
Feature and Giveaway: One Sweet Ride by Jaci Burton

To get what you want you have to move fast.

Gray Preston was born into money, but he's built his racing empire on hard work and muscle. Now, with millions of fans, his senator father sends one of his aides, Evelyn Hill, to elicit Gray's help in garnering votes for his upcoming national election. Gray wants nothing to do with his estranged father's campaign, but Evelyn can be pretty persuasive. She's willing to learn about racing, and maybe even get a little dirty.

Evelyn's number-one goal is politics, which makes working with Gray difficult, because his only passion is fast cars. As she and Gray spend time together, he teaches her about the sport he loves, and she learns a lot about the man behind the wheel. The more she learns, the more she wants him. But any desire that threatens to derail the carefully laid plans for her future is a dangerous one.

With the passion Gray and Evelyn share running hotter than either imagined, one of them is going to have to compromise, or run the risk of losing more than their hearts. them, and the way he figures it, what better therapy is there than sex? Now all he has to do is convince the woman with the power to make the call.

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Check out the Play by Play series:
Click for info.

After spending too many years to count in the high stress business world, New York Times and USA Today Bestelling Author Jaci Burton is happy to be living her dream of writing passionate romance. She has written over forty-five novels and is contracted to write ten more. Jaci has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business that she is thrilled not to be using in the corporate environment anymore. She grew up in Missouri but migrated to California, where she lived for thirteen years, but now makes her home in Oklahoma with her husband and five dogs. She enjoys being outdoors in the summer and she and her husband are avid Harley riders.

Jaci writes in multiple genres, from erotic romance to romantic suspense to contemporary romance. She has won the RT Book Reviews Reviewers Choice Award, and has been nominated for the award four times. She has been a finalist in the Bookseller’s Best and National Reader’s Choice Awards, and has won The Romance Studio’s CAPA Award four times.

Places to find Jaci:
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erin said...

WOW! sooo hard to pick :P But I'm gonna have to go w/ book 1, The Perfect play.

Lilie said...

I would have to say "Changing the Game"

Sharlene said...

Playing to Win!

Texas Book Lover said...

The Perfect Play is still my favorite!!!

CMD said...

Wait, I have to pick one?!?! Fine, if I must, I'll go with Taking a Shot-- I love the blue colour of the background [in addition to the shirtless hotness, of course] :)

Sue G. said...

Thrown by a Curve is my favorite. Love how the pants are so tight they are slightly pulling! ;)

Alyssa @ Riverina Romantics said...

It has to be The Perfect Play by far! The position, those abs, he's so damn drool-worthy!

Unknown said...

Unfortunately I haven't read this series yet but I look forward to it, sounds awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!

Marcy Meyer said...

As hard as it is to choose, I think I'd have to pick The Perfect Play for my favorite cover. It's just....*sigh* lol

Rebe said...

I haven't read any of the Play by Play novels, but I love her Bound, Branded, and Brazen anthology!

Michelle said...

My favorite cover is The Perfect Play.! Of course, I have all but the latest in print...I like to walk by my bookcase & see them there! lol

kathy p said...

I would have to pick the Perfect Play as my favorite cover!

Em said...

Perfect Play for me, wowza. I can remember buying that book and staring at the cover..

Stormy Vixen said...

All of them feature hot, sexy men. I would have to pick Changing the Game. I like the frontal view. Thanks for the giveaway.

Kim said...

I think the best cover is Playing To Win

krg said...

The Perfect Play is my favorite cover altho I must say I love looking at them all! =D

Glittergirl said...

Best thing about the covers? The hot guys with rippling abs! Thanks for the giveaway.

Jane said...

Congrats to Jaci on the new release. Hard to choose, but I'll go with the cover for "Thrown by a Curve."

Roses said...

My favorite cover would either be Changing the Game or Playing to Win. Thanks for having the giveaway.

lorimeehan said...

One sweet ride is my fav cover. That man is hot.

andieleah said...

One Sweet Ride is pretty damn hot but so is Taking a Shot

Kathleen O said...

Seeing how I grew up with Hockey.. I will have to pick Taking a Shot...But they are so HOT...

Unknown said...

Soundd like a hot read!

Meghan said...

I haven't read any of these but I'm so looking forward to reading them! I'm a HUGE hockey fan! Like a bigger fan than almost any guy you know...

Arely ZPerez said...

One Sweet Ride is the hottest cover!

Jen B. said...

My favorite is still The Perfect Play. I love the colors and the little bit of dirtiness. It's also still my favorite story in the series! I love Mick and Tara.

Unknown said...

My biggest RT disappointment was that by the time I made it to Jaci at the signing she was completely out of books. Those covers are so incredibly sexy, every single one of them!

Unknown said...

All her covers ate great, but my favorite would have to be One Sweet Ride.

Casey said...

I love Taking A Shot! (It was my favorite of her books that I have read also!!) All the covers are fabulous though!

lisagkendall said...

My Favorite Cover is Taking A Shot. Thanks for asking. lisagk(at)yahoo

Joanne said...

We have to pick just one? Not fair but I'd have to go with Changing the Game. YUM!!!!!!!

Di said...

I haven't read this series yet, but it looks scrumptious!

Natasha said...

My favorite is Thrown By A Curve.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Helen L. said...

Thrown by a Curve.

Pat L. said...

Taking a Shot. So hard to choose one; they are all awesome.

Karen T said...

All the covers are awesome - it is hard to pick, but will go with Thrown by a Curve.

Unknown said...

I'm with the others Thrown by a Curve is HAWT.

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