for a quick and easy read without too much depth. However if you are looking for a well developed story, this is probably not the book for you.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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