
ARC Review: Skin in the Game by Jackie Barbosa

Even being probably the least athletic person I know, I have always had a love of sports. For me, some of my absolute favorite reads are sports romances. I had never read a book by Jackie Barbosa before Skin In The Game, but jumped at the chance to read this football centric story. I found this story to be a wonderful mix of football and romance, without it being too heavy on one or the other. It was a great read, and I can't wait to read more from Jackie Barbosa in the future.

Cade is a successful NFL quarterback for the Texans, but due to an injury on the field he is currently out of the game. He agrees to come home after 16 years away to help out his high school coach and father figure by temporarily taking over his head coaching job. What he doesn't expect to find is Angela, the freshman girl who once gave him the advice he needed to turn his game around and win his senior championship, to have grown into the stunning woman she has become. The chemistry and attraction is instant, and Angela and Cade proceed to have a hotter night together than either one of them have ever experienced. What neither of them knows is that they will also be working together for the next 3 weeks, as Angela is the assistant coach to the Eagles football team. As the two of them work together, they find it impossible to only have one night with each other.

Despite Cade being a somewhat cocky football player, I found his character to have so many different sides to him. I especially enjoyed how real he was. Often times he would say something other than what he actually meant, showing he was just as normal as the rest of us. It was nice to see his character develop from a football player set on advancing his career to a man in love.

I found Angela to be an extremely likable character as well. Her strength and ability to pursue a career in a male dominated field was really inspiring. I also enjoyed seeing a heroine who wasn't your typical girly girl, and who not only enjoyed sports, but also knew what she was talking about. There were a few times that I felt that her character overreacted, but she was a heroine that I found myself rooting for from page one.

Overall this book was an enjoyable read, and I loved watching Cade and Angela fall in love and grow both as individuals and as a couple. I am really looking forward to seeing where the author takes this series and hopefully getting to see more of some of the characters from this book. If you like some sports with your romance, this is one I would recommend that you pick up!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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