
ARC Review: Love Me by Diane Alberts

At first glance this book has so much promise. The cover is hot and the blurb sounds fabulous! I wanted to love this book, but the more I got into it, the more I realized that it was not going to happen. Thomas is in town to try and acquire a new account. Brianna happens to be the client he is meeting and although the attraction is instant, they get off to a rocky start. Both Thomas and Brianna come to this relationship with a lot of baggage. He has an ex-wife who cheated on him and treated him horribly, which seriously damaged his confidence and his ability to open up to people. Brianna is a widow with three young children at home and is afraid to let go of her husband and move on.

Although I liked both characters, I found that there was a lot of repetition in their behaviors. They didn't really seem to develop individually or as a couple. I also found the relationship between them to be unbelievable. The entire relationship progresses over a period of two weeks. In this time not only are they seeing each other, but Thomas is spending time with her children and instantly bonding with them. He also has to decide within the two week period if he will return to California where he is currently living or if he will accept a permanent position in Las Vegas where he will be closer to Brianna and her kids. It just felt too rushed and unrealistic to me. I think I would have felt differently if it would have been a few months rather than a few weeks.

Overall, the few sex scenes there were had a lot of chemistry and were really hot. I wish the author would have shown more of Thomas and Brianna interacting and really allowing a relationship to develop. I think a longer time period would have really helped, and made this a completely different book. If you are looking for a quick romance with a lot of fluff, then you would probably enjoy this. However if you are looking for a realistic developed romance I probably wouldn't recommend this book for you.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Lover Of Romance said...

I do like the sound of this one, but I do like a bit more of a developed romance.

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