
ARC Review: Lover Be Mine by Nicole Jordan

Lover Be Mine (Legendary Lovers #2) is the first book by Nicole Jordan that I have read. It will not be the last. Jordan is a talented writer and has crafted a very solid romance with this book. Charming characters, solid conflict, and warm relationships add up to a really good book that any historical romance reader would enjoy.

The Legendary Lovers series follows the amorous adventures of the Wilde family, each of whom is believed to follow a romance based on famous lovers. This time it is a Romeo-and-Juliet story. Lovely Sophie Fortin is engaged to marry a much-older duke that she respects, but does not love. She feels that this successful marriage would fulfill the wants and needs of her parents. Jack Wilde, charmer extraordinaire, kisses her at a masquerade ball and decides to pursue the relationship in spite of her engagement. One problem is that the Fortins and the Wildes have a bad family feud in their history (hence the Romeo & Juliet thing). Jack continues to be intrigued by Sophie as he moves slowly into love with her. Sophie continues to fight her attraction to Jack and clings to her commitments. What will it take to bring them together?

Lover Be Mine was a very well written story with characters you have to love. Jack put the “c” in charming, but he was lovable and sympathetic as well. Sophie was sweet and docile. It took her quite a while to stand up for herself, but she finally got there. There were no villains in the story, just some misunderstandings. I did not read the first book in the series (Prince Charming), but I would to find the time to go back and read it. I will certainly watch for the upcoming books because the Wilde family seems irrepressible and fun. This book didn't move mountains or break new ground, but it is a genuinely good read.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

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Lover Of Romance said...

Awesome review! I really liked this one, I found it to be a very likeable story.

Sharlene said...

I have the first book on my reading stack & have to get to that & now this one! I love historical romance & this sounds like an interesting premise. Thanks for the review!

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