
ARC Review: Hook's Pan by Marie Hall

I would like to begin this review by stating that this was my first time reading Marie Hall’s works and thus was my first experience with her Kingdom Series. Though I had no basis to judge this book beforehand I was a little worried that my excitement with the premise of this story would be shattered by corny dialogues and overly lust-filled characters that would scar my love for this story as a child. I am so happy to announce that I not only LOVED this story, but found it was extremely well written. Her immaculate character and world building had the whimsical settings and well fleshed characters easily taking over my imagination.

Captain James Hook is portrayed in this story entirely different from what I’ve ever known him to be. He’s brooding, self-destructive, and on a quest for vengeance. Peter Pan took something from him, far more valuable than any trinket or treasure, and he wouldn’t rest until the ageless nuisance had been removed from Neverland and adjoining worlds forever. His fairy Godmother Danika, the fairy with a soft spot in her heart for the bad boys of Kingdom, feared that Hook had reached the point of no return. The edge of an abyss that once entered will never leave his soul in peace. Refusing to allow that to happen to one of her charges she’d given in to the fact that she’s run out of time and must take the chance to fix one of the worst injustices in Neverland before it’s too late for them all.

Trishelle, or Trisha as she preferred to be called, began this tale in a dark place. The anniversary of her sister’s death still weighing heavily on her heart and mind. Fighting to keep a well adjusted and carefree mask on her face has taken its toll. She doesn’t believe in love, so many experiences in her life proving that it doesn’t exist anywhere outside of the day dreams she refused to let herself have, and fairy tales. Suddenly, on the beating wings of a impatient fairy, her world was tossed topsy turvy. All things familiar ripped away by roaring tides, and replaced centrally in the dark, star strewn eyes of a man that saw into her soul as much as he called to her body.

Though both Hook and Trisha show no fear of the lust they have for one another, their emotional relationship was as fragile as a house of cards. The slightest breeze from fairy wings, the devilish delights of an old though forever young adversary, and the tic toc of a weighing count down, all threatened to crush their hearts and their future.

This tale swept me up in a world of fantasy and steamy romance while reintroducing me to characters I loved as a child. Though I did find myself trading teams on who I rooted for from the classical renditions. Hook was a dastardly seafaring rogue who had as little use for apologies and weakness as he did a television set from the modern world. He was rough and I loved him for it. Trisha was so headstrong. Refusing to settle for anything other than the life she felt she deserved. One where she could hold true to herself, and not be consumed by the person she’d once been. Though they were hot and heavy in the bedroom, I found their journey to discover their feelings for each other a sweet and beautiful experience. After finishing this book I immediately sought out the previous four installments in Hall’s Kingdom series. If anything in this review has caught your eye, imagination, or love for an old story revisited I highly recommend you check this one out.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Lover Of Romance said...

Great review! I have really been wanting to read this one. I just got the first one in the series, so I hope that I will like it enough to read the rest of the series. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one.

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